
zerk the new world

the world Zerk was created for a purpose to be the land of the gods or humans would win to have the planet Zerk

PlayerOliver · Lịch sử
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128 Chs


Pedroko is a dictator of Zombo. He is the chairman of the council that governs the city. He has been in power for about ten years. He rules with an iron fist. The people obey his every whim.

His nephew, Benjamin, was kidnapped by the aliens. Pedroko fears that the aliens will come back for Benjamin.

Pedroko decides to teach the people of Zombo a lesson. He wants them to see what he would do with Benjamin if he were in his place. He orders all the people of Zombo to line up in the streets. People are ordered to raise their hands and lie on their stomachs.

Pedroko walks up to the people. He draws his pistol and shoots the first person in line. The bullet hits the man in the shoulder. The man screams and falls to the ground.

Then Pedroko shoots the next person in line. The man also falls to the ground. Pedroko then fires his pistol again. This time he shoots a woman. The woman falls to the ground crying.

All the people in line are now lying on the floor. Pedroko smiles as she approaches the last person in line. He points his pistol and shoots. The bullet hits the man in the head. The man's body falls to the ground.

Pedroko pockets his pistol. He walks back to his house. He decides that he has now taught the people of Zombo a lesson. He is confident that they will never be abducted by the aliens.