


I’ve come to the conclusion that everything is pointless but God loves you so very much and that gives me something to live for✨⛓ Books available on Wattpad and Inkitt ❤️

2020-08-08 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Heyyyyyy
    trả lời ItsJustNat

    I’m glad, don’t forget to read your Bible to find so many more useful verses

    I probably decided to work on my relationship with Jesus in either May or April and it was all because of TikTok, that's showed me that God is trying to reach out to us and we should listen. He left the ninety-nine (refer to Matthew 18:12), that should show you how important you are to Jesus, that shows us that He loves us even when we didn't deserve a single drop of the blood he shed for us or the knowledge and love he left with us to share with everyone in the world. Back to the point, God was trying to send me a message and I listened as best as I could. I saw all these videos about lukewarm Christians and I could probably relate to every single one of them. I was not a real Christian, I believed in God but my actions, my heart, my life didn't reflect that. I didn't have a relationship with Jesus Christ nor did I really acknowledge what he did for me and as you will come to know, He is the only way to God. I never read my Bible, it was just a prop to me, not only that but I was so comfortable in my sin and disappointing God time and time again. I was even comfortable with ending up in hell mostly because I thought to myself why should I even try, it's to hard to give up sin when you enjoy it. The worst part about it was, i thought I was a good Christian, I never once considered myself a lukewarm but I only prayed when I wanted something from Him which was incredibly selfish on my part and yet He didn't stop loving me, He never gave up on me and I've learned not to give up on Him.
    A lukewarm Christian’s guide to not dying
    Thanh xuân · Heyyyyyy
  • Heyyyyyy
    trả lời ItsJustNat

    Oh my goshhhh, you’re literally the first person to comment. Absolutely love this and I hope the book helps you in your walk with Christ and if you need any help at all, lmk and we can discuss this further❤️

    Hi!! So the whole point of this book is to get more people to Christ and to help lukewarm Christians realize that they are no better than atheists, I would know. A few months ago I was a lukewarm Christian and I'm still struggling with that and I definitely wouldn't judge anyone who is or anyone who doesn't believe so I'd love to hear your opinions on God, I'll try to change your mind. As I mentioned, I am still trying to figure out my relationship with Christ which means I'm hoping to figure it out and help anyone along the way.
    A lukewarm Christian’s guide to not dying
    Thanh xuân · Heyyyyyy