
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · Thành thị
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19 Chs

That cabin'll be built soon enough I swear.


DAY 16.






Tyler woke the next morning with Yuna asleep in a cute ball beside him and Bird with her head on his chest in her snuggle coccoon. The Survivor smiled at the warm feeling and the fact both their arms were resting around his neck while his were under theirs. This is nice. He hugged both girls and Yuna smiled as her blue eyes opened.

"Mornin to YOU too Hero."

Bird giggled as she looked at him like a lounging cat.

"Moooorin! It's warm in here!"

Tyler chuckled as he felt the soft skin of the two beauties' bare backs before Yuna smirked.

"And I'm hungry. We can fuck around when we have a PROPER ROOM, Tyler."

"Well. Let's get to it then."

The trio got out of the bed then. Tyler relit the fire while Yuna and Bird made use of the makeshift shower before joining him. The rest of the camp joined them and Grudgia smirked as she walked by.

"Dibs, Tyler."

"Sure, Grudgia. How's your arm?"

The black haired ghostly girl sighed as she flexed her still slung arm.

"Weak and stiff. I won't be able to really use it today. Hannah says I'll be back in action in three days."

"We'll get a checkin on all our wounds before we get into anymore serious shit. Once the cabin's situated and our wounds are fully healed we'll get back in it."

"Gotchya boss."

Benni looked at Yuna now.

"How are we doing on food, Yuna?"

She looked at her clipboard.

"We're still set for a month at our appetites, Benni. We even have a mass of raw ingredients we haven't done anything with yet and several pallets of nonperishables."

TYler smirked.

"One reason I prioritize stripmining."

He got a mass of chuckles at that one as they had breakfast. Fed, Tyler stood tall.

"Okay the order of the day is simple. We need to get the cabin in place. Ronny, you got the schematic?"

The redhead nodded as he lifted the paper.

"Right here boss. I updated them for four floors and 6 rooms each and an open layout style."

"Alright. Any chance we can make an enclosed atrium with all four floors able to see into the common area on the ground floor?"

Ronny chuckled as he envisioned it.

"Easily. All a manner of laying it out and supports. YOU just wanna do a freakin repell from the top floor."

"Welll....yeah kinda. Wraparound deck and enclosed pool too."

Yuna smirked as Tyler's plans began to go crazy.

"Rein it in, Tyler. We're 10 people in case you forgot again."

"Oh yeah that's right. Eh we'l do it in stages."

He got more headshakes and chuckles for that one before the Survivor moved to the crane.

"This thing has the strength to lift 6 logs 50 feet high. We've all seen Evan Almighty, we know how it works. We'll build layer by layer. Once we got the frame in place.....we'l go from there. Bird, Grudgia and I need to have a look over with Hannah. Rest a you scater to the fabrication. Ronny's shotcaller for this one since he knows more an I do. Any questions?"

He got crickets.

"What I like to hear. Survivors ready? Go!"

And they scattered like rats again. Tyler, Grudgia, Bird and Yuna went into the camper and Hannah appeared with a smile.

"Alright. Bird you first. Your wound was the most severe."

Bird removed her shirt and Yuna used a smal probe to poke the long light pink scar that started from just above her perky breast and traced a path along her soft side to stop just above her navel. Tyler whistled as he saw the line in it's entirety.

"Tough girl."

Bird smiled proudly at that one as Hannah smiled.

"Alright. Looks like all you have left is that intense scar. Tyler, your turn."

The girls all whistled as he removed his shirt and the bandages on his older wounds unwrapped....and his collection revealed. Aside from the mass on his back, his arms and waist had several cuts from glass, the bullet hole on his shoulder was the size of a dime and a bright pink. Yuna whistled as she looked the Survivor's body over with her probe until Hannah smirked.

"Alright. Your back we'll give three days and see where you're at. Otherwise you're okay."

"Thanks doc blondes."

Yuna frowned and jabbed him with her pointy probe, making him recoil.

"I sleep with you you idiot. Do NOT piss me off."

"Yes Yuna."


The girls chuckled at her embarrassment as Grudgia was next and Hannah smiled.

"Your wound we'll slap three days on as well before we poke at it. Keep it clean and routine cleansing baths."

The trio nodded and Hannah's screen went out. Now free, the friends went to work with the rest on the cabin. Together the friends fabricated a mass of parts for the cabin from paneling and frames, to reworking the basement pit into a larger structure. Tyler smiled as the tired workers gathered around the fire at the end of the day.

"Tomorrow we're laying the foundation with the brick. We have plenty of lead from the mine I dug so we can cement it in place as mortar."

Benni cracked his arm as he got his beer.

"This is kinda fun."

Grudgia smiled as she drank some painkillers mixed in with her water.

"We'll snuggle once my arm stops throbbing, Tyler. Right now it wouldn't be fun."

YUna and Bird smiled sweetly.


"More snuggles for us!"

Tyler chuckled at their eagerness before they settled in for the night.