

one of the top aristocratic families in countryA has a scandal ...... the once promised and prominent heir of the Rothschild aristocratic families has been reduced to a mere bastard child his future has been shattered as well as his mother's status shifting from being the illegal wife to a third wheel mistress and causing his siblings to never raise the heads in public as more and more people pointing their fingers at them with mockey again and again hence causing their freedom in the family and friends to be strained. In addition not only did the new wife of his scum of a father become satisfied she continued to scheme towards Andreas remaining family causing destruction and unity of Andreas remaining family as Andreas mother disappeared leaving him with his siblings to fend for themselves and also set up a successfully honey trap for Andreas leading in to welcome unexpected surprise of having twins and to add insult to the injury the girls family which accused him of molesting their daughter pouled more dead water on his reputation accusing him also of r**p, dishonest, cruelty. In order for the aristocratic family to save their face and their own reputation they can only abandon him and banish him from the family. However to those who schemed against Andreas this was worth celebrating as an obstacle is removed for step siblings. However Andreas mysteriously died and a new soul from another Earth switch bodies into the current Andreas with a system *********** ★★★now let's follow Andreas the fallen aristocratic to raise his own family, support his siblings and friends, fights his enemies and get his vengeance upon those who inflicted suffering upon his life and his siblings and most of all to to find his soul mate ★★viewed names, characteristics businesses, places events customs and incidents are the authors imaginations any familiarity to the actual persons,one living ,Dead and to event is properly a coincidence the book has referenced to real companies, organizations, individuals persons,however the use of these differences is not meant for harm and defaming organizations and individuals if they exist or are into existence. The picture is not mine, apologies for the offense to the owner.

DAWNLIGHT · Thành thị
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46 Chs

Chapter 31 ICU

"sister, what"

Rachel who had just gotten up from her and was about to open her room frowned and looked at her brother Richard

"What is it, big brother ??"

Richard didn't answer her immediately, but pushed the door open for her room to enter with her.

"What are you doing, little sister"

"Brother, what do you mean and I don't seem to understand what you are asking about?"

Richard signed and looked at his sister looking ignorant and dump unlike his family members who are thinking that the young master from the Trent family Will Trent was coming to propose to her half sister for marriage however that wrong, all wrong Richard new the relationship between his biological sister with young master will and so did the relationship between will and his half sister thoroughly, one is an old item while the other is the new and current item.

Richard expression was aloof and arrogant but when facing this sister of his, he didn't know what to do because everyone spoiled her.

" You understand what am talking about, what is it with the Trent family??" He paused then continued" and why are you calm when you of all people can't stand someone snatching your man. "

Rachel winded her eyes as if coming to realization of what her brother was talking about and faked a surprised expression.

"Ohh.. brother is concerned about this, " Rachel shoke her head " brother doesn't have to worry too much, after all the wedding is just the ruse."

"What? So you"

"If big brother is worried about the contract, then don't worry, young master Trent promised me he handle it, as for marriage his going to marry me, I Rachel Ross want to see Catherine valentine watch as I marry her child hood sweetheart and leave in dispare." Rachel's face was smug and arrogant like she had everything under control, ' just wait and see. '

Richard frowned" do you know what will happen if anything backfires moreover wasn't Catherine thrown out of house already,you can just let it go."

" No way!! " Rachel almost lost her composure then continued saying slowly

" Why is big brother so much concerned , could it be that big brother still cares about her and wants to support her "

" Nonsense! "

" Then fine just watch the show and nothing will go wrong, I need to change"Rachel said ignoring Richard displeased face.

Richard signed and left the room

After seeing that Richard has walked out of the room she got a phone and made a call.

"Is it done"

"Yes young mistress, the old woman is in the hospital right now and her company shareholders are going rampant as we speak."

"Hahahaha.....Good , good am sure Catherine is on her way here,report when she comes"

" Yes mam. "

Rachel gaze flashed with a cold glint 'Catherine Catherine, you shouldn't have converted what was mine, now is time you pay. ' Rachel thought.


While the siblings were busy plotting against each other the plane from country M landed in country B capital city after few hours, after coming out of the airport Catherine who was with her companion Fey got into a taxi straight to the hospital.

Inside the hospital waiting room a middle aged woman was waiting anxiously pacing back and forth in hallway suddenly the light from the operation room turned from red to green signifying the end of the operation,the doctors came out and pushed the patient out of the operation room to the ICU room.

"doctor how is she is she okay"

" Don't worry the patient's life is stabilized for now, please wait for further examination then to the office for the results after the patient wakes up"

" Okay thank you doctor "the woman signed in relief since the patient was okay, the wo woman was auntie Peters she came here for almost four hours she had been anxiously waiting for the operation to finish and also waiting for the patients family members but surprisingly no one came or was anxious to visit except for the girl Catherine.

The woman suddenly heard Hurried footsteps behind her and turned around, behind her was two beautiful girls looking anxious as they walked towards her.

" Hello aunty am Catherine and this is my friend Fey am not sure if you remember me"

Fey nodded at her and so did Mrs peters

Mrs peters signed in relief as a huge burden has been lifted off her shoulders." Thank goodness you have made it in time of course I remember little Catherine, well your mother has just come out of the operation room and now she's in the ICU for observation results will come out soon for now she's out of danger "

Catherine signed in relief hearing that" thank you so much aunty, I will take it from here you should go rest "

Mrs peters was indeed tired she patted Catherine shoulders and said her goodbyes

" Alright you also had a long flight you should rest too,I will bring you some food"

Catherine nodded showing her understanding and declined tactfully " you have help us a lot aunty how can I take advantage of you"

" It's no trouble at all, alright see you later"