
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Tranh châm biếm
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49 Chs

A fruitful day

I made my way into Fort Joy, a couple of the guards stationed at the front gate don't even bat an eye at me. It looks like the 'residents' can go wherever they please as long as they don't go anywhere off-limits.

The structures were in terrible condition and practically crumbling in multiple places. Entire parts of a wall were missing, there really doesn't seem to be any upkeep.

In my moment of idle wonder, I considered a strange thought. My projections don't last very long without upkeep, but I hear the tracing developed by Emiya Shirou is a different story. Now I don't have any desire to start attempting to throw around Noble Phantasms or anything. I'm unsure how well my body would be able to handle the strain, considering my 'Origin' and 'Element' didn't include 'Sword'.

I just wondered if I could trace buildings, and equipment to just make a house or a sort of base anywhere I went. It would be quite useful, and practical.

However I remember that tracing required the existence of a reality marble, to allow oneself to store the blueprints of whatever was traced. I idly wondered if an artificial reality marble would work. But the process in creating one isn't easy. Normally it would require ages to get to that point, but I was working on such a thing in my past life.

In fact the space that I used to store my weapons and scroll were originally the fruits of research that went into the study of reality marbles. Perhaps I should consider expanding my research further in the future, I've gotten a lot of ideas from the texts at Raya Lucaria. Along with that fight against Renalla, I learned a lot by seeing what was basically a reality marble up close. Granted it was technically an illusion, but it was real enough to be considered as such.

"Hey! You there!" I was snapped from my thoughts by an unfamiliar voice calling out to me. My head turned to a human with brown hair and a scruffy beard. "You've just arrived, isn't that right?"

"I have...?" I confirmed with some suspicion.

He moved closer to whisper "Are you - Are you quite alone?"

"I believe so." I gestured to the empty air behind me, to which he sighed in relief.

"It's just.... I've a proposition. Something.... something very worth knowing."

"Oh? Well you have my interest now." I raised a brow in intrigue. Things worth knowing are things that I generally like.

"In that case... listen up. You must think me mad to approach a stranger, but this camp is full of cowards and I'm running out of time. Fast. Too fast. Way too fast." He explained a bit urgently. I didn't respond and allowed him to continue speaking.

"I've been here a long time. Longer than anyone else. People get taken sometimes; some folks say they get cured. I don't know if I believe it, and I don't want to wait to find out." There was an undertone of panic within his voice.

"I have a way out of here. It won't be easy, and I need a partner. Are you interested?"

I searched his eyes for a moment. Not gonna lie, he's a bit shifty, but this sounds interesting. So let's see where this leads. "Alright, what do you have in mind?"

"Atta boy! Who wouldn't!? Finally someone with a little sense around here." A bright smile full of relief broke out of him. "The plan's simple - completely fullproof. I have a spell that I can use to teleport you right out of here. I can't use it on myself... but with your help, we can both get out of here."

My brow immediately shot up along with my interest. The man just said teleport. Any form of teleportation was something I was currently in need of. If I could just get a look at one with my Primeval eyes, I may be able to break it down and use it myself. Or at worst, create my own version of it. It seemed this man didn't realize, he had gotten my full interest now as he continued on.

"There's an artifact that you can use to teleport me out of this place." THE FUCK DID HE JUST SAY!? "Then I can use my spell to free you in turn... this item though... It's in quite an unfortunate location..." He pursed his lips, until I placed my firm grip on his shoulders. I stared into his being with literal starry eyes.

"Speak, it doesn't matter what location it's in. Whatever is in my way will die." I stated with complete certainty. If the Magisters have it, then I'll kill my way into their compoud. If a god has it, then I'll add: Steal from a god. Right under punching Odin in the face, in my list of things to do.

"...It's found its way into a nest of crocidilians on a secluded beach nearby - here, take this map and I'll show you where to go." He handed a map to me, showing where I had to go.

I chuckled darkly for a moment. I think I may have scared him a little as he seemed to back away. Well then, I guess I have some crocs to murder.

"This was not how I was expecting this to go." I sighed in disappointment. I was expecting to murder giant crocodiles.

"Grrr" A growling noise rumbled beneath me, causing me to reach out and pat the giant scaled creature on it's snout. "Shush, I need to focus here." I chided

I forgot that reptiles like me now due to Rykard's rune. 'I wonder how the lizard people would react to me then?' I thought idly as I inspected the enchanted gloves before me.

My Primeval eyes peered onto every part of them, they were enchanted with a spell stored into them. Putting them on, it was as if I immediately had instinctive knowledge on how to cast it.

I looked to another random crocodile that was sunbathing. It let out a grumble of surprise as it was teleported onto it's back. "Heh..." I snickered

"Grr..." It got up and growled at me, but otherwise didn't do anything. I reached out to pat it's snout. "Sorry about that." I apologized as it grumbled before going back to bask in the sun.

I took the gloves off and was surprised, the instinctive knowledge of how to do it just disappeared from my body. Fascinating! I put them back on and attempted to use them on myself, however it ended in failure.

Hmm, it seems to be a displacement of a space away from my current position. It can't seem to displace my current X and Y axis due to the spatial anomoly originating from my position as I use the spell. I continued to peer within the disruption of space - time with my eyes.

I was beginning to get a good idea of how to go about creating my own form of teleportation through a combination of sorcery and magecraft. If I used the placement of the stars to calculate from my position, it would be easy to cause a shift in space.

I widened my eyes in intrigue, turning my gaze towards the sky. The stars still exist, even during the day. The celestial bodies cannot hide from my eyes.

With a thrum of mana from my circuits, my body began to heat up before the space around me twisted a little.

*BAM sfx* "Gah!" I cried out, my face slammed into a random boulder away from my original position.

'Gahaha!' Two pairs of laughter erupted from within my head as I growled. I opted to just ignore them like I have for the past 18 years since my reincarnation. Yep, nothing else exists within my mind!

"Okay, I obviously need to work on this more." I grunted. I was able to create my own version, but it seemed like I would need more proficiency in it. At least until I could use it in any mundane task, let alone combat.

But for now, this entire trip here was worth it. Granted I wasn't even planning on getting anything.

"I have returned with the gloves." I stated, showing off the gloves on my hands.

"Well. I certaintly got lucky with you, didn't I? The way out's a nice and secluded - it starts in a little hidden alcove on the beach." The man who I now know is named Gawin nodded.

I followed his lead outside Fort Joy. It wasn't far, a path was hidden behind some shrubs and vines. There were some broken barrels oozing out something poisonous, an unfortunate corpse near it. We ignored it and moved to the edge of the cliff, overlooking the beach.

"Perfect! Now teleport me down to the ledge behind me, near the tree stump. I'll bring you right after. We're almost free - can you taste the ale? The scent of home?" He spoke with glee

I did as he said, and teleported him down. "Now, come towards me. I'll teleport you down; I just need to see you clearly." Gawin said as I activated my Primeval eyes. Seeing others using it will be much more effective than just testing it myself.

It didn't take long, I found myself next to him a moment later. This whole thing is turning out incredibly fruitful for me.

"Perfect! Simply perfect! Now, teleport me to that mossy rock across the gulch - just by the torch. We're almost there!" He pointed to where he wanted me to send him. Instead of using the gloves, I decided to get a little practice with my own method. The mental image of ice shattered in my mind, my circuits thrummed as I fell into a trance.

"Oof!" Gawin found himself where he wanted, although on his butt. But I succeeded at least. My success brought a small smile to my countenance.

"Even the air smells better here, above that pit! Thanks for the help - and good luck getting yourself out!" He smirked at me from across the gulch before running off, with no intention of teleporting me over. I could have killed him then and there, for double crossing me. But honestly... I'm actually grateful. This man gave me the gift of teleportation, and so he can live.

Reinforcing my legs, I hopped back up the cliff. Content with my findings for today.

I was playing with my newfound teleportation spell, moving a rock from one place to another. Back and forth. Everyone has to start small I suppose, besides some exceptions.

Besides doing this, in my spare time I've tried to look for some spell books on this island. Some people sold some for gold, I just projected some. I really do need to learn tracing eventually...

The magic of Rivellon is a bit different. Considering that the people here don't have magic circuits, they opt more for using the natural mana within the air and their physical body. It's mostly based on ones willpower and focus. Which has been a refreshing experience.

There is literally a rain spell. Like it just makes it rain! That's awesome! It may not sound all that amazing, but it's pretty damn amazing to me.

Just casually making it rain without the need of a rain dance. The convenience is real!

It's actually a bit similar to the Founding rain of Stars, except it's just regular water this time.

Of course there were other spells, elemental ones like throwing fireballs, lightning, ice shards. The one that intrigued me was the ones from the conjuration based spells. There was a spell that let me summon a sort of elemental incarnate based on where I summoned. There were a few spells that could buff it up as well. It was then that my line of thought moved to seeing if they would work on my summons from my semblance.

"Ah, we've been lookin for you!" I was broken out of my musings as I turned my head up at four familiar people.

"What can I do for you?" I asked to the party of 4 Origin characters