
Zero Point

After a road accident ,a 15 year old boy finds himself in purgatory with no memories of his past life at all. He meets a mysterious white man, which sends him into another world. There he is given the name "Jordan Glowthorne", learns about the world around him. However, there might be more to the world than he was told.

Ra1jinZ · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Unforeseen Circumstances

"How naive can you be?" The girl said to us,with her hand raised,and water droplets gravitating around it. She was a maid,but the look on her face made her look like nothing like a maid at all. It was stoic,lacking much emotion. She had short brown hair, wearing..well,a maid outfit, and had freckles across her face.

"I have to say, I didn't expect this at all." I said,sheathing my sword. I walked a bit closer to her,attempting to introduce myself.

"Stop right there." She said to me,pushing her hand out towards me once again. Water droplets started to form around her palms,and it seemed like she was going to shoot me again.

"Introduce yourself before getting closer." She said to me,still keeping her hand in the same position.

"That's why I was getting closer,to intro-never mind." I said,sighing.

"I'm Jordan Glowthorne. The idiot behind me is Flynn Kingsley." I said to her,raising my arms up,signaling that I wasn't hostile.

"Who're you calling an idiot?!" Flynn said to me,lighting his palms on fire. I looked back and smirked at him,snickering. I then looked back at her,crossing my arms together.

"Usually this is the part where you introduce yourself. You wanna,y'know,do that?" I said to her in a somewhat demeaning tone.

Reluctantly,she lowered her arm and gave us a typical greeting,lowering one of her legs and placing her hands on the left and right sides of her skirt.

"Milda Leuthia Horian. Pleased to make your acquaintance." She greeted us in a formal manner. "However,a greeting and telling you about your naivety is not why I'm here. You said something about Devillins breaking free? We should get to his location immediately" She immediately switched topics and asked us. Well,I'd hoped for a more casual meeting,but it seems like we wouldn't get anything like that out of this girl.

"Right. About that. He kinda just...disappeared." I replied to Milda.

"And even if we did know where he was, the three of us can't beat an entire Devillin army." Flynn commented unexpectedly.

Wow. I didn't expect those words to come out of Flynn's mouth. It was probably the smartest thing I've heard him say in the..48 hours that I had known him. But whenever we talked about anything,he would usually just spew out random crap due to rage. But hey,I'm not complaining about it. I just hope he'll be able to say things like this all the time.

"Well,what's your plan on this,then? Because it doesn't seem like you have one." Milda commented,crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Well,we're kinda roaming over the entire nation to find all of the elementals. Then we'd figure out a plan together." I replied.

"Hm? Well,you can count me in. I would never want to see my kingdom because of a bunch of devillins." Milda said to us.

"Well,that's great!" I said,walking up to her. I then whispered to her, "And between you and me,I didn't attack you there,since it's not really my style to hurt gir-" and before I could even finish my sentence,she roundhouse kicked me straight out of a nearby open window, causing me to land face first on the ground. I guess I greatly underestimated the power of this maid.

"Also,you said you were gathering elementals? I think I could help with that." Milda said to us,as she looked down upon me standing up and dusting the dirt off of my clothes.

"Which one do you know?" I asked her.

She smirked,before looking directly at me.

"Let's just say it's gonna get windy up in here."

Well,it's been a whole month since I updated this. Sorry about that,outside work had just piled up on me and I wasn't able to find time to write. Anyways,if you're still sticking with me and reading this,I thank you,from all of my heart!

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