

one of the top aristocratic families in countryA has a scandal ...... the once promised and prominent heir of the Rothschild aristocratic families has been reduced to a mere bastard child his future has been shattered as well as his mother's status shifting from being the illegal wife to a third wheel mistress and causing his siblings to never raise the heads in public as more and more people pointing their fingers at them with mockey again and again hence causing their freedom in the family and friends to be strained. In addition not only did the new wife of his scum of a father become satisfied she continued to scheme towards Andreas remaining family causing destruction and unity of Andreas remaining family as Andreas mother disappeared leaving him with his siblings to fend for themselves and also set up a successfully honey trap for Andreas leading in to welcome unexpected surprise of having twins and to add insult to the injury the girls family which accused him of molesting their daughter pouled more dead water on his reputation accusing him also of r**p, dishonest, cruelty. In order for the aristocratic family to save their face and their own reputation they can only abandon him and banish him from the family. However to those who schemed against Andreas this was worth celebrating as an obstacle is removed for step siblings. However Andreas mysteriously died and a new soul from another Earth switch bodies into the current Andreas with a system *********** ★★★now let's follow Andreas the fallen aristocratic to raise his own family, support his siblings and friends, fights his enemies and get his vengeance upon those who inflicted suffering upon his life and his siblings and most of all to to find his soul mate ★★viewed names, characteristics businesses, places events customs and incidents are the authors imaginations any familiarity to the actual persons,one living ,Dead and to event is properly a coincidence the book has referenced to real companies, organizations, individuals persons,however the use of these differences is not meant for harm and defaming organizations and individuals if they exist or are into existence. The picture is not mine, apologies for the offense to the owner.

DAWNLIGHT · Thành thị
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46 Chs

Chapter 4 what's the point

"Daddy come you eat with us" Amelia said excitedly

"Alright alright, let's see who will eat the most"

"Hehehe... Daddy can't beat me I can eat and finish two bowls of rice"

" Hoo my darlings are incredible, after you're done let's go to town then tomorrow morning we take a morning flight to the city "

" Wow ...daddy are going to take a big aeroplane "Amelia said with anticipation written on her baby face

"Hehehe....I also want to fly high in sky daddy "Amy agreed as well

" Yes we going to boad the plane and watch the clouds are you excited" Andreas smiled at there antics.

"But first finished up then we go okay"


In a few minutes after they where done with eating their breakfast, they boarded a taxi at the road to go to town, Andreas was surprised by the town expansiveness and from the information he got from the taxi driver, though it's a town in this world it could be called a small city if on earth.

They arrived in town about 20 minutes in a taxi stopping near a salon,then Andreas payed for the fair.

"Alright girls let's go get your hair done okay after that we buy some clothes"

" Okay " both girls nodded

" Let's go to that one "Andreas said pointing large shop with hair manicure outside

" Alright let's go "


" Hey hey where do you think you're going, this is not place for little beggars like you to play "a woman with heavy think make up said with disgusted expression on her face

Amelia and Amy where given a huge flight from the woman's scolding and quickly hid behind Andreas.

"What did you just say ?" Andreas expression become expressionlessly cold giving everyone inside the sense of danger, everyone halted what they where doing and looked over.

"I ... I" the attendant was also shocked speechlessly and didn't react for a long time.

"Good morning sir am the supervisor of this salon, please forgive my employee's rudeness for not welcoming you personally and let you have a bad impression of us, rest assured that I will punish her accordingly "the supervisor tacticly tried to minimize the situation before further damage was done.

Andreas sneered cold but didn't not want to make fuss with a mere attendant since he didn't have much time to look for other places to do hair for his kids, he removed his bank card handing it to the supervisor "could we have a personal both, am afraid we will be insulted be we are even done"

" Sure sir this way please " the supervisor signed in relief that the matter didn't blow up and directly showed Andreas the way to the VIP room.

Inside another VIP room, a young woman was also watching what was happening in the hall down stairs, she also could not help but look down stairs due to cold aura she felt just now.

"Strange isn't he, just an ordinary man ? how could he release such intent" she could not help but feel puzzled.

Andreas didn't care or think about what he did, what was important was to get the girls hair washed and styled, if it wasn't for not having the necessary tools he could not have bothered to come to a salon.

After half an hour, they went to the mall to get clothes .

"Wow look at that handsome brother over there"said on the girl staff

"His so hot ... Ahh I want him to look at me " another girl chimed in.

" What's the point of being handsome, look what his wearing, I bet his a penniless joke"said a male staff.

" Maybe he come at the wrong stall, some should go help him out "another one said in distain.

" What are you saying, You're just been jealous." said a female staff in defense

A male staff sneered " what's the point of being handsome , can he even afford whats here"he shakes his then pointed" look he even has kids with him "

"And so what if he has kids, look how adorable there are am willing to be a stepmother."

The male colleagues shock their heads helplessly and did not take the matter seriously, thinking he just come to ask around

" Alright since you don't want to go I will go, besides never just a book by its cover remember" said one the female staff as she started walking towards Andreas and the kids.