
4 Virtue + 3 Unique

As she flew down, a golden light enveloped the golden nine-tailed fox's body. Soon, a woman in her twenties emerged from the light, and her appearance was difficult to describe in words. Her beauty was otherworldly: two wide eyes with bright golden pupils, an exquisite slender nose, sensually thick lips, and curly golden hair that danced in the wind.

The woman's figure is truly tall and voluptuous, at around 2 meters high. Her breasts are massive, at around 105 centimeters. Her neck is a bit long and slim. Her waist curves beautifully, resembling a guitar. Her buttocks stick out perfectly from beneath her gold dress, and her long legs look smooth.

Just as the woman was about to embrace him, the Nameless One abruptly vanished from his position, leaving her to embrace empty air. She disappointedly looked up at the top of the Sun Tower. "Husband! I haven't seen you in a long time, but now you're avoiding me."