



2020-01-05 đã tham giaAntarctica

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  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    So, Harry destroys the prophecy.

    "Ye…yeah. Bloody hell, pup! That was bloody awesome!" Unfazed Sirius ran to his godson and lifted him up high. He had the awesomest godson ever! Dark Lords don't stand a chance. He twirled the little boy in the air, who was laughing with him, until they both collapsed in a dizzy heap on the ground.
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Why do I feel sorry for Snape?

    "First give me the bag, Sirius. I can feel it trying to worm inside your head already." Harry narrowed his eyes.
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận


    'Nonsense. Besides, Midas has been doing nothing but eating and sleeping around all day. Soon his wings won't be able to carry him. A few tears ought to help trim some fat.' Mewtwo snickered behing his hand as he heard the bird give an indignant squawk. Although true but how dare he humiliate him! He was very noble and handsome bird. 'You'll pay for that later.' Midas thought miffed.
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Magically powerful. Magic and psychic energy probably only enhance each other.

    "So if the stone completely dissolves you'll permanently turn into an immortal and powerful alien?"
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Insanely powerful telepathy helps too.

    Amelia Bones was really a dependable woman and expedited Sirius's trial. The whole world was shocked. The Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black convicted without a trial. Chaos was the normal flavour of everyday life since that news broke. The Daily Prophet, the the magical newspaper, somehow managed to get in on the scoop before anyone else. Harry wonders how that happened? He snickered to himself. He was having so much fun leading people by the nose. Having the ability to turn invisible, bypassing any pesky wards, and teleporting to places sure was handy. He was like one of those ninjas on the telly his cousin Dudley sometimes watched.
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    So. Voldemort won't easily be coming back. If he does, he'll get his mind ripped to shred, his horcruxes drestroyed, and killed again. Neville, I hope you live a long, peaceful life with your plants.

    The diary and the Soul Shard were no more.
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Mewtwo Harry Potter. Best name yet

    "I am Mewtwo. I am also a wizard. My name is Harry Potter. It is nice to meet you." Harry smiled kindly at them.
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    I'd say brutal for an eight-year-old, but he's lived with the Dursleys, can't say raised, and has centuries of memories from MewTwo.

    "Please! No, let us go!""We'll do anything!" Mewtwo looked at whimpering fools below him. Are these really wizards? These weak fools dare to enslave others? Mewtwo tore into their minds not being gentle about it and made sure there were no others unaccounted for traffickers. After getting all the information that he could from all three of their minds he mercilessly erased all of their memories, their very being, turning them into mere vegetables. He didn't regret anything.
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Die scum of the earth!

    The house elves' conditions were deplorable. The wrists and feet were shackled and several were shoved into tiny cells. There even little elflings in there!
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Die wizards!

    Harry was horrified. Is this how wizards treated other magical beings? Like a breeding mare? A flash of anger suddenly ignited inside him. How dare they? Harry could certainly imagine a life of servitude these house elves are being subjected to. A life where all they do is live under the mercy of a master. He was probably perhaps one of the few people in the world who perfectly understood these creatures. One, as Harry Potter the malnourished boy who lived under the stairs cupboard breaking his back to do all the house chores for his relatives, only getting food scraps for all his troubles, and then promptly shoved again in his 'room' starving, until the next day when he would be doing it all over again. All the while his relatives enjoyed the lavish feasts he cooked for them everyday. And two, as Mewtwo. A unique Pokemon bred for battle. In the deep repository of memories Mewtwo had he clearly remebered that the creatures called Pokemon in that world were most often than not treat the same as Mewtwo, as fighting dogs, obeying the order of their 'trainer'. Some rare pokemon were also captured if they are rare and powerful enough and were put through a breeding program to sell their Eggs to the greedy and rich. He couldn't help but compare these Wizards Tilly mentioned to greedy Pokemon Trainers. Not under his watch!
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    He could probably destroy the town without breaking a sweat with a little training. 😓 He's being very nice right now.

    After getting suspicious looks from his relatives at his new look he knew he had to do something or risk getting found out about his powers. It was simple enough delving into his memories and learning how to cast illusions on the unsuspecting Dursleys. He knew it was wrong but he really couldn't care as he thought of all the hardships he went through under their care. It wasn't really a powerful illusion in particular that he cast but it would let his relatives ignore anything unusual they might notice from him. They should be grateful he didn't cast a much more sinister illusion like, for example, messing with their sense of height which would cause them to feel vertigo at every step. THAT would make their precious reputation go into the waste bin. But he was not that cruel so he simply opted for a more benign one.
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Rest. Heals wounds and cures aliments. 👀 Wonder why it would do this? 😑 Any ideas? I'm looking at you, Petunia!

    He noticed he was a few inches taller now. Maybe even taller than Dudley! His once sunken cheeks and unhealthy complexion was gone replacing it with pale healthy glowing, unmarred skin. It's like he was a new person!
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Or, you could come back in a bit and destroy the house with a massive shadow ball.

    No. It's not his fault after all. 'I'm not the one who starves a little kid. I'm not the one who forces a little kid to do an adult's worth of house work since he was five. I'm not the one who leaves a little kid to sleep in a cramped cupboard. I'm not going to apologise for anything!' He thought wiping his damp eyes. Harry knew what was being done to him was illegal but no adult he knew would ever believe him so he only has himself to rely on. It was unfair but he just has to tough it up until he can go to college and get a job. Nodding to himself he went to clean up the dishes but suddenly he felt the world shift. There was a sudden heat in his chest and then it was black.
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận
    Excitedly, he brushed the remaining dirt off of it trying to look at the picture he noticed on top a little closer in the dim light under the woods' canopy. There was an etching of a creature? It wasn't any creature he recognised. Dare he say it looked a bit…pink…and alien. It was quite odd looking only having three fingers on each of its thin limbs. The thing's body was teardrop shaped with legs like that of a cat's would. At its chest area there was an odd protrusion like its rib bone was deformed. Its head was connected by a thin neck. It had a bizarre head with a large ring on top almost like a weird looking crown or a head piece with two horns both connected at its temples. The most notable thing about it was its tail. It has a long tail longer than its entire body but it was connected to its head which made it look kind of elegant and dangerous. The tail? head tail's? colouring was a darker shade of pink, almost purple, like its finger and toes. The creature also has striking red eyes like rubies glittering in the sunlight. Mesmerised, the dark-haired boy didn't notice the sharp protrusion on the box's side nicking his finger and drawing blood.
    Harry Potter and The Stone of Y
    Kỳ huyễn · CheeseWiz
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Ah, one of those crazy cultivators who forcibly reincarnates themselves to escape death. A demon prince perhaps?

    I noticed an interesting mistake in his speech, but I didn't comment.
    The Great Tale
    Kỳ huyễn · GreatDaoofspace
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    If Alex brings him homes, his grandfather and brother would probably try to kill Leo

    I looked at him and even though I thought he was a nice guy and hadn't repressed it before...I feel like he's getting more and more abusive with his title and his way of calling...I almost felt like he wanted to hug me.
    The Great Tale
    Kỳ huyễn · GreatDaoofspace
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Leo: *Hears he is being described as a wild beast* Does that mean you want to tame me? Come on, lets enter into a soul contract! Art: *Whispering to himself* Just make a tweak here and the darn human won't be able to touch master.

    It was destructive... like a tyrant or a wild beast... especially the darkness... for some reason it seemed to feel an energy of an ancient being of darkness at certain moments, and a latent ferocity.
    The Great Tale
    Kỳ huyễn · GreatDaoofspace
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Too late. He won't leave now. At least he isn't a prince. ... Probably.

    "Yes my Alex!!"
    The Great Tale
    Kỳ huyễn · GreatDaoofspace
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    Art: No!!! Master don't fall for it! This trope always happens in the books!!. Alex: What books? Art: *Glances at a section of the library distinctly not related to cultivation* Nothing.

    "I have no money or resources. And what you did is save my life so I will give you my life my body, soul and heart belong to you."
    The Great Tale
    Kỳ huyễn · GreatDaoofspace
  • Ajuda_Nova
    bình luận

    *A suitor shows up* Art: Kill him Foxes: *Storm of shadow and ice*

    'Take care and protect the master'
    The Great Tale
    Kỳ huyễn · GreatDaoofspace