
Zion Rippers

Succeeding the events of a mysterious incident known as Genesis, humans must now face new difficulties with the appearance of other races and several other mysteries. This story follows the rise of a special team known as Zion Rippers (Btw I've never written a novel before so I don't really know what I'm doing :P)

AsianSwagM4st3r69 · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs


"Hnng" – scary man

"What do you think you're doing going after girls as young as them? You should be ashamed of yourself!" – Giant creature

"Let go of me, you brute!" – Scary man

"What's this? Can't act tough anymore, can you!? – Giant creature

"AHHRRGG" – Scary man

The man struggled his best to wriggle out of the creature's grip but all his efforts went in vain and soon he tired out, breathing heavily and stopped resisting.

"Hey Haru… isn't that the Myrmidon from yesterday?" – Miyuki

"Yea you're right. Is he, like, following us or something?" – Haru

"Hmmmmm" – Miyuki

Miyuki squints her eyes, deep in thought.

"You finally calmed down. Now get lost before you really get hurt!" – Myrmidon, putting the man down on the ground

"Hah… y-you'll pay for this I-I swear!" – Scary man

With the man gone, the crowd cheers for a while before dispersing and the girls focus their attention towards the lynx girl.

"Hey are you okay??" – Haru

*The girl starts weeping*

"Poor thing..." – Miyuki

"Let's get her to the hospital she doesn't look so good" – Miyuki

"Y-yea" – Haru

The girl stops crying and suddenly regains some composure, speaking with firmness.

"N-NO. I-I mean my house is close by a-and… please take me there instead! – lynx girl

"…" – Haru

"…" – Miyuki

*The two high schoolers sigh*

"Fine but we're not leaving your side, okay?" – Haru

"Alright…" – Lynx girl

The trio march towards the lynx girl's house.

"So, what's your name anyways cutie" – Haru

The girl blushing, reluctantly answers.

"… Sasaki… Sasaki Kino" – Kino

"Aww, you've got such a cute name" – Haru

"So… what happened back there?" – Miyuki

"…" – Kino

"Miyuki! Don't you think it's too soon!?" – Haru

"Hey, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, okay?" – Haru

Haru proffered a warm smile to Kino, which may have been the reason behind her answering Miyuki's bold question. She speaks slowly but with clarity.

"…I-I was on my way home from errands when I was distracted by a cute dog and while I was busy admiring it, that man came out of nowhere and I unintentionally bumped into him. He was drinking some coffee back then so it fell all over him." – Kino

"That bastard! I should've taught him a lesson" – Haru

"Calm down Haru, it's already over" – Miyuki

"Grrr" – Haru

After walking for a while, the girl stops in her tracks and turns towards the two girls.

"W-we're here" – Kino, shyly

"Oh" – Haru and Miyuki, looking at Kino's wooden house

"I'll be fine from here. T-thank you for everything" – Kino

"Be sure to get some first-aid!" – Haru

"Will do!" – Kino

Kino walks off, waving back at her saviours, to the door where an older lynx creature came to greet her. Her face changed to worry once she saw Kino. The girls walk away taking one last look at Kino then Haru turns towards her friend.

"That must be her mom…" – Haru

"Yea… she looks like a nice person" – Miyuki

"You know that was really weird…" – Haru

"What?"- Miyuki

"I thought all people like that took off from the city a long time ago due to the quantity of beasts" – Haru

"Now that you say it really is weird. Maybe there were a couple left around, it happens" – Miyuki

"The more intriguing thing was that Myrmidon… he was definitely tailing us. I even saw him close to my house earlier today!" - Miyuki

"Ahh… We completely forgot about him because of Kino." – Haru

"We could've at least thanked him for saving our ass back there" – Miyuki

"Ugh we're terrible people" – Haru

The two girls keep chatting until they have to go their separate ways. They wave each other goodbye and split up.

Meanwhile, on a highway...

"Where is this bar you're taking me to anyways?" – Denki

"Why'd you assume it's a bar anyways?" – Ichino

"IT ISN'T!?" – Denki, happily

"No, it is" – Ichino, slightly chuckling

Denki quiets down, disappointed.

"HAHAHAHA… It's somewhere out of the city, near Yakama" – Ichino

"That small town?" – Denki

"Yea it's a pretty nice place I go there from time to time when I'm free. It's a gold mine for people like us too" – Ichino

"Must have some nice women there if you're saying it's a good place" – Denki

"I'm a married man with a kid Denki. I don't do these things anymore" – Ichino

"Heh, SURE" – Denki


Ichino stares at Denki who has a wry smug on his face

"… You got good there, didn't you" – Ichino

"HEHEHAHA" �� Denki

"The two kept poking at each other while on their way to the bar", that's what you were going to say right? – Denki


"Heh" – Denki

The two kept poking at each other while on their way to the bar.

"See I was right" – Denki


At Takeru's house...

"…So, what do we do now?" – Reginald

"Hey I know we could play some l- "– Takeru

*Door knocking*

"Go hide, QUICK" – Takeru

"O-Okay" – Reginald

(Takeru to himself) "I never get visits… hmmm"

"Heyy, I know you're in there!" – unknown, in an adamant and loud voice

(Takeru to himself) "T-that voice Seiichi!!??"

Takeru promptly opens the door with a confused look on his face.

"How did you know where I live?" – Takeru

"Are you for real? Not even a hello!? And, you should've known by now I literally live a couple blocks away" – Seiichi

"Huh… never realised" - Takeru, rubbing his chin and looking slightly upwards. After a few seconds he turns back to Seiichi

"Anyways, what do you want Seiichi…?" – Takeru

"You're free for now, right? We're going to the gym right now" – Seiichi

"Ughh I can- "– Takeru

(Takeru to himself) "Wait… this is actually beneficial for tomorrow. I have to go"

"Okay let's go!" – Takeru

(Seiichi and Reginald to themselves) "Was he always like this?"

Takeru and Seiichi walk out of the house and Reginald comes out of his hiding spot.

"Who is that Seiichi guy? A school mate? *Sigh*… guess I have to watch the house, again…" - Reginald, rolling his eyes and moving further away from his hiding spot

Reginald sets himself straight and takes a walk around the place.