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Review is when I'm about 160 chapters in. MC transmigrates into a new body where he finds out that he's immortal. Even with his cheat, he takes his time to grow his strength. I really enjoyed this novel. The author's way of describing the setting along with the almost slice-of-lifey storytelling adds a certain depth to the world building you don't see in many novels. I also liked the fact that, in this starting arc, many events take place where you would think a MC, much less an immortal MC, would take part of to gain new opportunities however the author made his character a very careful type and honestly its a breath of fresh air. MC completely ignores these lucky encounters and just cultivates peacefully alone to grow his strength and waits until he gets to a higher level strength before he does anything. He pretty much grinded until he maxed out his level before taking out every boss one by one. Another bit to the storytelling that makes it really engaging is the order of information the author tells you really emphasizes how good they are at the "show dont tell" part of storytelling. The characters were pretty great so far, specifically MC's old friends and his animal pals. The slice of life portions of the story along with the characters age progressions really do a good job of making you care for them, especially so by the end of their life while MC is going strong. I just.... I just wished MC coulda proposed to Zhou Wenxiu 😭😭 or left a kid or something. Oh well. Only thing in the story I was kinda iffy about was his transmigration and how quick he was to accept it. That usually won't be a problem except the transmigration itself was never thought about or at least referenced again. Like the only reason the transmigration plot is used in this novel is to give the MC the cheat (of being immortal). Not saying every single transmigration has to have a reason behind it or anything but usually you would at least have an indication that MC has a different way of thinking than villagers who are born in this world. Other novels even use comedy as a way to bridge this gap (like MC makes a joke in his head that would make sense about a certain situation that is completely normal in this world but not to us). Only thing remotely close to this was a part where MC was humming/singing a song from his previous world. Again, not a problem, its just weirded me out a bit. Anyway cant wait to see how this continues 🙏🏽
I think novels are quickly becoming a "how much of this can I take" type of thing for me. I stopped this novel at chapter 400 something. The novel started off great. The first 250 to 300 chapters or so were exciting, I couldn't stop reading it. The plot seemed heavily inspired by Everyone else is a returnee (EER) which I enjoyed reading so this was right up in my alley. Characters were interesting, MC's decision making skills were good, I liked the Soul Record power system - it was going very well for the college campus arc. It started going downhill afterwards though. The pacing started becoming worse and worse as the author spends several chapters traveling to a destination or on dialogue which woulda been fine since it was adding depth to some characters but it wasn't well planned out, in my opinion. And although I haven't read it all, this issue becomes more apparent power-wise as the story continues. There's currently 900+ chapters and this dude still hasn't completed his Order 2 mission with AT LEAST 5-6 more orders to go lol... This leads to another one of my issues. Power-scaling. Lilith has already claimed he's one of the most talented in the UNIVERSE (which is already a crazy statement to make with how vast it is...) because he killed a First Order being while being unclassified in one hit. Even the leaders of the current Higher Order factions supposedly haven't done this. But then a couple hundred chapters later and this dude is one-hitting 2nd Orders, killing 3rd Orders, and fending off 4th Orders while being in the first order. That's ridiculous lmao. World Building wasn't good but it also didn't seem like a main focus of the novel, so it's bearable however the constant comparing MC to be one of the best prodigies since the start of time really does make the Universe seem a bit small. Lastly, the Characters. Again, the way they were introduced and their own respective personality was interesting for the first 200 or so chapters. However it kinda got repetitive (not in terms of personality but more like their introduction) - especially for the women lol. Almost all of them have either been introduced by their assets/bodies, how hot/sexy/cute/adorable/beautiful they were, or how they compare to the Ice Princess chick or her friend Plant powers chick. It gets old fast for me. In conclusion, this novel started off strong but got worse as the author focused on character interactions and giving MC power ups instead of plot progression in a way that doesn't get old or breaks the power system. The author also seems to really like writing about romance since a big part of this novel deals with it.
Son's crimes are also the parents I guess, shoulda raised him better lol. That being said... if MC's sister or one of his parents did something that goes against the rules/his moral code, I wonder what would happen. His family is pretty much the most important thing to him, so would he stick to his moral code or would he shush it up? Just wondering how far MC is willing to go with hypocrisy if he was in the same position as the Dad of the kid. Or would it just not matter then because he's the strongest here lol? Just curious
Ngl I'm a bit annoyed at him passing it off as a whim when his attack caused the death of those people. It's one thing to be like you don't care about their lives and it's another to indirectly cause their deaths. And then this hypocrisy of giving them a moment of silence but he really doesn't care is trash behavior, although normally this won't bother me, given the circumstances I can't help but sigh.
We just hold different things as important when it comes to story telling 🤷🏽♂️ Thanks for reading that at least. Take with you what you will.
How tf do I space sentences out lol. Enter and shift enter don't work for what ever reason. Test. Test Test Test
Currently read to chapter 212. Imma just list out stuff that bothered me. >MC already lived through his first life but is most definitely not acting his age. The constant st-t-tuttering is very annoying. There's no way someone lives that long and acts the way he does with females (that are kids by the way). The crying during the accident with his mom is awfully childish (not saying men shouldn't cry but come on "I'm sho shworry hic" 😐). >The situation with his mom. So she's an experienced mage but you're telling me she resorted to using the most advanced barrier spell there is instead of an intermediate one and sent herself to mana shock. Not only that but MC was forced to take the blame for it. Yeah, ok. It just seems like the author wanted to use this as a character development moment where the MC becomes a bit less arrogant and cares about others something but it was done terribly. >Spell ranks Ok so there's basic, intermediate, and advanced spells and the only other tier from that is original? That's very weird considering students can already perform Advanced spells. Is there no higher level? Transcendent spells? Higher? Weird system imo. >The discrimination I get it. It's a trope that stories with nobles tend to have some form of discrimination one way or another but this variation of it is very weird. It started off as a white core discrimination thing and then it turned to lower class discrimination. Why are they bent on being mad to something that's easily changed? From what I understand, White core turns to yellow core when you absorb mana. So does the discrimination stop once you hit yellow core or something? Like if the reason of discrimination was different then it would make sense lmao. Like if this was an rpg, it would make more sense to say "I hate warriors." than "I hate level 1s". >Introduction of Demons Honestly I didn't read far enough to care but for something that seems to be at the very least a mid boss, you introduced them awfully early. >The management is very questionable and interference is weird They nearly let jerry die because of the word from that Damien guy and MC's interference in the match is very hero complex-y. You start to wonder how the school is even running allowing stuff like this. And the management issue doesn't also work for the school but the Duke's family. Very sloppy way of dealing with an assassin. >Training of ana and ed Before the interclass tournament he trained ana and ed who were practically at the bottom of the barrel to rival stefan and maria from the upper class. That does not make sense lol. Them 2 months of growth surprised every other character's 12 years of training or however old they are. I can go on and on about how the world building is pretty much terrible, or how the personalities of some characters are annoying, or how the misunderstandings trope is tiring or how the martial artist abilities are skewed but I've rambled far enough. One good thing I'll say is that I did enjoy the magic system and it's interactions although it had its flaws.
dawg i was frustrated what can i say. i wrote so long i fell asleep and woke up not caring that much lmao
First of all I want to preface this by saying I've only read to chapter 100 so I'm not sure if anything I complain about will be fixed later on. Lets start of by saying I don't think this is a bad novel. The writing quality is fantastic - the way author describes people, objects, emotions, or scenarios is detailed, everything is neatly organized and the system notifications are easy to read, and I haven't noticed any grammar mistakes. My issues with the novel aren't really general things that happen over and over, but for the most part are certain scenarios or plot points that I didn't like. For example: Leonel. I can stand him being a 'simp', in the beginning I thought it was pretty cool, in fact. But as I progressed through the chapters, we start seeing this unhealthy obsession he has with Aina that's there as part of his personality for whatever reason. I really don't understand the point of that. Another thing is the weird way he picks who he should feel sorry for when he has to kill people. I like when characters have a moral dilemma when it comes to murdering as it's only human to, however the dilemma in this story keeps popping back up even after you think he already resolved it. This is one of the many examples of the contradictory personalities some of these characters have. Adding to this issue of contradictions, Aina also has her fair share. This especially shows when the relationship between Aina and MC is seen. It goes from her giggling at him in one moment and in the next instant a week pass without them talking to each other for whatever reason. It's weird. Also since we're on the topic of Aina, I, for the love of god, can't think of any reason why she wouldn't say anything (or HELP ffs) when they were heading back to the base. She had an inkling at what would happen if they reached the fort, but instead of tell MC, she fake sleeps to heal a minor concussion - which should have been totally easy for her to heal being an evolved human with a freaking HEALING ability - while MC toils through a giant octopus, hordes of invalids, and a fort's army. In the end they still got fked up. It felt totally pointless. And that's another point - the pacing / progression is weird. We went from the Mayan temple, to a couple chapters walking around, to 30+ chapters in the Paris S-gate, to the Fort arc. They really only spent a day in the fort (after showing them everything they got and their uses, mind you), before getting items that will powerup MC, and then getting hunted smh. Like is that not sudden to anyone else lol? Im sure theres more annoying things but I can only remember minor things that might be explained later or just don't really matter in the story. They apparently knew that the Metamorphosis will occur but didn't prepare for it - why? And whats the deal with how Paradise Islands are set up - the poorer, the higher they are? That doesn't make sense at all, seems like that setting was only used in order for them to come crashing down later. Finally, the only other thing I had problem with is the lack of certain aspects of world building. Sure, the setting is pretty creative and when it is used its detailed, but at some parts, it's just skipped straight to the action. For example, the instances when MC and Aina were both at the fort - there was no solid explanation about the situation. We only learned there were innocents like that when they were dying when MC was trying to escape. We don't know what happened to MCs other classmates. Like are they being trained? Are they taking Force classes or whatever? Have they joined the army? Certain details that might seem pointless in the overall arching storyline but without it being added, it just seems very bland. Like as if the world only exists with MC, in a sense. I started this review when I was annoyed and sleepy lol. I just wanted to vent about the novel to whoever would listen so I apologize if my ramblings devolved during the later half of the review. I will say though that although this was mostly a negative review, I especially enjoyed the power system, and the action.