

During the winter cold beginning of the 28 year of Anning, reign of Emperor Feng Ru An of Jin, the wheels of fate shifted after the display of Second Prince Feng Wang's attempt to kill the Crown Prince with the aid of Duan. With this event, five great individuals were shoved into the path of greatness, however only one would truly win the ultimate prize. The golden dragon seat that came with the entire empire. War plagues the Central Plains as the two major kingdoms' Duan and Jin fight their way to victory and with it comes the scenes of betrayal, schemes, manipulation, sacrifice and victory. Who will win the final war and finally become the Emperor of the Central Plains? PS NOT TRANSLATED‼️

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5 Chs

Chapter 2 The withered plum blossom

The Imperial Palace gleamed under the coming spring's sun, as the snow gradually melted and flowers slowly came to bloom. Its grandeur forever seen, red pillars and golden roofs with dragon carvings seen for miles.

In the Grand Imperial Hall lied a red carpet that separated the scholar ministers from the military officials, be it high-ranking or low-ranking to either side, leading up the golden stairs to the highest seat in the room.

In the presence of he who occupies the golden dragon seat, the court meeting proceeded. His Majesty, Emperor Feng, dressed in his official black robe embroidered with gold and silver threads and decorated with an imposing dragon image at the front and back that made his aura even more potent, sat back and watched as his ministers bickered over the recent news that shock the Imperial Court.

Crown Prince wore a less imposing but equally luxurious official robe and stood two steps from the Emperor's throne; his face impassive to the current topic.

"Your Majesty, this minister agrees with Minister Jiang and thinks that it would be good for Crown Prince to be part of the war as a show of power and as a morale boost for the army. However, with recent events it is clear that Duan was fully prepared for war. Crown Prince is the hope of Great Jin. Risking his life would be detrimental to us."

Another three ministers came forward in unison, "I second this. Please Your Majesty rethink this decision."

A military official from the first column, signifying he was of high-ranking took a step forward and bowed, "Your Majesty, His Highness Crown Prince, allow me to argue against Minister He's proposition."

"Go ahead, General of the Southwest Jiang." Crown Prince answered.

General Jiang turned to face Minister He and the other scholar ministers in favor of his idea. "Minister He, let me ask you. How do you know that we are not prepared for this war? As the minister of rites how do you know that we don't have the power and capability to defeat Duan and recover our lost cities?"

Minister He was left speechless and angered by this embarrassment. "Let this court know that not only do we have the capability to defeat Duan, but also subdue them to the ground to vent our anger!"

"General of the Southwest, if we are so capable then how did we lose Ji, Muliang and An which are high value in the course of our trade routes?" Another scholar minister asked haughtily.

"Your Majesty, if I may answer Minister Sun's question. The reason behind our defeat was the corruption on this Imperial Court!"

The ministers gasped at the young man's accusation. "Commandant Jiang, you are but a commandant of the Jiang's army's west flank calvary. How dare you act so unruly before His Majesty?"

Commandant Jiang scoffed, "Minister Hong, do you not fear for your life anymore? Before His Majesty I dare not speak lies. Do you have such an oath, and dare to reveal the truth to His Majesty?"

Minister Hong, Ministers of Works and Transport, was bold before but now he wasn't so sure. Did this small commandant truly know of his treacherous deeds?

Just like his cousins, Commandant Jiang was cold and calculating in his choice of words, making him a fearsome foe.

"Minister Hong, do you know of what Commandant Jiang is talking about?" Crown Prince asked, keenly observing Minister Hong's slight tremors and fearful eyes.

Minister Hong regained his calm and graceful composure and took a step forward to reveal himself. He bowed and spoke clearly, "Your Majesty, Your Highness Crown Prince, this minister does not know of what Commandant Jiang is speaking of. Please order an investigation and give punishment were deserved."

A young man walked forward from the middle, bowed at his majesty before turning to scoff at the guilty and unrepentant minister, "Really, Minister Hong? An investigation? Your Majesty, Your Highness Crown Prince, this civil servant had all the investigations made and the report is at His Majesty's desk. Please Your Majesty have a look."

Intrigued by Director Bai's words, Emperor Ru An checked the pile of reports on his desk and indeed found Director Bai's memorial report. Easy to find as it was thicker than five of regular reports combined.

"This civil servant did not know that Commandant Jiang would mention this, so I prepared a detailed memorial report with the evidence, dates and the confession letters from all the suspects who currently stay in the Ministry of Justice's police cells. Minister Fu is unwell, hence unable to bring this to His Majesty sooner. Hence I sought to do it on his behalf. Please, Your Majesty, pass judgement."

His Majesty the Emperor carefully scanned the memorial, indeed very detailed, before calmly closing it and handing it over to his trusted eunuch to pass it to Crown Prince.

Upon reading it Crown Prince was visibly pleased with Director Bai but angry with Minister Hong.

"Hear your Emperor's decree. Minister Hong of the Ministry of Works and Transport has stolen from the ministry's treasury and added to his personal wealth, disregarding his duties and responsibilities to his nation and his Emperor. He is to be imprisoned and executed three days from now. His sons and grandsons will be forbidden from becoming officials and half of his wealth will be taken by the Imperial Treasury."

"His Majesty is wise."

The entire hall chorused while Minister Hong wailed and sunk to his knees in despair. "Your Majesty, Your Majesty please show mercy. Please clear my name your majesty. I'm innocent, your majesty, I'm innocent!" Minister Hong cried as the imperial guards dragged him away as the ministers present watched.

Everyone knew that His Majesty was a man of quick temper and fast action so no one even dared to object.

"In regard to the matter of war with Duan, I summon The Four Mystical Warriors alongside General of the Southwest and General of the Northwest to lead this expedition. Crown Prince will follow the General of the Southwest. May Jin be victorious!"

"Great Jin is victorious, His Majesty is powerful, Great Jin is victorious, His Majesty is powerful." The ministers chanted as they bowed in ceremony. Even the Crown Prince bowed and chanted despite being greatly doubtful and sad inside.

After that the meeting was adjourned, the officials filed out of the Grand Hall, heads bowed as they discussed amongst small groupings of what had transpired at the morning session.

While many were not surprised and even pleased with Minister Hong's execution, the hot topic worth their gossip was the war at their doorstep.

Everyone in the kingdom knew of the story of The Four Mystical Warriors and how they came to be. While the story traces back to the Xiaodi era, during the reign of the Xiao dynasty who were the founders of Jin 100 years ago, the current holders of the prestigious titles gained such merits during the Third Prince's rebellion in the 25th year of Anning.

When Wuling was surrounded by Cao army, General Yin guarded the West, General Ouyang guarded the East (Azure Dragon General), General Ling guarded the South (Vermillion Bird General) and General Zhao guarded the North (Black Tortoise General). While General Yin died in battle, his Lieutenant Li (White Tiger General) was promoted and the Yin family was honored with the hereditary, noble title of Lord of Ji.

The Jiang did aid in subduing much of the rebellion, however for they were too powerful, they were only granted General of the Southwest.

Many, if not the whole world, knew of the Jiang family. The surname alone was the most honored and revered name in the kingdom. Some would say even more than the Imperial family's.

For His Majesty to give the Jiang army responsibility over the Crown Prince during the war held two meanings, depending on perspective. To those oblivious of His Majesty's concerns, it meant that His Majesty wanted to use the Jiang army to garner merits for the Crown Prince. However, even if it was true, this was in reality a warning to the Jiang family. That should anything happen to the Crown Prince they would be held responsible.

While they were aware of such complications, the Jiang brothers didn't seem a bit worried, making Commandant Jiang feel weird. However, he said nothing as they, General Jiang, Minister Jiang and Commandant Jiang, travelled together to the carriages.

"You did well, Xiao Wei (Little Wei). Although Director Bai may get more recognition for this feat, you have made your stand very evident. His Majesty will very soon give you a more favorable position in court."

Commandant Jiang showed gratitude while his face remained stout at Minister Jiang's praise. "Thanks to my General and Brother Minister that I am able to stand in the Grand Imperial Hall. I do not deserve such praise."

Commandant Jiang's choice of tone was not warm or flattering but it made all of his words sound extremely sincere and his cousins appreciated that.

Although General Jiang and Minister Jiang were approaching their 30s, they didn't have any heirs. Minister Jiang had had only three girls while General Jiang had not married at all, making them both anxious yet unrestrained in the imperial court.

That's why they greatly valued 18-year-old Jiang Wei, Commandant of the Jiang army and their father's younger brother's second son.

Their mothers were first generation cousins making them has closer blood ties.

"Older Brother, you are again going to war. Mother will be worried if you don't spend a bit more time with her before you go. Do come to the family banquet tonight."

General Jiang sighed at Minister Jiang's words, "As you say, little brother. You should join us, Little Wei."

Jiang Wei smiled slightly but shook his head. "I promised Mother that I would write to her and send her gifts to send to Older Brother's new in-laws."

Realization colored Minister Jiang's countenance, "It has suddenly come to me. Cousin Rong married the daughter of the Lord of Ji, Yin Chao. The Empress' younger brother."

Jiang Wei nodded, "Indeed it's true. Although Lord of Ji is safe in Bingzhou, the people of Ji have nowhere to go and are trapped by Duan. His Majesty is wise to send Vermillion Bird General as he is closest and more aware of the terrain."

The two brothers shared a look before asking, "How do you know that His Majesty was to send General Ling Jing?"

Jiang Wei looked confused, "Didn't Vermillion Bird General not save Lord of Ji? Did I hear it wrong during the court meeting today, General? Besides, it is but a wild guess, that's all."

A look of disappointment yet ease seemed to flash through their faces before General Jiang answered, "Indeed, your guess is correct. You go and reply to their letters, and send our regards to them. We shall meet tomorrow to strategize."

Jiang Wei bowed, "Yes, General. Take care."

General Jiang hummed in approval before entering the carriage after his brother. Immediately the carriage took off, Jiang Wei paused to stare at it with murderous intent before walking away.

After a while in the journey General Jiang finally spoke, "About Jiang Wei, what do you think of him?"

Minister Jiang hummed, "Indeed he's exceptional. He's talented and knows a lot, quite shrewd and eloquent. He's not a simple military man."

Like you, Minister Jiang thought with a smirk.

General Jiang, oblivious to this, continued, "The Jiang family is constantly in the spotlight, and we are slowly falling to decline. Although I'm not smart, I at least know that Jiang Wei is dangerous. Taming a tiger is claiming the sky, it is impossible and foolish to try. So why did you insist that I recruit him in our Jiang army?"

Minister Jiang's brow rose in scorn, "Elder brother, you said it yourself yet you're still asking this question? What is his last name? What has he been doing the past four years? He passed the entry and provincial exam at only the age of 16. He's martial arts are of a close level to yours. He's knowledgeable in politics and war strategies. He clearly did all these to get our attention. You really think I didn't know all these when I asked you to recruit him? Our golden Jiang branch is on the verge of decline. I don't have any sons and you're hellbent on not getting married, what else could I have done? Our mothers are first generation cousins and our fathers are blood brothers, should I have chosen from a more distant Jiang family lineage? For what reason?"

General Jiang's brows furrowed at his brother's quick rise in temper, "Why are you so angry? You know I'm dull in certain matters of politics and scheming, but I'm not stupid. However, Jiang Wei seems indifferent and cooperative, and his thoughts are still beyond what we can guess. How to deal with him, I'll have to rely on your abilities."

"We'll have to lay low first and plan ahead critically and carefully."

General Jiang did not speak again, making Minister Jiang look at his brother with a funny look that his brother had to ask fiercely, "What are you looking at? What are you thinking?"

Minister Jiang only smiled, but didn't say what he was thinking. He only said, "We are almost home, wipe that scowl off your face."

General Jiang scowled more but did not pursue the matter farther. He had learned over the years that in terms of politics his younger brother knew best and learnt to leave it to him as matters of military Minister Jiang left them to him.

It had been two months since the Second Prince's rebellion, the story much gorier and heartbreaking than the storytellers dare to share.

In every moment the memory haunted the Empress so that her health gradually deteriorated, her own son blinded by the need for power and corrupted by the world that sort more of him than he could give.

Her lady in waiting dressed in immaculate lavender colored clothing to show of her status, stood beside Her Majesty's bed as sorrow and grief danced in her eyes for her mistress. She had stayed by Empress Yin's side for years and watched the young highnesses grow up in this palace.

Even she had seen that till his last moment Second Prince's love for his birth mother the Empress was forever evident in his words and deeds. This was what aggravated the Empress' pain the most.

Her children, one by one, had left her to go to the Underworld, leaving her in the cold and desolate Phoenix Palace. Only the Crown Prince remained, and they both shared the hollowness left from being royalty. A shell of their former selves.

Crown Prince had been standing at the gates of the Phoenix Palace for more than half an hour, his hesitation coming from facing his mother while telling her of his recent decision. The servants secretly watched and whispered amongst themselves, wondering what had happened for Crown Prince to fear meeting his birth mother.

After much deliberation Crown Prince finally entered, passing the servants with no acknowledgment and heading straight to his mother's sleeping chambers.

It was mid-morning hence he knew where his mother would be at this time.

The male servant at the door realizing the Crown Prince quickly announced his presence as he knelt in ceremony alongside the rest of the servants. "Crown Prince is here."

Empress Yin quickly straightened her back, surprised yet pleased with her son's arrival to her palace.

She called out, "Ju'er?"

Crown Prince entered, his steps graceful and calculated before he stopped before her majesty's bed and fell to Jin customary ceremony, "Crown Prince Feng Ju greets Mother Empress."

Empress Yin smiled widely, "Quickly rise my child. Come here."

Crown Prince hesitated but dared not disobey his mother.

He rose and climbed to seat at his mother's side. "Mother, your health.  Are you okay? Do you need…"

Empress Yin shook her head, "My health is just a matter of age, no need for a physician. What I need is you to keep me company. Then I will feel better."

Crown Prince smiled, though his eyes did not show it and Empress Yin noticed it but said nothing.

"Is Lord of Ji safe?" Crown Prince nodded, "Vermillion Bird General wrote a memorial to the court saying Royal Uncle is safe in Bingzhou. He's perfectly safe."

Empress Yin nodded, her face finally regaining some color before turning to her lady in waiting, "Court Lady Gong…"

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Prepare some snacks for the Crown Prince."

"At once, Your Majesty."

"You must have come straight from the Court Meeting you probably didn't even have time to break your fast." Empress Yin spoke as she arose from her bed, Crown Prince holding her arm to aid her.

"Mother Empress.."

"Aah aah, don't say it. You're not disturbing me at all. I've had more rest than necessary so I'm more than fine. Besides, everything I do for you only makes me happier."

Crown Prince remained silent as it was not what Empress Yin imagined he wanted to say. His silence only confirmed Empress Yin's worries but she dared not show it.

After she sat at her chair comfortably did Crown Prince sigh in relief before he sat to her opposite. "Ju'er?"

"Yes, Mother Empress."

Empress Yin paused before asking, "Are you okay, my son?"

Crown Prince felt air constrict his lungs and his heart felt too tight in his chest.

"Mother Empress, I'm perfectly…"

"Don't lie to your mother, son."

Crown Prince's eyes widened slightly, surprised at his mother's change of tone. Did she know already? Empress Yin always knew when something was wrong, Crown Prince could rarely hide it from her. It was the same now.

"Ju'er," Empress Yin spoke, her voice sweet yet pained, "In matters of the royal family, you know best the responsibility one has to carry. The matters of the world need your constant attention, and nothing ever comes easy."

She paused, turning her head to look at the blossom tree that stood outside, now but a withered thick stick.

"Life and death are but small matters compared to the world, that's why we are forced to forget, to move on as if nothing happened. The seasons change and we conform to the current one, never allowing ourselves to wallow at the passing of winter but to celebrate at the coming of spring."

Crown Prince followed his mother's gaze and recognized the blossom tree that was now withered. It was Second Prince that planted that tree, and it never withered even in winter because he personally took care of it. Never allowed anyone else to do it.

Crown Prince understood his mother's words. Because of Second Prince's rebellion, no one was allowed to mourn for him and his burial was never conducted. Instead, he was burned at the stake for his sins, just like First Brother and Third Brother who had also rebelled. None of that would have happened had His Majesty not named him Crown Prince despite being the last-born son of the Emperor and Empress.

Crown Prince was haunted by this thought and regularly sought death but he would not get it. For he was the Crown Prince, the hope of the Great Jin. He wasn't allowed to take his life, but he was allowed to take others. Crown Prince scoffed at the cruel karma that circled his life.

'Mother Empress,…"

"You are a father now; I forget that at times. Make sure to spend time with Little Prince Xuan. He's very plump and cute, but I haven't been able to see him for the past few days. Have you seen him? Is he more grown? You should accompany him more, don't be like your Father Emperor, always busy and estranged from his own children."

Making it easy to kill them one by one.

Although Empress Yin didn't say it, Crown Prince could hear it resonate in the moment of silence that lingered between them. He could only answer "Yes, Mother Empress."

With indignity and refrain.After a few hours of eating and awkward chatting Crown Prince left Phoenix Palace leaving Empress Yin and Court Lady Gong together in the Empress' personal chambers.

"Your Majesty, I heard when I was preparing snacks for His Highness that His Highness would leave for war in two days alongside General of the Southwest Jiang. I didn't say it earlier so as not to spoil Your Majesty's mood with bad news."

Empress Yin, undisturbed, nodded, "I understand."

Court Lady Gong's expression changed, "Your Majesty knew of this?"

Empress Yin shook her head, "I only guessed it when I saw Ju'er's expressions and attitudes today. He seemed worried but unable to express it. It then became clearer when you informed me of this matter."

Court Lady frowned slightly, "Then why did His Highness not tell Your Majesty about His Majesty's decree? Could it be that His Highness doesn't want to go to war and fears parting with Your Majesty?"

Empress Yin sighed, "This son of mine, too heartbroken and too lonely. He has a wife and son, but the heart seems not to be happy. He indeed fears leaving me, but he is also afraid of letting His Imperial Father down. That must be why he didn't say anything."

Court Lady Gong nodded in understanding before helping Empress Yin refill her tea cup, "Then, what are Your Majesty's thoughts on this?"

Empress Yin's brow rose in query, "Are you trying to read me on whether I will argue with His Majesty about this?"

Court Lady Gong quickly fell to her knees, "This servant dares not. It's just that Your Majesty has been depressed over His Highness Second Prince's demise and been blaming His Majesty for it. As your servant, naturally your well-being and thoughts are most important to me."

Empress Yin, for the first time in a long time did not reminisce upon hearing of the Second Prince, but instead shook her head, a small smile on her lips. "Aren't you eloquent?"

Court Lady Gong remained silent, surprised by this response. "Never mind, if His Majesty wanted my opinion he would have naturally consulted me. Since he didn't, well he'll have to bear the consequences. Ju'er's position as Crown Prince cannot be stabilized by just His Majesty's word alone. He needs military merits to strengthen it. General of the Southwest is capable and loyal, I believe Ju'er is safe under his protection."

Court Lady Gong agreed, her eyes shining with silent joy at seeing her mistress more responsive than before.

After Crown Prince left Phoenix Palace he went straight to his palace, Eastern Palace where all previous Crown Prince's had stayed.

Without saying a word or even acknowledging anyone, Crown Prince entered the Eastern Palace and went straight to his study room, Tian Ming Hall.

The sound of a cheerful child playing in the back garden filled his ears but he did not even turn his eyes towards it. He immediately settled down as his appointed and trusted eunuch, Eunuch Gong, served him with this day's court reports.

Crown Princess, Ouyang Ying, sat by the garden, observing it all and saying nothing. Her maid, also seeing this tried to speak out, "Your Highness.."

"Don't say anything." Crown Princess commanded in a low voice. The child innocently continued to play in the warm snow, laughing and jumping. His innocence warmed Crown Princess' heart. This is why women have children. She said to herself as she continued to embroider another shirt for her son.