


An unknown shrouded with mystery

2018-08-06 đã tham giaPhilippines

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  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Myriad_Forms

    Thank you for this review. Actually, that is what I have been aiming to do. To fuse Japanese and Chinese styles in order to create my very own style of writing.

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
     công bố

    For those who want to read this webnovel. I suggest that you read this first. Let me give you a few heads up. I'll list the pros and cons that you may see. Let's start with the cons Cons: 1) The prologue is several chapters long so it may test the patience of some people who reads this. 2) My writing style focuses on a lot of action in the fights. So you might encounter some detailed description of the fights that you wont understand unless you picture it with your mind. 3) I like establishing emotional impact of the characters and relation to the readers. So, you might find some lengthy emotional dialogue going on most of the time. 4) I might have some typographical errors here and there but I try to fix it as much as I can. (I don't have an editor after all) 5) I'm not sure if there are but I'm not omniscient so I can't say for sure. There might be some plot holes that sharp readers could cite but I would generally covered most of it. 6) When I introduce 'important' characters that would contribute to the plot, they generally have some sad backstory (varying degrees of sadness thought) . They would also have some character development that would feature them for long span of word count so if you are a ******** badass MC lover. This story may not be for you. 7. There maybe a wide array of characters as the story develops so it might be a bit difficult to remember who is who if you forget their names and characteristics. But, of course, I'll introduce them gradually. Pros: 1) This story is not a one-man show so hurray for those who are bored of MC single-handedly fighting the opponents. 2) The cultivation of this world does not follow the general rules of cultivation known. I designed my cultivation system to be a little bit more realistic (ish) so that characters won't just one-hit other characters due to being one or two levels higher. My perspective of cultivation is not simply level up and become stronger then slaughter . I also want to advocate the application of Innate Energy in battle and the use of strategy and wit during battle. Innate Energy can be likened to Chakra in Naruto or Ki in DBZ. It is not inexhaustible so it is better to utilize throug different techniques that will help a cultivator get stronger. So, for example, carelessly using it in a group battle or war, may result to energy depletion and eventual demise. Thus, martial arts will be often used to accompany the characters to preserve their strength in such events. 3) As I said earlier, I will include many characters in the story and I would try to give all of them different personalities to give birth to indivualties in characters through backstories! 4) There will be less flat character like young masters or evil crooks that have zero IQ. Villains will be much more cunning and devious so that the plot doesn't get too boring or repetitive. 5) MC is not perfect though he has went through so much and even reincarnation. He is a person and is also prone to mistakes. The same goes for other characters. ( Not sure if this is a pro or con though XD) 6) There will be a lot of action filled battles and mind blowing savage moments HAHA. There will also be many variables of mystery and the unknown. 7 ) There will be many waifus here. Bwahahaha! That's all I can think of right now. If i do find more, I will include it for another time. Cheers! Thank you for reading my novel!

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Vincent_Rain

    Thank you so so so much !

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Rend250

    Thank you very much !!

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Song_of_FieryIce

    Whoa, thanks for this very detailed review haha. I hope you continue to enjoy it! 😁

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời BlitzStar

    Thank you for reading!! Please continue to be updated!

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Myriad_Forms

    He knows that Scarlet has the power to connect with those 'fox spirits' but he still has yet to know any ither abilities that she has.

    Ch 13 Storm
    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Vincent_Rain

    Just wait and see😁

    Ch 13 Storm
    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Rain55

    Yes, she is. I thought that Rea was somewhat awkward as a name so I thought of a name for her then have her be nicknamed as Rea by her parents and Dylan.

    Ch 13 Storm
    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời DarkLightDao

    Bwahaha, I gladly accept your defeat😎😆

    Ch 11 His Everything, Her Surprise
    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Rend250

    Hmmm🤔🤔🤔 Maybe... Or maybe not😂

    Ch 12 Death
    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời BlitzStar

    Hahaha, indeed! I'm planning to make one about him in the future hahaha!

    Ch 12 Death
    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời RaizenAzure

    Thank you very much! Please keep supporting my novel!!

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời KillerKroc

    Thank you! I will try to post frequently

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Unnamed_Z

    Thanksss! Please keep reading!

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Unnamed_Z

    Thanksss! Please keep reading!

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời Rain55

    That's one of the reasons I wrote this extra volume!

    Ch 8 E-Trans
    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời RaizenAzure

    Thank you!!

    Ch 8 E-Trans
    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời SuuSoJeat

    Just two more chapters! Please stay tuned!

    Ch 8 E-Trans
    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis
  • Legend_of_Genesis
    trả lời muraki

    Yes, it is indeed a rewrite. For your first question, Scarlet will still be taken by her clan after the Soaring Cloud Arc as cliche as it may sound. But it is vital for the story as Dylan would proceed to the clan to learn of Scarlet's past and secrets. The second event where Soaring Cloud will be destroyed will still happen. But there will be more interactions and progression in the first city compared to the old story. This time instead of just simply recruiting randomly. Dylan will be more selective in the subordinates he will have. Taking into account the betrayal of his brother, I thought that it would make much more sense if Dylan would be much more vigilant and distrusting to others. In this respect, I will also focus more on the characters emotional depth so that they would not be as bland and as flat as common stories would have. I would also iterate the fact that the 'other' Dylan also has lead a life before Dylan arrived at the other world. For the third question, I am thinking of removing this one to follo a different storyline. But I am still unsure how to proceed. There will be a lot more changes in the story as I don't just wish for it to be centered on the MC as I will try to tell the story of the other characters the further the story progresses. So, it would be better if you could discover it for yourself. Anyways, thank you for this review!

    The Strongest Businessman: Becoming the Strongest through Business
    Kỳ huyễn · Legend_of_Genesis