

If you are reading this, the virus has now entered your phone, you have five seconds until it spreads to every part of your being. You have been warned. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Time's up! * * * It all started when Ruby let down her guards. She let an enemy into her house. Beryl was the sister to her husband's friend. That's how the got to know each other. So like new friends, Beryl began visiting Ruby oftenly. And she would cook and spend time with her. So one night, her husband Peter went out to buy weed. It was nothing unusual for Ruby since he did that often. He came back a few hours later and claimed he met some of his friends and they hang out for a few hours as they smoked. They had sex a couple of times and slept. Fast forward to a few weeks later. Ruby discovered something and took her friend Beryl's phone. Guess what she found in the trash can? Pictures of her husband and her backstabbing friend completely naked, posing in all the styles they could master. Some even had them stick their tongues out and middle finger pointing at the camera. She had deleted them but she clearly doesn't know how to get rid of evidence. Ruby was pissed. She had always known her husband was cheating but since she never had any evidence, she was always dismissed. When she looked at the date on the pictures, her heart broke. She remembered the day so well, it was the day he lied about getting weed, seems like the weed was Beryl. She locked the door and threw the keys behind the sofa. She asked her friend about it and obviously, she lied. She showed her the pictures and suddenly, Beryl couldn't speak anymore, she had gone dumb! Ruby beat the living daylights out of her. Neighbours got wind of what was going on due to the screams and called Beryl's mom to go save her daughter. Her mom arrived and pleaded with Ruby to open the door but she didn't. She beat some sense into the girl some more before agreeing to open the door since plans to break it down.

maramartha · Đông phương
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32 Chs

24: far

Far away where the wind blows, two people, a man and a woman are getting ready to fornicate. Do not be like them. I come in peace.


"Bless me father for I have sinned. Its been eight months since my last confession." I told the priest, after he made the sign of the cross. His head was bowed down, as if he knew what sins I was about to confess.

"My sins are lying, being disobedient..." My breath had caught in my mouth, "and fornication."

An image of Somto comes to mind as I say this last part. He was my first love.

The first time we kissed, was at the back of my mother's shop. My mother owned a big restaurant and he was a regular customer, always coming with his BMW to buy akpu and onugbu soup. Then he would finish it off with a bottle of beer, Star. Other days he would request for take away and would go wherever he goes to eat it. On some occasions if he had change left, he would ask me to keep it. Then we would talk till he had to go or my mother called me.