
Zenith Greyrat Became My Main Wife!

A True Immortal who is powerful beyond belief has a hobby of transmigrating after each life, sadly he has trouble keeping women around him for long and isn’t the most talkative person. Flynn Greyrat plans to honor the dream of the kid’s body he took over by becoming a farmer! Little did he know the wife he is searching for turned out to be Zenith Greyrat from Mushoku Tensei! Warning: OC Mash-up world, OP MC, Incest, Oyakodon

StormWolf16 · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs


"I gotta admit, I respect the fact she's diving into this without any hesitation. Truly I did not expect her to ask for sex so soon. I thought she would've at least taken some time to come to terms with all I told her." Flynn said to himself.

He was taking a bath inside of his bathroom within his room. Before this he had led Zenith back to her room to give her some time to mentally prepare herself. Flynn had suggested taking more time to think about her choice, however his wife is dead set on consummating their marriage.

"I might not be able to have a wedding, but I'll be damned if I don't consummate my marriage on the night I get married." Those were her words to him.

To be honest, he doubts she would be up for sex if she didn't have an option to choose whether or not she wanted to marry him. It's probably much easier for her to have sex with the man she chose to marry, regardless of how their marriage came to be. Flynn still gave her the genuine choice of refusing his proposal. 

He knows Zenith is immensely grateful to him for giving her a choice, she knows Flynn could've forcibly had his way with her if he desired. There would be nothing she could do to stop him. 

Not that Flynn would ever force himself on her, at least in a way she doesn't like. Some people have a kink where they like being forced into sex.

"Well it works out for both of us, we still need to properly build our relationship to have a loving marriage. Give it some time before we start having kids. But I think we can build a strong bond in a short amount of time through training, farming, a few dates and constant sex. At least I hope so, I'm really not good when it comes to long-term relationships." Flynn sighed to himself, he really wanted to make his new marriage work out. 

Earlier when he brought up dual cultivation, he didn't only bring it up as an excuse to have a lot of sex with his wife. No, he knows that dual cultivation is a method to increase one's strength significantly in a short amount of time. While he obviously has other methods of breaking her level cap, he knew through sex Zenith would receive the most benefits by dual cultivating with him. 

He's confident with his training combined with dual cultivation, Zenith will break through level 100 in only a few months. In a year she should be in the mid to late 200s. 

From what he knows, most humans never make it to level 80 let alone 200. 

'I already know what to do about her healing magic, what's interesting to me is the dormant powerful magic residing deep within her. I noticed it back at the slave market. She seems to have powerful magic related to lions, unfortunately because of her current level cap Zenith had no hope of ever awakening this power. Her body would not be able to handle her power, luckily that will no longer be the case. If I had to guess, her dormant lion magic probably won't show signs of awakening until she reaches level 50. I'll have to ask her if her family has any relation to lions.' Flynn thought.

Eventually he got out of the bath water, dried himself before putting on a white robe. Considering what's about to happen, he finds it pointless dressing in anything but his robe. Although he did tie it up to cover her lower region up for now. 

He left his bathroom, then his room before walking down to Zenith's room. Once he was at the door, he gently knocked on it to alert her of his presence.

"I'm here, Zenith." He softly called out.

After a minute, he heard her respond. "You can come in, Flynn."  

Flynn turned the knob, he stepped inside once he opened the door. Since they are the only ones here, Flynn felt no need to close the door.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting long, as you know I wanted to give you more time to think about this thoroughly." Flynn spoke softly, taking in Zenith's pajama clad appearance. 

"No you didn't keep me waiting long at all. To be honest, I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice how much time passed." She said from the bed, her lower half was under the soft cover. 

"Yeah that happens to me a lot when I'm on the farm working. I get so into it that I don't keep track of the time." Flynn chuckled.

Zenith also laughed. "How mortal of you." 

Both shared another laugh with each other, once their laughter died down. A comfortable silence was left between them. 

Flynn chose to wait until Zenith said something first, he figured it was best to let her control the pace in the beginning. 

Soon after taking a deep breath, Zenith softly patted on the empty spot next to her. "You can sit next to me, Flynn, it's fine."

"Alright, I wanted to wait until you said something to not startle you." Flynn said as he sat next to his wife, he didn't put his legs on the bed yet.

"I may be nervous but I'm not a virgin Flynn, as a teenager I was curious and got around a bit. I hope me not being a virgin doesn't bother you..?" Zenith was a little nervous about that if anything, growing up she learned men preferred their wives to be virgins. 

Flynn scoffed. "Please, I'm not some insecure mortal who gets upset over his wife not being a virgin prior to us meeting. Most virgins tend to be boring partners during sex anyways because of their inexperience."

He's lived long enough where such things aren't even worth thinking about. 

Zenith sighed in relief, now she feels foolish for even bringing it up. Though it was necessary for her to clear that up before taking the next step. "Good, see I was raised to believe that most men wanted their wives to be virgins. While men could sleep around without a care, men are actually expected to have an affair with at least one woman during marriage. Especially if their wife is going through pregnancy."

"Every society has its own set of rules, in my experience it's rare when it's ever fair for both sides of the fence. I've witnessed societies where women are the dominant gender. Subjecting men to be nothing more than semen suppliers, taking away their freedoms, treating them as servants and so on. I've seen male and female dominant societies do cruel things to their counterparts. If I'm being honest, while screwed up wholeheartedly, this world is pretty tame compared to others I know of." Flynn spoke as an experienced, wise old man.

Zenith looked at him. "You sound like an old man." She giggled.

"Technically, I am one even though I'm biologically only 22 years old. Do you feel grossed out being married to a man who is older than the universe?" Flynn grinned.

"…Holy shit you are that old?" Zenith swore, completely shocked by what she just heard. "I knew you said you lived countless lifetimes, though I never expected your true age to be older than the universe itself. It's truly insane to fully comprehend."

"Yeah, I get that a lot whenever I tell someone of my true origins. I find it amusing watching mortals have mental breakdowns from their views or beliefs being utterly shattered." Flynn commented causally.

Zenith shook her head, learning and witnessing how her husband seems to enjoy the suffering of mortals to some extent. Surprisingly, she does not feel as off putting as she expected. 'Oh my, I'm already growing used to his attitude! This is all happening way too quick.' 

The entire day has been filled with nothing but surprise after surprise for Zenith. Earlier today she was a slave on the verge of succumbing to her illness, now she's a healthy free woman who is now married to an all-powerful immortal. 

How the hell did her life turn into this in one simple day?

'Ok Zenith get it together! This is your situation now, get over it you're married to a super powerful mass murderer who happens to also be immortal. Now I need to make the first move before it gets awkward between us. I can tell he's not making a move first to prevent me from being uncomfortable.' Zenith mentally prepared herself.

"Flynn, please put your legs on the bed and get under the covers with me." She told her husband.

He did as told, then became a bit surprised when she scooted herself closer to him. Leaning her head against his shoulder. 

"Zenith?" Flynn raised an eyebrow, suspecting what's about to happen.

"Flynn, since we're married. There's no need for us to keep procrastinating. Please kiss me." Zenith gave him a soft smile.