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  • Anthony_Magnuson_9113
    trả lời _Neith_

    I appreciate you're input. I still have difficulties when it comes to correct punctuation, and adding in the correct symbols. so giving me this information helps. thank you

    Activating the Storage skill Christopher places the 8 remaining Goblin corpse's on to the table for the receptionist. With a loud gasp the woman couldn't help but take a couple of step's backwards. Oh, My, Please next time warn me before you use that skill. I wasn't expecting goblin corpse's to come out of no where. With a pouting face Christopher cant help but apologize to the woman. Sorry about that, but back too the corpse's. I wasn't exactly sure what was needed so i just decided to bring the entire body here. Wow, That skill is amazing Elijah, It's almost like you just killed them, Their bodies are still warm, You said you killed these goblin corpse's earlier today right? Placing her hand on the corpse the woman gets visibly excited for some strange reason. Um, Yes, I killed them earlier this morning. Amazing Elijah, This skill will be of great help for us! Huh,? Why is that? With sparkling eyes the woman begins to talk in a faster tone of voice. Well you see, Certain monster's require the bodies to be rather fresh for the materials to sell, And since there are not many magicians in the city who are willing to subjugate monsters, The demand is rather high. Trolls for example, They have an eye thats perfect for brewing certain types of potions that the alchemist need, But since those eye's need to be as fresh as possible, and considering the difficulty of removing them without injuring the iris or The optical nerve's. That material is rarely seen on the market. In the future when you rank up to C, we would be happy if you could take on that subjugation request for us. I'm sure people would pay 10 times the local price just to get there hands on an eye that's fresh from you're Storage. With baited breath, and vigorous movements, the woman appears to Christopher as a Demon straight out of the 4th circle of Hell. TLN: Dante's Inferno 4th level of hell is called Greed. Well Mam, would you prefer me to Bring the entire corpse back in the future? Or just certain parts? Hmmm, Tilting her head pondering on the question. Well goblin's aren't really valuable for a material, So for them you can just bring back the proof such as one of their ears. There are other monster's that fit that same bill, But like i said there might be some monsters that will sell for a higher price if you bring back the entire body. Clapping her hands. How about this, i will inform the guild master on this matter. We promise to keep this information confidential, So we will prepare a book for you detailing the materials monsters can be used for and which parts are best. I will personally categorize them into 2 groups. One Such as the goblin's with there being very little parts of use. And the other group being Absolutely bring back the entire body. But why? Why would you go to such a length for someone like me who just joined the guild. Tilting her head in confused the woman explains. Why do you mean why? You hold a rare skill Elijah, We value all our skilled adventures and i can personally see that with that skill you will be of great help towards the guild. And ultimately benefit the city, With you're rare skill you can acquire materials at there freshest point. Meaning we can get high grade materials from you, That's purpose enough for us to devote this much effort. But wouldn't it be an issue if materials of such quality start to appear in the market all of a sudden, I believe certain groups would start questioning the originator of such ability? Yes that might be true, In deep thought the woman came to an idea. How about this, I will speak to the guild master to have him make me you're personal receptionist. Any time you come back we can go into the back like we are doing now, and i can have our employee's Aware of you're circumstances. We have a few master butcher's who will dismantle the prey you bring in. As long as you can pay for a small fee we can deduct the total from the total amount earned. This way nobody will be able to pin point the fact that you are personally bringing them in. And we can keep this confidential from prying eyes in the guild? How does that sound. Hmmph, Not bad, Not bad. Alright i think that will work. Perfect!, And since you have given me such a great opportunity today we will compensate you for prioritizing our guild for this work. I will include an additional Silver coin in the total with the goblin corpse's. Wow, thank you, Also i never caught you're Name. Oh, me my name is Hina, it's nice to meet you. Shaking the woman's hand, Likewise it's nice to meet you as well. And with that the 2 walk back out of the room towards the front of the guild. Going back behind the desk the woman hands Christopher a small leather bag containing 1 silver, and 16 copper coins. Thank you very much, I don't think i will take a request today, But i will be back tomorrow. Alright then Elijah i will make sure to have that book waiting for you by then, and with a bow and a wave Christopher leaves the guild. Pove change. My name is Hina, i have been working as a receptionist for the past 2 years, As one of the few female workers at the guild it's rather difficult for us, We constantly have to be on guard against adventurer's with bad temper's and even bad tendencies towards the opposite sex. Being an adventurer might sound like a very noble title in principle, But in reality these people are those who couldn't find a job in regular society. It's almost like the worse of the worst are brought here because of the easy money. Yes they have an opportunity to die in the process but they equally have the opportunity to make a fortune. And i just so happened to find a man fitting that Build. On the outside he appears to be nothing more then a dirty man, who has lived in the forest for many years. But considering his rare skill and How clean the kill's were on the goblins i have no doubts that he will make an excellent adventurer. As a member of the demon race, i have a tendency to always be right, and today my instinct's were telling me this man is a cash cow that i cannot, and shall not allow the other woman to see. So in a round about fashion i put myself in the best position possible. Ever since i started this work, it has always been us ladies dream of bringing up a potential Adventurer, If we make the right choice, and be an exclusive receptionist for a potential powerhouse in the guild. We have the ability to earn a hefty fortune along side our Whales. So being the cunning woman that i am, i Allowed this man to be exclusive to me. After watching the man's back as he left the guild, I cant help but put on a grin, See you soon Elijah, Go out there and make your mother some money, With a small laugh i cant help but be impressed with myself. Hey Hina, Why are you over there laughing to yourself? with a doubtful face Hina waves her hand, Oh no reason, Don't mind me, Carry on with you're work. Putting back on her tranquil expression Hina continues her work, while at the same time imagining the lake filled with gold coins that this man will in the future provide to her. Back at the entrance Elijah starts looking for the Tamers guild. Well, So far so good, Don't worry Bast, we are almost done, you wont have to stay in my shadow much longer. After i get you registered with the guild there you will longer have to stay cooped up in there. Also since i got this silver coin, i think we could hit up a few shops afterword's, and get you some clothes, and food before heading to the inn too call it a night. Yes Master, Thank you! Woah, Did you just speak to me in my mind? Oh, I apologize master i never mentioned i had that ability? Uhh, No you did not, You think that would be an important thing you would mention to me. Sorry Master i just thought you knew that already, But considering i am you're summoned beast, I said earlier that our fates are tied together, I am almost an extension of you're soul to be exact. So our fates our tied together. If you pass away, so shall I. So in you're prior world when you say Till death do us part. In a literal meaning, Once you perish, i wont be too far off. Well DAMN, I didn't realize this skill was that detailed. But master i have a small request. When you get too the tamer's guild i would like it if you could also Register my Twin sister. Twin sister? What? You have a sister bast? Did i never mention that too you? Oh well, Hey Don't Oh well me, You have a tendency to forget important details quite frequently Don't you think? Moving on Yes, i have a twin sister. Before we summoned beast are summoned into the world, We exist inside the spirit realm. IT's a realm similar to this world. It's just not accessible by normal means. It's hard to explain but back to what i was saying. Me and my sister have always been together Master, and I'm getting rather anxious with her not being here, So if you could Register her with the guild , and afterword's summon her back at the inn when we get there. Shaking his head in frustration Christopher cant help but be amazed at this klutz of a woman. Alright bast, I will summon her as well when we get back, But since i don't know her that well, You need to be the one to pick out her clothes at the stores. Saying so Christopher Heads in the opposite direction of the Adventure's guild towards the tamer's guild. Walking closer this building was A great deal smaller then the adventure's guild. 1 story in height Christopher cant help but be curious wondering if being a tamer is rather rare in this world. Walking through the doorway sitting behind a desk, passed out in his chair. Sat a rather thin man, Wearing a robe, with glasses the man before Christopher looks anything other then reliable. Ummm Excuse me sir? No response, With a louder voice, Excuse me sir!!!? Still no reply from the man, Getting annoyed Christopher kicks the counter. And with a powerful thud, the man instantly wakes up from his slumber. What? Who's there? Hey who is the bastard that forcefully woke me from my nap? Fixing his glasses the man looks back up in slight annoyance. Sorry abut that. I tried calling out to you a few times, but you didn't reply, So i was forced to use more direct measures in order to get you awake. But this is the Tamer's guild right? Fixing his posture, Yea, this is the tamers guild so what? You come here to mock me as well huh? What? Mock you? Uhh, No i was just wondering what i needed to do, in order to register my Familiar? Register you're familiar? Looking at the man, and then bending his waste over the counter, Apparently looking for some type of creature, You said familiar but i don't see anything with you? Oh, that's right, Bast! You can come out now. After saying so Christopher shadow begins to wiggle and move, Almost like it had a mind of it's own. In a couple of second's what once used to be nothing materializes into A beast of significant statue. Towering over Christopher's head a Gigantic Panther stairs menacingly At the man behind the desk. Ahhhhhhhhhh, And with a scream the man in fright Cowers underneath his desk, What the fuck is that thing!!? Oh dear lord save me, I don't want to be eaten By this beast!! Looking back up at bast Christopher cant help but give out a small sigh. Good going bast, Talk about scaring the man half to death. Sorry master, i didn't relies i was in my normal state. I will shrink back down now. Saying so bast starts to slowly shrink back down into her Smaller cuter state. Sorry about that sir, You can come out now, she wont bite you or anything. With a trembling voice, You promise? Yes, Yes, you have nothing to fear. Peaking his head slowly over the counter. What once was a enormous beast now is a Panther laying on the ground Yawning almost about to fall asleep. Jesus man, You almost gave me a heart attack! Say something first before you do what ever the fuck you just did. I apologize for that, Wasn't aware she would appear in that State when i called out to her. Moreover i wanted to get her registered for the city. It would be a pain if she wasn't allowed to roam around and was forced to stay cooped up in my shadow all day. Straitening his appearance once more the man stairs back at Christopher. First off what the hell was that? Did you just use a skill? I have never seen a monster appear out of someone's shadow before? Also that panther is no ordinary panther. With a small voice the man takes a closer look at bast. In the next moment the man once again Screams bloody murder. Oh my god! Oh my god! Is that panther a divine beast? Pointing at bast shaking the man takes a couple of steps back. Divine beast? What's that? I summoned her 5 days ago so I'm not sure what you mean? Summoned! Did you just say summoned! Yes, i summoned her? Isn't that how you normally get contracted with a monster? Shaking his head with great momentum the man explains. No, Hell no it's not. I don't know what idiot told you that but i have never seen someone tame a monster by summoning. Unless, Wait! Turning around the man runs to the back of the shop. With loud noises Christopher cant help to think that maybe someone was being mugged in the back. A minute later the man comes back out with a large book. Staggering to carry it he throws it on the desk with a powerful thud! Bam, Picking up dust after doing so Christopher has to squint his eyes. Ignoring him the man starts to flip through the pagers like a mad man. No not here, No, No. Ahhh, I found it! Getting curious Christopher goes behind the man and looks over his shoulder. It is written that 1000 years ago appeared a man capable of summoning powerful familiars into the world. One of these such beast was a golden, and Red panther. They were known to be the 2 most powerful monster's to ever exist at that time. Later before the mans passing the female golden Panther gave birth to two cubs. One being Black, while the other being a complete white. After passing away those 2 cubs returned back into the spirit realm, where they were never seen again. Getting curious Bast being short, Transforms back into her Large state hovering behind the mans back. Looking at what the 2 men were staring at, she cant help but get stunned by what she just read. Holy shit! Please Please don't sneak up behind me like that. Getting startled again the man hurriedly closes the book. Christopher talking in his mind communicates with the stunned bast. Bast were those 2 you're parents? Shaking her head, I'm not sure master. I don't really remember them to be honest. The earliest memory i had was that of me and my sister. We struggled very hard growing up. And every day was a struggle in the beginning. But I'm glad to have learned a little about them. Looking back at the man, Do you happen to have any more information about those 2 panthers? Shaking his head, No sorry. That's all that was written about them and that man. It has been a long time since then. With the passing of time, those books have been lost at least in this city. Closing the book the man introduces himself. Well besides that, my name is Dillan, it's nice to meet you. Likewise my name is Elijah it's nice to meet you as well. Shaking Dillan's hand Elijah asks. So i notice not that many people are inside the guild. Is there a reason for that? Well you see, lowering his head, The tamer's guild is a dying art unfortunately. Not many people have the qualifications necessary to Tame a monster. So we rarely get anybody in here requesting information on how to do it. With the difficulty and time requirements needed to tame a monster and keep it tamed. Most people just ignore it and don't bother attempting it. So besides me there is only a few others in the town who willingly pursue such a ability. But forget all those depressing things, You said you wanted to register Her for the city correct? If you want to do that, it will cost you 2 Bronze coins. If you would give me a moment i can get the document's and place the seal on her? You need to place a seal on her? IN confusion Christopher asks. Yes, unfortunately if you want her to be able to walk around in public i will have to place a magical seal on her body. It wont harm her or anything, its just a small marking that shows the city that she is tamed to you. But i will tell you this before we begin. If she causes incidents inside the city, or goes on a rampage. You are responsible for any and all damages caused. You can even be imprisoned if you cause enough issues. With that said do you understand? Yes i understand, Has something like that happened in the past before? Hahaha, Yes we had a guy try and tame a goblin only for it to escape and kill a family of 3. That man was thrown in jail and executed by the kings orders. After that incident, our reputation in the city plummeted. But now that we have a person with a divine beast in the city. Hopefully our reputation will increase, and maybe one day we can go back to the time. Where our guild was as lively as the adventurer's guild. With great vigor in his voice Dillan pronounces so. After signing the documents Dillan takes out a small stamp that glowed a faint blue. Walking up to bast he slowly explains. All i have to do is place this on you're fur. After i do that a small imprint of the seal will be visible on you're skin. I promise it wont hurt you so please don't eat me. Looking back down at the man with a fierce gaze, Bast with just a stare signals that if this hurts her in any way, Your head will be my dinner. Gulping down a bit of saliva Dillan stamps bast's right thigh with the seal. After removing the stamp you can clearly see a shape similar to a bird flapping its wings in a blue glow. There i told you it wouldn't hurt. After saying so bast lowers her head and licks the mans face. Ugh, My god, why is there so much! grabbing A towel the man wipes off the slobber from his cheek and face. watching this Christopher cant help but laugh. Well Dillan i plan on bringing the sister of this Panther tomorrow. Can you do the same thing with her tomorrow? Huh? You are going to summon the other divine beast! Why don't you do it now? Hmm Tilting his head Christopher thinks about it for a second before shaking his head. No i still have things to do, and i would like to get a meal and head to bed. We have had a long day you see. So i think we should be going for today. After saying so Bast shrinks back into her smaller form and stands next to Christopher. With a wave, Ill see you tomorrow Dillan, Thanks again. Saying so the 2 walk out of the door. Looking at the 2 back Dillan clenches his fist praying in his heart that these 2 will be the key for the revitalization of the Tamer's guild. End of Chapter 7. Finally done! Took longer then i thought. 2 hours of writing has my hands hurting. See you in the next chapter, stay tuned everyone. Love you all anime light novels.
    The Birth Of The First Vampire God
    Kỳ huyễn · Anthony_Magnuson_9113