
Zelda: The Man who brought Doom

What a way to die, huh? Well at least I will be able to see my family again, even if it is in the after-life. Just gotta complete, this damn 'quest' I was tasked with and everything will be fine. But then again what could possibily go wrong, if you are a human looking Ancient Doomsday with even more potential than the original..... ///////////// So I am a new Author. So if you notice something wrong or bad just tell me and I will try to change it. English also isn't my main language, so do excuse any mistakes I make. Just write a paragraph comment and I will correct it. I am also unable to promise a stable update schedule. I will try to at least update twice a week though and I will try to get the first 10-15 chapters out as fast as possible :) The profile picture isn't mine. I found it on pintrest if you want to get the link to it or if you own it and want me to take it down just message me. I also don't own anything except my mc

mkoester · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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24 Chs


After what felt like a long lecture about why I apparently shouldn't go inside a sun, which sounds quite stupid now that I think about it, we finally walked back towards the path that leads towards Kakariko... only to notice one of the shrines directly opposite of where we came from...

"Ok, so, we are going to clear that one, too, yes? I mean passing an opportunity to get some of your strength back would just be stupid, no?" I could see her slowly nod at my words.

"Yes, it certainly would, and I think it's clear that we wouldn't be able to reach Kakariko in a single day anyways. At least if our current track record is anything to go by... the next thing I know an assassin comes for us or a Lynel starts hunting us." She shook her head, and I couldn't help but laugh, although she was kind of right... We did a lot of stuff, but walking towards Kakariko was always kind of in the back of our minds, or at least mine, which resulted in us barely making any progress even though we woke up over 2 hours ago...

"Yeah, I could see that happening…" I shook my head, "Well then, lets go." I motioned towards the shrine and walked towards it. Linkle ran in front of me and pulled out her S-Slate and opened it up, but as soon as I was about to walk inside it, I was stopped by some kind of invisible wall. Deciding to simply try and brute force my way in, I put my hand on it and started applying power…

Soon cracks started forming in the air and just as I was about to use even more strength…

"Wait!" Linkle put a hand on my shoulder and exclaimed. "What ever you are doing is destroying the whole thing." She motioned towards the outer hull of the shrine. And sure enough, cracks were everywhere…

"Seems like I won't be able to go inside this then. As soon as I was about to walk inside it, an invisible wall stopped me. Ans destroying it isn't working, too, as you saw…" I shook my head once again. "But you should be able to do this on your own, no? You are after the Hero of Hyrule?" I ended with a smile. 

And she really should be able to clear it, if I remember most were puzzles with only one or two, of those that I did at least, I'm pretty sure I didn't even do half of them, were filled with Guardians and were some kind of test for you fighting powers.

She scoffed. "Of course. And if there is something dangerous in there, I will simply run." 

"Well then off you go and stay safe." I saw her smile at my words and the only answer I got was a nod. She then walked inside the shrine and entered it. 

Now then, what can I do to pass the time?

I looked around. Nothing special. I closed my eyes and listened to everything surrounding me. Nothing special, again. Mhm… 

Let's just try testing my new ability. 

And so, I found a nice spot on the ground and set down. I then willed my hand to sharpen again. And just as I wanted it, my fingers, once more, became longer and sharper. Then, I willed them to become normal again. After which I just repeated the process a few times. 

Soon after I started changing, what I wanted a bit. First, I wanted to only sharpen only one finger, I, of course, chose the middle finger, for no particular reason… And instead of my only middle finger changing the way my hand changed before, three fingers, my index, middle and ring finger, to be exact, changed.

Seems like I don't have complete control over this new power of mine…

Next, I wanted to strengthen my leg. First, I thought about how I could strengthen it. I could for example, strengthen my muscles or… I don't really know. How could I strengthen something, besides getting stronger muscles? So, I simply willed my legs to get stronger and my muscles inside of it getting stronger…

And instead of only feeling my left leg, the one I wanted to strengthen, get stronger, I was also able to see it getting stronger. Seems like I didn't get stronger muscles but simply more…

 And while my left leg continued to bulk up, I was able to feel something else… my right leg. It was becoming weaker and weaker, not but much mind you. But still… I was also able to see it getting thinner and thinner.

So, I instead of simply creating more muscles, I move muscles from one leg to another… I then tried to reverse the whole process, which worked without any problems. After which I tried to cancel what I did, which, once again, was no problem at all.

Mhm, if I can do this, then I should be able to…

I then thought about strengthening my right arm. And sure enough. My right arm started bulking up, while my left one got thinner. Mhm… I just need to see how much stronger my arm got. 

Which is why I stood up and walked a bit away from the shrine. I looked around once more, just to be sure, and then… I punched the ground. With everything I got once more…


And the very earth I stood upon trembled…

So, it is a lot stronger, huh? 

Compared to when I did the same thing inside the Bokoblin camo, I guess it would be a bit stronger. Not by a lot, but that time I did the same thing while falling, which made it quite a bit stronger than it normally would. 

After that I walked away a bit farther and punched the ground once more. This time with the arm that became thinner after strengthening my right one. And…


The earth shook again. Not as much as before but it still did… I then willed my hands to go back to what they were before, which happened within moments. Following that I walked another few meters, where I then punched the ground once again…


Mhm… If this is what I am able to do with 100 percent of my current power, then I guess I would put my strengthened punch around 40 percent more powerful and my weakened punch around 20 percent weaker. So, I guess, I create some muscle but there is a limit to it or something along the lines…

I then tried a few other things.

If I was right and I was able to move muscles, then maybe I am also able to control where they move? Like for example creating something like a small shield with my arm. Which I tried next. I thought about strengthening my right arm and then tried to kind of stretch? My muscles so that they cover more. And it kinda worked, which surprised me to be completely honest. 

I felt my left arm get weaker, but my right arm didn't get stronger. Instead, the muscles on my forearm stretched outwards and it was quite a significant amount, I would guess that my new forearm was about 15 centimeters wide. Which could be quite useful… if I ever needed a shield, which I probably shouldn't but you never know…

I then reverted everything I did and tried strengthening my right arm once more, but this time I thought about taking muscles from not only my other arm but also from both of my legs. Which worked once more. But a thing I noticed quite easily is that it took quite a bit of time for the change to be complete. About 30 seconds…

So that's not useable in a fight, I guess. Although am I able to move while changing something?

I then once more reverted everything, which surprisingly took another 30 seconds. After that I simply started walking around and tried to do the same change once more. And while my right arm did get stronger once more, it was even slower than before, taking a bit more than one minute.

Mhm, I might be able to use this, but waiting for a whole minute just to have more power in one arm… I don't know how this will be. But first let's try this thing out.

I though with a smile and walked towards a place that I hadn't yet scarred and punched the ground…


Well, this is a lot more powerful than I expected. I guess it was about twice as strong as my normal punch. So, I guess, this is kind of useful, if only to finish a strong opponent. And I also shouldn't forget that I am not alone, Linkle might be able to distract them while I change my arm and then finish whatever we are fighting…

I guess I should talk to her about this. But now that I think about it… how should I explain that while she was inside a shrine for barely a quarter of an hour, I destroyed everything surrounding it…

So I accidently updated a chapter that wasn't complete and also a bit too soon... so in case you didn't read the last part of this chapter feel free to do so, it's about 500 words long.

Sry for the inconvenience and have a great day

mkoestercreators' thoughts