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its a pretty good novel, from the raws I've read at least. the trainer here doesn't idiotically yell moves to his pet like pokemon, the pets have actual intelligence so they battle by themselves. At most, the mc gives out general strategies for his pets to execute. there's no random young masters and faceslapping, and school kids actually act like school kids.
the first chapter has a random jade beauty with 3 bullies lol. no its not the same.
The raw you provided isn't actually this novel however.... its a different scarecrow one.
yeah, I'm not reading this. hits all the bad cliches in the first few chapters already. amazing how a person actually writes this.
several "beautiful" flight attendants.... its this type of author again.....
well I got the name . Its 我天赋全加了力量
sigh.......... well, anybody know what the raws are? just a week or two before, I could atleast see what the raws were in webnovel, but now they're hiding even that. just great. Is it even legal to straight up take an authors work, change the name and leave no info as to what the original is?
just giving a 1 star to give a pointless middle finger to for not getting a novel with actual story instead of all these gimmicky novels. I hate this garbage so much.
well, she'd still be an 'enemy' right? no one would cooperate with her. or her race allows for different tests I guess.
I'm genuinely confused as to how she can clear the first floor if she can't attack anyone else.