
ZAYN - Son of The Goddess

Zayn finds himself as the man appointed by the heirloom to continue the Wastukencana clan. He's not even Aria Wastukencana's biological child, Zayn is too different. But Aria wanted him to be the heir more than Inge Sagitania, his biological daughter. Since childhood, Zayn was trained and educated to always do his best. And Aria was even more proud of him, also of the heirloom that he always glorified, for having chosen Zayn to be the successor of the family. For a God shake, what is in the heirloom stone? And why was Zayn chosen to be the heir? Who is he? Even more surprising, Aria asked him to marry Inge, the woman Zayn had considered his younger sister all along.

Vinn_Nara · Kỳ huyễn
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Married My Little Sister

Zayn now understands, after what he's had so far, his father uttered a sentence that solved several mysteries and questions in his head. He had to marry Inge Sagitania, the woman who had been living under the same roof with him and whom he considered his little sister.

"What is this, Bah?" He asked confusedly when Aria Wastukencana removed a green stone that was encrusted on top of his ring. Then his father gave the stone to Zayn.

"This is the heirloom of the Wastukencana clan. The stone that protects our ancestors and all your inheritance."

Aria looked at Zayn and Inge in turn.

"Since it has been announced today that the two of you are getting married, this stone is no longer mine, but yours, the successor of the Wastukencana clan."

The stone was handed over to him. It is as small as a thumbnail and green like an emerald. But strangely Zayn saw something in the stone. There was a shadow that disappeared and then suddenly reappeared. And moments after he felt a tremor, Zayn grabbed the rock and a fine crack appeared there.

The stone had just been given to him, he was scared and confused, Zayn didn't want to disappoint Aria, so he didn't tell her what had just happened.

"Why Zayn? Why not someone else?"


Zayn and Aria were surprised to hear Inge's question. It was unusual for the woman to talk or care about their discussion.

"Why Zayn, Bah?"

"Then, who is it? You? Do you feel you deserve to be the successor and hold the stone?"

"Do I look like I want to be the successor?" asked Inge furiously. "I asked, why should Zayn be my husband? Why not someone else, Bah? We lived as siblings all this time. How can Abah suddenly want us to be husband and wife?"

Right, Zayn agrees with that thought. Aria should have separated them, instead of putting Zayn and Inge in the same house, known each other for a long time, and had felt like siblings. Zayn never even saw Inge as a woman, she was his sister. The little sister he loves.

"Because I want to know if Zayn deserves to be with my daughter or not. He had to grow up by my side and watch my daughter grow so that he learned the right way how to love her. I don't want a stranger to be my son-in-law. I also don't want a stranger to be your husband."

Inge seemed to condemn the man's wishes but could do nothing about it, especially since his goal was to protect the Wastukencana clan and secure their inheritance.

"Zayn," the man called modestly. "Do you agree to marry my daughter and become her husband, as well as my son-in-law and son?"

Does he even have a choice? No, right?

"It's an honor to accept this special offer, Bah."

Aria smiled brightly. "Wastu is never wrong," he said, patting Zayn's shoulder. Wastu is the name of the heirloom stone belonging to the Wastukencana clan.

The stone is in Zayn's hand. The mysterious rock cracked a second after Zayn and Aria did the handover.

"You guys are crazy!" cursed Inge as she left there and burst into tears.

"It will take some time to convince her, but I know that you can." Aria Wastukencana laughed at her daughter's behavior.

How could a man as handsome and full of charm as Zayn Tahir Wastukencana not captivate her? Inge just needed a little time and opened his eyes wide.

"Yes, Bah. We have to explore as a couple. When will the wedding take place?"

Aria always liked how Zayn grew up and was firm and never disobeyed his orders. "Soon. Very very soon. The most ideal for the next three months."

Three months. Zayn had to start thinking of Inge as a grown woman, no longer his little sister.

"Is there anything more to ask?"

"Why did you do it?"


"Married us so soon. You obviously could have said it a long time ago."

"Are you thinking about your sister's feelings?"

Zayn nodded. "Inge is a woman, she prioritizes her feelings. It would be difficult for her to accept a decision so soon. But I'll try to convince her."

"Because I don't have much time, son. Your father is old and sick too. I'm tired and want to stop dialysis."

Twice a week Aria does the procedure because she suffers from kidney failure. Every day that is lived feels like a tug of war with the angel of death. He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to stop.

"Was this planned for a long time?" Zayn asked then. He wasn't usually curious.

"What does it mean?" Aria asked back. "How could my future son-in-law, my future successor, my daughter's husband, be chosen carelessly? Of course, you've been the first and only candidate for a long time. I'm just waiting for the right time to give it all up."


But the question stuck in his head. Zayn looked straight at Aria. "I understand. Thank you, Bah."

"And the Wastu Stone chose you." Aria continued. "The stone is an heirloom in the Wastukencana family. Full of magic, magic, guides. Wastu stone that led me to walk to your place. Even though I was hesitant at first."

And year after year passed. Zayn grew up to be a tough, great, smart, fast learner, and very trustworthy person. He is like water that occupies a container, Zayn is easily shaped according to the environment he occupies. He is adaptable and absorbs new things quickly. Aria had called him a prodigy.

"I get it," Zayn remembered the years where he had to study very hard, taking various lessons and courses, while in the same house, Inge Sagitania was not required to do anything.

Inge lives as she pleases. She can do what he wants and have what she likes. Inge just wasn't promised an inheritance. But clearly, her life is happier.

"I entrusted, bequeathed, and handed over all of Wastukencana's assets to be guarded and managed. Work hard as usual even though I'm gone. You have to make Inge happy and take responsibility for her life."

"My pleasure, Bah."

Then Aria left Zayn alone. The man should have been in a wheelchair but he was being stubborn. His stumbling steps carried a body that was getting weaker and weaker. Aria walked with a personal assistant to his room.

Zayn is alone. He pondered and smiled sadly at his current fate. Slowly the things that were raging in his mind were answered one by one. About who he was and why he was so different from Aria. Then why was Zayn the one who was appointed as the heir, not Inge who incidentally was Aria's biological child?

It turned out that this had been planned for a long time. Zayn thought, he was just a child that Aria raised as a temporary successor. After Inge married a man from a rich family, she would give birth and it was her child who would inherit and continue the Wastukencana clan. Zayn doesn't know that he has to marry Inge, the woman he considers his little sister.

To be honest, Zayn doesn't want to marry that woman either. But they had no choice. Zayn was used to obeying whatever Aria ordered him to do.

One more question that still has not found answered, why did the heirloom choose it? Who is he?