


Just a bad writer trying to practice

2020-02-13 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    If he made a gun into a memory and put some like force strengthening, or something enchantments, just sayin

    Sunny worked around that limitation, somewhat, by turning mundane things into Memories and experimenting on them instead. However, that produced its own obstacle — he needed soul shards to do so, and soul shards were very expensive in the real world.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    I’m guessing they lied that their perfect

    And reveal their lie
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    ... effie

    "...What now, you old hags? More training? Ah, and here I was just starting to enjoy my daily punishment!"
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    sorcery teacher :)

    "Come, come. It is rude to refuse a sincere invitation… especially one coming from such a nice person as me. Oh… where are my manners? I didn't even introduce myself! Rejoice, stranger... you are in the brilliant presence of Noctis, the great Sorcerer of the East…
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    author o author, please tell me this is the shadow of our dearly departed echo, I WANT MY CRAB THING BACK Q-Q

    And then, another shadow moved slightly, clicking its chitinous claws. One of the carapace scavengers took a small step forward.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    skrew you and your good puns

    …In the end, it all came down to a question of blind trust.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    sounds like a perfect chance for a shadow chance breakthrough

    For a fighter, their body was like a well-oiled machine that they knew in and out. They knew every detail about it, how it moved, how it performed in any given situation, what it could accomplish and what was beyond its ability. All battle techniques were finely tuned for that precise machine… changing its parameters was like throwing a wrench into the mechanism, potentially causing its collapse.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    ok at least there's a little nibble of balance

    However, Sunny quickly realized the limitations of this seemingly breathtaking enchantment. Unlike [Chains of Longing] and [Radiant Will], [Undying] was an active one. And he was willing to bet that sustaining it required an ocean of souls essence.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    I'll admit, I'm annoyed at the convenience, i believe that the story and world lore at least make up for it a bit, if this novel was more fight heavy and focused less on the characters i doubt I'd be as forgiving

    [Chains of Longing] Enchantments Description: "This armor provides the wearer with high protection against mind attacks."
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    I'm guessing his fate played a role in bringing him to a shadow "weapon" and just so happened to receive an echo of the "weapon"

    [Mark of Death] Attribute Description: "You bear a mark of Death, as just like Death, you were created to be a weapon."
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận


    [Your Memory has been destroyed.]
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    trả lời GiaSilver


    Apparently, there were… collectors among the wealthy mundane humans who were very interested in this sort of thing. Some superstitious Awakened also believed, for some reason, that absorbing "bad" shards would be detrimental to the purity of their souls.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    trả lời Sneak_Freak

    she helped John darksoul look for the dark soul

    Her hair was longer, and there was a strange silver half-mask covering her eyes, its surface blind and intricately engraved. It matched the polished steel of the armor she was wearing on top of a midnight blue coat, comprised of a short cuirass, vambraces, greaves, and a segmented pauldron.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    thundered? not whispered?

    The voice of the Spell suddenly thundered in the solemn dark hall, interrupting his thoughts.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    both? maybe split?

    Which tower was really the replica, and which one was the original?
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    trả lời NobleQueenBee

    maybe it's a situation like the mask?

    Sunny was left very confused by that turn of events. He was certain that there was nowhere on the Twisted Rock that he had failed to search. And yet, there was nothing on the island to cause his intuition to react so strongly. What was going on? Had he failed to notice something, or was he mistaken about the whole thing, to begin with?
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    good outlook

    …That didn't mean there were none, though. It just meant that they were better at hiding than he was at looking.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    ship on the coin, worm thing that eats metal found dead with coins in stomach, the chain is erroding on the island with a ship, I'd say he hit a jackpot of info

    "No need. The only failing chain on the Isles is far away from the Sanctuary, connecting Shipwreck Island to the Twisted Rock. This is where the Chain Worm came from. I just saw it myself."
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    bình luận

    best written phone call ong

    "Everything is ready? Wonderful. So, when can I… oh, really? Well… great! Then I will… be there at noon? Right. See you later, then."
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • WritingFailure
    trả lời Syclus

    It never just makes thngs unfair, theres always a chance, the spell do as the spell do

    "Who said it was a coincidence? People often tend to forget that the Spell has a mind of its own. It sees all and hears all. And it really loves to play with fate. If there was someone among those hundreds of people tasked with killing me, the chances of me having a fateful encounter with them in the Dream Realm would be all but guaranteed. That is how the Spell always does things."
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree