
Zero Point

After a road accident ,a 15 year old boy finds himself in purgatory with no memories of his past life at all. He meets a mysterious white man, which sends him into another world. There he is given the name "Jordan Glowthorne", learns about the world around him. However, there might be more to the world than he was told.

Ra1jinZ · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Flynn’s Flames

My name is Flynn Kingsley. I'm 19 years old,and apparently dubbed "The Flame Elemental." For as long as I know,I never had any parents. If my memory serves me right,I was thrown out as a child,and I was raised by a group of village raiders,ever since I was about 4 years old. I didn't have the greatest childhood,you see. I was trained to become a fighter before I even discovered my powers,and when I did, the training they had me do was doubled. I was supposed to be the person that made everyone fear the group of raiders, make sure we were on top. However,that came to stop pretty quickly. One night, when I was about 12 years old,the entire party was slaughtered by one man. ONE MAN. No one knows who he was,except for this old man which hid by a tree during the massacre. I don't know what he looks like,but since then,I've been trying to get stronger. Strong enough to defeat that man. Whatever the cost may be.


Well,after our "heated" first encounter,I was able to sit him down at a nearby bar. There,when I asked for just his name,he told me his entire life story. So,"Flynn Kingsley" is his name. We exchanged information,except I didn't tell him the part where I was transported from another world. Eh,It's not like it would be of use,anyways. After the introductions,I explained the plan to him.

"So long story short: A bunch of demonic people are trying to unseal a Demon Lord to destroy the world,and we're the only ones who can stop them."

"Okay..so what,you expect me to just say,'Yeah,sure I'll help you!'? It doesn't work that way."

"Look,I know that we just met like 10 minutes ago,but-"

"Hey,Jordan- I'm touched that you need my help,but I need to train. I need to be able to kill that man and avenge my guardians-"

"If you don't help me, you won't even be alive to avenge them!" I shouted out,standing from my chair. To my surprise, Flynn actually stopped to listen to me.

"You want to kill that man and avenge the people who raised you right? I promise you,you'll be able to do that but you need to help me."

"Alright,quit yappin'. Where are we going?" Flynn said,coming back to sit at my table. I sighed. I was 1/4th the way of my quest.

"Well,we need to try to find a lead on where the next elemental may be."

"So,you dragged me onto this without really knowing what you're doing?"

"Well no,I know what I'm doing,but…"

"But what?"

"Yeah. I have no idea what I am doing."

Well, that was a great first impression. Anyways, we headed off to the inn,considering it was about 8 at night at that point, and we decided to get some rest before trying to find the next member of our little..crisis evasion team. But we were too tired to plan anything at the moment.


I guess it won't be that hard to find the next member. In the most convenient way possible,a newspaper stated that an unexplainable flood appeared in the Royal Family's Palace over in The Rudian Kingdom. Now,our suspicions suddenly went to the question that the young miss,or the princess, "Norial Leuthia Horian" may be our water elemental here,making it even harder to be able to get her on the team,let alone even get to talk to her. Well,there was no time to dawdle. As soon as we saw this news,Flynn and I knew what we had to do. We quickly raced over to The Rudian Kingdom,in hopes to find our next member.

Our team was finally coming together.