
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · Thành thị
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19 Chs

Zombie bears, dinosaurs, and humans. What the actual F?


DAY 5.






Tyler woke the next morning to the sound of birds chirping outside and him inside a comfy camper bed. He yawned and sat up with a minor groan. Yawning he walked out of the door to be faced with a warm sunny day between two small hills. The firepit was cold and he grumbled as he relit the flames and flicked the tab off an energy drink. This was sipped from while an instant meal warmed on the flames. TYler's sleep adled brain sputtered twice before catching and firing up like a computer awakening. He shivered from the potent energy drink and smirked.

"Annnd NOW I am awake enough for conversation."

A smirking Yuki and Hannah appeared on the screen...and he tilted his head at thre lack of three bodies.

"They go out for coffee?"

"Nope. So get this."

Hannah explained his new living situation and the teenager sat back on the stairs of his camper, mildly shocked.

"Wow. So I got kicked out and now have to live under you, doc blonde?"

She smirked at the instride innuendo.

"Pretty much. There ARE a few cavets though. Namely the hospital-appointed representative to the state has to interview you for your preferences and what you would like from your treatment here. Plus a regular mental health checkin."

He tilted his head at that.

"Whaddya mean mental health checkin?"

Yuki explained with a smile.

"Due to the high stress enviorment you live in now, a motion was passed on the floor for mental health checkins to get a gauge on the survivors mindsets. The purpose is to ATTEMPT to help you as best wer can and to prevent as many suicides as possible. The death toll has been hovering at close to 30,000 players thus far. The rapid deployment of guides and experts was credited with the realitively low numbers so they want to do more. The checkins have to be regular, but it can be once a week or once a month depending on how you feel."

The survivor nodded as he looked around at the camp checking for late night visitors.

"I'll set it once a month and dependent on what I'm doing."

YUki nodded and smiled.

"I sent the recording up the chain."

"How bad?"

She chuckled.

"Well. Your name is getting around. There's an interview coming for you on your plans for the future of your playthrough."

"Any livestream deals?"

"Nothing yet, but there ARE rumblings about the idea in a few higher places. If something DOES come from it I'll let you know."

TYler nodded as he finished up his patrol.

"Alright, no visitors. I'm taking a day for crafting like I said."

He took the two boxes of 5.56 bullets over now and four tin cans. Yuki smiled as he started popping the tips offn the brass casings to pour the volatile gunpowder into the cans.

"What'll you use for a fuse?"

He shrugged as he filled the first can with gunpowder.

"Probably just use a rolled up shirt dipped in gas. I stil have that fat roll of duct tape too."

Hannah stretched hard in the hard to sit in for long periods recliner and YTyler noted her attire had gone from the usual white lab coat to a more comfy tanktop and jeans...and the blonde smirked.

"I'll be here a lot so might as wel be comfier."

"So why aren't you naked then?"

Yuki and Hannah snorted at the cocky reply....and the blonde smirked.

"BeCAUSE there's a few more bits of drama to get through before I can REALY relax."

"You BETTER record that, Yuki!"

"Cocky prick."

"I didn't hear a no."

The ladis sighed at that one with sm iles as Tyler duct taped the lid of the can into an airtight seal with a scrap of cloth wedged into it. The cloth having been DRENCHED in gas from the nearby drum and would serve as a crude handgrenade. He filled another about halfway before setting it aside and Yuki tilted her head.

"That one a special grenade?"

"I'll fill it with all manner of sharp things and the outside too. Then seal it for a dropped landmine. Say I shoot it after I throw it into the mouth of another T-rex?"

"OOoh scary."

Tyler put the remaining bullets aside and went the five foot by ffive foot by five foot steel container now.

"And now the pain in the ass."

The blowtorch was wheeled over and TYler used a lighter to ignite the flame before he got to work slicing through the sides of ther steel box. Yuki watched with a hawk's intensity as the teenager worked.

"Wel he knows how to use a blowtorch. That's a relief."

Hannah nodded as she saw pieces of the box get tosed to a pile nearby.

"I'm more curious to see him craft a working forge from next to nothing."

TYler had the steel box reduced to 2 foot by 2 foot panels in under half an hour and killed the torch.

"And still have close to 3 quarters of a tank for fuel. Next up is wood."

The woodmaul was taken up and Tyler looked at the various trees in easy sight of the camper...as a twig snap came from behind him. He looked and smirked at the lone lumbering zombie man with a bloated stomach as it snarled at the teenager.

"Oh hey ANgry Joe. Have a seat."

The axe was buried into the thing's head and it dropped with a gurgle. Tyler smirked as he yanked the axe free.

"Sorry. YOU'VE been CHOPPED."

In th real world the ladies groaned at the atrocious pun as Tyler approached a nearly 65 foot tall needle tree and smiled as he looked at it.

"Oh score! A healthy Tamarack! I can use the inner bark as internal cleansers, the wood itself is strong, extracts, oh yeah this one'll do."

Yuki sat up straight in her chair with a lifted eyebrow as Tyler next staked out a designated fall position.

"So you DO know plants, Tyler."

"I am by no means an expert. But plants were cool to me for a week back when."

The Delta Asian chuckled at that one as the teenager slammed the head of the maul into the trunk with chipping results.

"You have an odd taste in interests, Tyler."


The two ladies watched as the industrious teenager cut a deep V into the nearly foot thick trunk...and stopped. He then went behind the tree and started cutting a lower angled V into the untouched rear while paying attention to the wind. When a series of treetops started waving in the distance Tyler moved away from the trunk and smiled as the thing snapped clean in half and fell exactly along the way he wanted. The stately tamarack slammed to the ground with a crash and started rolling down the steep hill towards the camp...only for it's progress to be arrested by two VERY conveniently placed boulders to act as uprights. In the real world the ladies clapped at the clean felling and surprisingly ingenius delivery system for logs. Yuki smirked as Tyler headed for the fell tree.


"Thanks I work at it."

Tyler trimmed the remaining branches to the trunk before using the longer and thicker pieces for his potential hafts. The trunk was chopped down into quarter cut logs for a fire and Tyler took the shovel now. He walked around the area inside the spike perimeter until he came to a patch of dirt that was significantly denser then the nighboring patches...and Tyler smiled as he started digging.

"And I got claydirt. This'll be fun."

Out in the real world, the ladies watched as the industrious teenager dug several pounds of good clay from the ground and started molding a bell shaped dome by the firepit. Yuki smiled as he worked.

"He is a VERY hard worker. And this is CLEARLY a temporay base and yet is well protected. The biggest signal he is there was the felling of the tree. And even then you'd need to be around it to hear it."

Hannah nodded as she looked at a newly arried dossier on the teenager in question.

"It'll be funny to see him try to forge anything without a hammer."

"Ha. A rock on a stick will work just fine."

TYler continued working the clay hole until he had a 4 foot wide and 5 foot tall bell structure made entirely from the stuff. Next he went to one of the several boulders around and used the back ofm the wodmaul as a makeshift pickaxe to split the stone into more useable chunks. These he then built into a interior coating of the forge to reinforce it welded in place by more clay. The process was repeated several times until he was happy and a layer of wooden logs were placed on the floor along with a stone trough to catch the melted metal outside. A bellows was crafted now from some animal hide and wood and Tyler nodded.

"Alrighty. Let's light it up."

A match was flung into the blast chamber of the forge...and the piles of wood lit with no issue. An immense heat began to flow from the thing and Tyler set some of the steel plates into a slot with the trough aimed into a small hole lined by stone and clay for fresh metal. Yuki appeared on the screen then,

"The blacksmith wil be here in the morning."

"Thanks Yuki. I know enough about smelting to get this to work."

A pillar of smoke belched from the top of the thing into the sky...only to be mostly disapated by the leaves of the trees above it. Utterly erasing it's presence from afar. Within minutes, the first mat grey flow of steel filled the trough in the ground and Tyler smiled as he started collecting the 2 pound bars of the immensely useful resource. He continued until he had gone through all of the steel plates from the container and in it's place was a nearly 5 foot pile of steel bars. He smiled at this and extinguished the forge before sitting beside the firepit to craft the now bone dry bear pelt into an extremely comfy blanket. This taking not even fifteen minutes. Tyler smiled as he sat on the steps of the camper...and looked at the site.

"Oookay.....NOW what?"

The ladies in the real world chuckled at that logical question and Tyler looked his equipment over.

"I'm set on food for a while, I got plenty of ammo, few guns, plenty of gas, hm."

He looked at thre camper and the position of the sun overhead....and shrugged.

"Eh fuck it."

TYler went to the side of ther camper, dropped the bear pelt in a comfy posture and fired up one of his favorite anime. In the real world, the ladies chuckled at his choice.

"Even in a game trying it's utmost every moment to kill him, he's still a carefree teenager."

TYler blew through a few hours of his favorite shows until the sun started going down. As he relit the fire....he blinked.

"Oh yeah. I leveled up five more times in that fight with the T-rex."

And so he opened his stats and smirked at the update.

" I had STRENGTH: 5. DEFENSE: 10. STAMINA: 10. AGILITY: 10. DEXTERITY: 10. INTELLIGENCE: 15 and I have 25 points to place. Five into strength, defense, stamina, agility, and the last five into strength. That gives me 15 STRENGTH. 15 DEFENSE. 15 STAMINA. 15 AGILITY. 10 DEXTERITY. 15 INTELLIGENCE. I have five perk points. Lessee...15 strength opens up access to a skill for unarmed combat. Adds +5 to every hit I give and yeah. Oh hello. Adds an extra 5% carry capacity for every level up up to 150%. SO it adds space to stuff that holds stuff. Good. I'll take that one. Defense....oh hello. A reducition in hold breath degradation. Useful for snipers. Decrease is 5% slower per level. Woulda expected that in stamina but whatever. Stamina. 15 stamina allows another point in the stamina degradation for physical activites. Okayt two more.....intelligence. 15 intelligence....oh. Unlocks a selection of mental blueprints for crafting. THAT'LL be useful. LAst perk...I'll throw into agility. 15 agility gets me access to a 5% increase to climbing. Sure that works."

He hit apply and did a patrol of his perimeter with the shotgun at the ready. Once he circumvented the area and found nothing he returned to the camper for dinner. Yuki appeared with a smirk.

"The blacksmith is set to arrive in the morning."

TYler nodded as he roasted some bear meat over the fire on a stick.

"I'll be heading out tomorrow. I can't stay in one place for too long as that is just ASKING for a horde to show up. I'll work my steel at tomorrow's campsite."

The Delta soldier nodded.

"Smart. And what tool do you need most RIGHT NOW?"

"A hammer and a pickaxe. From there I can figure it out."

She smirked.

"Not interested in breaking rocks with a stick?"

"I mean I could. But I feel like you'd enjoy it more if I put on more of a show."

"Oh my god you are a DEPRAVED son of a bitch....and UGH."

He chuckled at her slump as Hannah merely shook her head with a smirk.

"And he turned into a raunchy idiot. MAkes sense."

Tyler fed on roasted bear meat and and some juice before he put the fire out. The small valley he rested in was silent save for some hooting owls as he locked the front door of his camper before settling down in the bed. He smiled as he got comfy.

"This is the life."

Yuki chuckled as the screen went dark.

"I gotta admit. Kid knows how to live it up in there."

Hannah nodded as she ran a thin comb through her lucious golden hair.

"Now watch him get the jeep stuck trying to pul out."

"Ha. If he gets it stuck on a pullout, WE're going to have some problems."

"Like we won't enjoy them."

The asian ranger chuckled as she eyed the comatose body of the teenager behind them.

"Let's wait for the waves to properly settle down before we indulge ourselves, Hanny."

"Oh boo. I want to get LICKED!"