
New Sister & A group chat !!!

Well, it's been days since our marriage, Our friend congratulates us. Of course, they only know that I married Yuna since I'm marrying Yui isn't possible to be public yet. Well, I hear today Kirito and Asuna would move here as our neighbor so we prepared to congratulate them too. Yep, they're getting married. So we eat and talk to each other. Only the girls me and Kirito got kicked out and thus talked outside while sparring a little.

Well, a few days had passed since then and I got a message from Asuna to come to their house. When we got there we got surprised. It was a girl with a lavender hair which goes down to the base of her neck with two long strands on either side of her head which go down to the top of her breasts. She has two freckles on her left breast inside her cleavage. Her eyes are red-violet, nearly pink. Yes, it's our A.I little sister the MHCP-002 Strea. We only got to meet her once and it's when the beta test started. We looked at each other.

"Could you guys let us bring her to our house first ?" I asked. "Yeah, we want to find out something. We felt we had seen her before." Yui lied. Kirito doubted us at first but Asuna told him "it's fine, we can trust them." so he just let us bring her to our house.

~In our house~

We lay stress on the sofa and waited for her to wake up while waiting we talk about how should we deal with this situation. Because it's unexpected that Strea could pass the barrier by the CS after all. So we decided to tell her the truth and help us keep this secret and if she wants she could become our sister.

After a few minutes, Strea finally woke up and looked around in confusion she sees us and got confused for a while. Then she finally realized and hugged us.

"Hino... Yui... Where have you guys been I'm really lonely you know." She pouted. I just let out an awkward chuckle and we explained what we've been doing here and the more she hears about it the more annoyed she got. she then hit me lightly in the chest. "I also wanted to have an adventure and why didn't the two of you invite me I'm also your sister you know." we just laughed and talked for a while.

Then I remembered something and message uncle. Since Strea also counts as my sister she also got a body right ?? After a few minutes uncle said yes, he also said that she could go to adventure with us. This makes me got excited and decided to tell her.

"Strea, I've got some got news for you~~." I talked as I run towards her. "What is it, Nii?" She asked. I told her about what would happen and hearing this she got shocked but calmed down after. "By the way, Nii, why is Yui wearing a ring on her finger ?" She asked while tilting her head. I got embarrassed for a while and explained what happen between us. I thought she would get mad but she just has stars in her eyes while asking "Do you think I would also meet the one I'm destined with ?"

"Maybe." A short answer but contained a lot of meaning. Ever since then she kept wondering if she would meet her destined one. As the frontline are struggling on floor 65th so we needed to help them till they passed. I don't know why but the boss seems harder than before so We decided to find out what happened. Argo seems to have some clue about something related to this so I needed to find her.

" Hey, Hino." A girl with a hood said as she's standing in a corner. "Oh hey Argo, do you know what's happening?" I asked her, "It seems that the boss keeps on getting harder than before but I don't know why." Then she told me that there's been a dungeon in the 54th (I would make a custom floor I don't know shit about floors in SAO) and a lot of players went in there but don't come back. People who are their friend said that they still didn't die since in their friend list didn't update at all. Hearing this I raised an eyebrow and thanked her for the information.

I went home and tell Yui, Strea, and Yuna about this and told them that I wanted to investigate. So I asked them if they would come with me. They Agreed and so I decided maybe inviting Kirito and Co would prove to be some help. So I contacted them in a group chat I made (Yes I create a group chat option without any guild or party).

~ Group Chat ~

Hino: hey guys wanna go and raid a dungeon.

Agil: There's still a dungeon unraided?

Kirito: Which floor is it and how about that girl?

Hino: Well it's on the 54th floor and doesn't worry about the girl she's safe.

Klein: What girl?

Asuna: It seems fishy you won't invite us to a normal dungeon right?

Hino: Why are you so smart Asuna? Anyway, it seems a lot of players comes inside the dungeon and didn't a comeback so I decided to investigate but If you didn't want to come it's okay.

Klein: Hey don't ignore me who's the girl? Don't tell me your cheating ??

*Klein has been muted by Hino*

Hino: Well he's out of the way what do you guys think?

Everyone: Pfft hahaha

Silica: If Kirito is there I would Join.

Liz: Me too. What do you think Kirito?

Kirito: Well, I and Asuna are in, the front line is on a break anyway and it's rare for us to hang out.

Agil: You hanging out with friends? The infamous black loner, Am I dreaming?

Kirito: Hey, it's not I'm being a loner okay? it's called strategical Farming.

Agil: Yeah right, I'm in.

Hino: Well that's left, Klein. *Klein unmuted*

Klein: What the hell, why did you mute me? If everyone is going there, of course, I'm in.

Hino: That's decided then, prepare yourself two days from now we would meet up. See you guys.

Everyone: Okay, See you too.

~End of group chat~

~2 days later~

I'm waiting for them near the teleportation stone. But what happens later kind of surprises me.

My hands are still kind of hurt, but I managed to write a chapter. And I'm trying to do a cliff. Well, training makes perfect the says.

Kind of a low-quality chapter I know. But it's at least original storyline from now forth, maybe a little plot the same with the story.

RekiOScreators' thoughts