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This is supposed to be a resource/building story (to start at least), and the author doesn't even seem to grasp the required resources to move a group consisting of at least 3 levels of people: Lord, knights and retainers like the deacon, servants and slaves, each of which have different requirements. No way would the lord, knights, and retainer travel in the same carriage as the slaves and servants. I don't mention employees because they don't exist. You might bring in a specialist like a knight, but they certainly aren't an employee, more like a consultant that you need to treat well. Logistics are really poorly handled. Even if they wanted to, since there is no magic, they wouldn't have the technology to build a carriage that big (1 carriage to hold 20 people and enough supplies for the trip and to get him started) that could be pulled by horses and could travel over rough ground. Resources? He is a well treated son of a Duke, and he is going off to take over a poor demesne with only what he can carry in 1 carriage? You need 3 carriages to carry people, riding horses for 3, and one carriage for supplies and maybe only 1 more to get started with tools. That's if a caravan is following with more people like a blacksmith, carpenter, leather worker, and a full supply of food, tools and basic supplies. This is just a mess.
1 carriage and 5 horses carried 19 people?? So he didn't bring any supplies? Or the MC rode, everyone else walked, and 4 horses pulled the carriage full of supplies? No, there are 2 knights, so they also rode. So either there are no supplies, or 2 overburdened horses pulled a carriage with 17 people in it. I don't think so.
ok. that's it. i am done. he is stupid. the plot is stupid. this is unreadable.
Wow, what amazing reflexes, the King of soldiers who is alone in a room, has no reaction when someone starts talking next to him? It's a cheap motel room, so he's merely feet away. Before the second word is started he'd be looking. *I* would, and I am no king soldier. Yet this person gets 2 sentences out before he turns his head????
I know I am being picky, but if he is clenching the shattered glass of the orb in his fist, the blood is not dripping anywhere, it's oozing around the glass in his hand.
You say he underrated the story development but then give an example of how poorly it's done - Sally being shoved at him, and the bullying *is* idiotic. The whole idea of the school makes it sound like he came up with it as a solution, but later, there's a comment about how hard his parents tried to get him into the school. Events come out of the blue, reasons for things happening are contradictory, not explained, and the fantastic plot device of "I stumbled into it" are all examples of poor plot development.
He *is* special. He just isn't superior.
Yeah, "confess" is more fitting if he is in an Asian culture. Western style would be to ask her out. A proposal is specific to marriage or business.
Yeah, I have no clue. When it's the demon cland and the demon clan, I know they mean yao and mo, and have an inkling as to the difference. But security and security?? One is police and the other??
I assume it's yao and mo.