
Zodiac Fighter in Marvel

James, a normal human died. He then chose to be reincarnated in the Marvel Multiverse! Let's see how he becomes the strongest existence... [I don't know a lot about Marvel... I know some things. So, if I do something wrong, please forgive me.]

Asveses · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

11: Maybe 2 more Years.

"Wrong. You are leaking strength."

James was floating in his position, meditating while 20,000 people fight with each other. The Nova Corps Captain wanted him to train 10,000 seniors with his intensive training, James then had a good idea out of it! He made a recruit and a senior form a pair and made the senior teach what he could about hand-to-hand combat. James first would make them fight with each other and later he would make them exercise with 5× the gravity. After 2 hours of being taught by the seniors, James made the recruits fight against each other while he would make the seniors exercise with 10× the gravity.

James now can handle 20× the gravity, his bones and muscles became so strong that he could break the floor with just his hands! And when he changes to Taurus' form his physical strength doubles! Now, he is training his mental strength meditating while making his body float with 22× the gravity. The gravity pushes down and James pushes up with his mind... It is a good exercise. After the recruits fought with each other and the seniors completed the training, James made them switch, seniors would fight against each other and recruits would exercise with 5× the gravity.

After 2 more hours, they completed the training sessions and James smiled with satisfaction because he now could control better his abilities! He feels like he can open a black hole with Libra's ability. But let's not try it for now... "You all did well, tomorrow we will do this again. Remember, No pain no gain." James switched to his Aquarius form with just a thought and used the same healing spell that he used before to increase the natural healing of their bodies while giving them enough energy to heal. After 20 minutes the screams, moans, and groans of pain stopped and for the first time in their lives, they felt like they were stronger than before.

The seniors who had to train their bodies almost all their lives to be on form to combat felt like they were born again... James laughed when he saw their faces, saying: "No Pain... No Gain... Remember?" And left, leaving behind several seniors and recruits who were stunned, they didn't feel any pain and their muscles and bones were so strong now... Their endurance increased too! James arrived at the Mechanic Room and went to practice and learn with his Mechanic Master... That's what he calls Hyunde.

[Time Skip: 3 Weeks| 23/01/1993]

It's been 3 weeks since James started to train the recruits and the seniors, the recruits obviously can't be compared with the seniors in physical improvement, but they learned a lot from the seniors. James started to teach fighting with cold and hot weapons, the recruits and seniors never learned how to fight with cold weapons... Well, some did but it wasn't perfect! James made them chose between sword, spear, staff, and daggers for cold weapon and cosmic pistols, cosmic rifles, and cosmic sniper rifles for hot weapons. Those were weapons that used cosmic energy to fire projectiles. Some chose swords, others chose spears, and daggers but the staff weapon wasn't so popular because they said it wasn't so dangerous because it didn't have a blade attached to it...

So, James thought them a lesson licking their butts with only a staff, it was on this same day that he discovered that his Pisces's weapon could change between Spear and Staff, the staff mode just makes the blade attached to it disappear. Well, James used his clones to teach the recruits how to handle the weapon, change the posture, the footwork needed to fight with that weapon and etc. The seniors couldn't handle cold weapons very well because they use hot weapons every day! And some of them even thought that it was useless to use cold weapons.

James, however, changed their minds and showed then the importance of cold weapons! He sent the seniors and recruits who thought that could rely on hot weapons to fight on a hunt mission. He made them hunt a tiny group of pirates, he gave each of them a cole weapon of choice and gave them a hot weapon of choice... The catch was that the hot weapons didn't have ammo at all! He laughed satanically when he remembered the expression on the faces of the recruits and seniors who had to use a cold weapon to kill the pirates... They all almost died, but James teleported there, healed their wounds, and brought them back while destroying the whole pirate group.

This thought everyone that when you are fighting and can't rely on hot weapons, it is good to rely on cold weapons! That day onwards they learned everything seriously, even the seniors started to call James captain when he was around! James was satisfied with these results and organized a little competition, the prize was to go with James to hunt pirates, receive experience and money. The recruits could go with him, there were 10 spots for recruits and 2 spots for seniors... This made the seniors fight with each other fiercely and brutally!

James thought everyone different martial arts. Well, the basics of each martial art. James decided to stay in Xandar for more time, he needed more time to learn from Hyunde because one month wasn't enough to learn everything he could! He needed at least 2 years. James looked at the medical staff that was watching the competition with him, they would warp bandages and use some things that James didn't know what was to heal the wounds in the competitor's bodies, the Mechanic and Nova Corps captains, together with other big shots were watching the competition too with curiosity about James and the troops he trained. James would some times increase the gravity in the camp, talking about camp... They were now on the same training grounds where they would train every day! James just used his Scorpio form to divide the ground into two parts, creating a wall high enough to make the two sides not see the other side...

Doing so, he would make the two sides not know who would be their companions in the next mission. James noticed that some seniors and recruits had a certain... dislike of each other. James increased in the Senior side the gravity 15× and the recruits side 10× and watched the good play.