
Zack Fair on Remnant

An ignorant guy dies by accident, as he wasn't supposed the one to die by Truck-kun but the random teenager should've been the one. Now the wrong soul got reincarnated in a world were Grimms, bandits, and bad-ass women that kick ass and take names are roaming freely. _______________________________________________________ This is my first ever fan-fic, if you don't like it, don't read it :D I may update once a week/3 days I do not own RWBY nor this cover picture, so peace. I also don't own any characters that I might mention from any known series

NoirZero11 · Tranh châm biếm
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44 Chs

You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round

Everyone was surprised that Taiyang suddenly came through the door charging and was even more amazed at the one who opened the door as he suddenly backflipped at once after opening the door like it was pure instinct.

'Huh, I didn't know I could do that' Zack thought as he approached Taiyang wondering if he was okay in the head.

'Wow, so cool! He was like one those heroes Yang told me about' Ruby thought of as she stared at Zack while forgetting a certain someone who crashed to the wooden post.

'We're about the same age but I couldn't even move like that, is that why my mom left me?' Yang thought of darkly while looking down.

'Whoa, I gotta give it to the kid, he may be an annoying little brat but he got some nice reflex right there like a huntsman, I guess after we find his parents, I gotta convince them to let the brat be a huntsman' Thought of Qrow as examined Zack.

"Ugh…" Taiyang groaned and slowly came to his feet while massaging his face a bit.

"Alright what is the idea!? Where were you guys, I waited outside for about almost an hour and a half to be let in, well?" Taiyang faced the four faces but all he got was various reactions.

Yang was looking at the floor depressingly, Ruby tilted her head while holding a half-eaten cookie, and Qrow as well as Zack had the most infuriating smug faces looking at Taiyang.

"Oya, I didn't notice you were outside, our bad Tai" Qrow said while controlling his smirk.

"Yeah, we just forgot about you after a while, apologies," Zack said while smirking.

"Daddy was outside? I didn't know" Ruby said innocently.

"Sorry dad," Yang said depressingly.

Taiyang accepted her girl's excuse and apology while a bit worried about Yang being depressed 'Hm maybe it was that Zack brat, I'll talk to Qrow later after this'.

As for Qrow and Zack, Taiyang's popped a vein in his head while hearing their lame-ass excuse and looking at their smug faces 'I swear, If I didn't learn that the two of them weren't father and son, I'd probably think so too, damn now there's two of them now'.

"So, what kept you all?" Taiyang asked irritatedly at Qrow.

"Oh yeah, you can blame Zack for that one, he finished baking your batch of cookies while he also made his cookies, and let me tell you he matched your cookies easily with his" Qrow said smugly.

"What?" Taiyang asked as if he couldn't believe someone so young easily matched his cookie recipe.

"Here, come have some, save you a few" Qrow pointed at the cookies placed at the kitchen top.

Taiyang just walked silently at the cookies, placed one on his mouth, and couldn't believe it 'Impossible, he outmatched my cookies for both the texture and taste'. He looked at Zack and Qrow laughing at Ruby's face filled with crumbs, while the said girl was trying to get it out using the sleeves but it won't come off and Yang looked at them with a small smile but looked depressed about something.

Ruby was getting enough of being laughed at, then she suddenly had a great idea as quickly looked at her uncle Qrow and Zack who was still laughing at her then quickly went to hug Qrow's leg.

Qrow's laughing stopped and looked curiously at Ruby "My bad kid hehehe"

Ruby looking at Qrow's face then morphed to a mischievous smile.

Ruby then used the Qrow's pants as she wiped her face clean then quickly stepped away laughing and sticking her tongue at Qrow.

Zack seeing this stopped for a second then redirected his laugh at Qrow.

Qrow seeing Ruby didn't mind it all but for Zack, that wasn't the same. He quickly went behind Zack lifted him then grabbed his feet then lifted him then went for a spin.

Zack immediately stopped laughing and flailing around "Quit it old man! AHHHHHH!!"

As Zack was yelling for Qrow to stop, Qrow and Ruby laughed at his demise.

Taiyang and Yang looking at them couldn't help but laugh a little bit.

"Alright Qrow, quit fooling around and come with me for a bit, girls, your uncle and I will be leaving for a while, take care of the house and take Zack to the guest room" Taiyang having enough to call out to them.

"Okay!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Yeah, sure..." Yang replied.

"Took my words out of my mouth, Let's go and Zack look after them" Qrow placed Zack's upside body on the couch as Zack wobbly held his hand out in thumbs out then laid out again trying to stop his vision form spinning with Ruby poking her little finger at Zack's face.

Qrow and Taiyang went out after that.

After two hours, Yang finally made a decision: she went for Ruby then placed her in a little red wagon then went out in the woods 'I'll find you, mom'.

As the two entered the forest, Zack finally came to and immediately noticed Ruby and Yang were gone. He quickly went outside then searched for them.

After another two hours, Taiyang and Qrow finally made it back but noticed no one was home, they immediately searched for any trails, Qrow found a small wheel trail heading for the woods.

"Hey Taiyang, I found something! It's a trail leading to the forest" Qrow said seriously while looking at the woods ahead with no sign of the kids.

"Found something too, small footprints but very far apart like it was running but it also leads to the forest" Taiyang joined Qrow.

They quickly separated and followed the two trails as both were very worried about the kids.

At the same time, Yang and Ruby reached an abandoned cabin, Yang feeling ecstatic called out for her mom while Ruby huddled up in her little red wagon as she was sleepy.

"Mom! Mom! Mooommm!!" Yang still called out after ten minutes but nothing ever answered her back.

Yang quickly being depressed and unknowingly due to her negative thoughts attracted a stray Beowolf Grimm their way.

Yang noticed someone was coming, feeling happy at the prospect that her mother was finally here and was washed away with dread as she stared at a Grimm eyeing her and Ruby growling at them with its glowing red eyes, big razor-sharp teeth, and claws.

Fearing for her sister, Yang went up to Ruby and used her body to protect her little sister.

As the Grimm was about to attack it was punched at the body by a small black blur.

The Grimm was knocked down by the force but quickly went back to its feet focusing on its attacker.

Yang gasped as she recognized the small blur "Z-z-zack!?"

"Yeah?" Zack answered but didn't look away from the Grimm.

"W-w-what are you doing out here?!" Yang yelled at him.

"Looking for you girls, sorry I just got here but don't worry I got this" Zack stated firmly while going in a boxer style quite loose then bouncing off the ground repeatedly like a pumped-up boxer.

Zack didn't know what came over him but he felt he could take this thing on like he was used to fighting big guys but still felt something was missing, as he instantly grasped his right like he should be holding something but he didn't dwell on much as he took a boxing stance.

The Grimm didn't let him think twice as it attacked with right was reared back intending to slash Zack but as he was about to be hit, Zack tackled the Grimm to the ground as he noticed that just behind him were Yang and Ruby.

He quickly got up and got away from Grimm to get more distance away from two girls just to be safe. 'I don't have a weapon, I can't even run away as the girls will be in danger, I don't have a choice, I have to beat it with the good-old fashion style' Zack thought of as he took a stance, eyeing the growling Grimm at him.

The Grimm attacked again in the form of a swipe but Zack duck under it then went for the most basic weakness of all-male, gambling that the Grimm was a male, took an uppercut to that said weakness.



The effect was instant, as the Grimm stopped then went away from Zack while curling up its body and protecting his nether regions. It was whimpering lightly but Zack could see that he just became angrier as he could feel the intense blood lust in its eyes.

'Damn, I thought that it would take a while to recover, but I can't give up, Yang and Ruby are in line if I mess this up, I can't let them get hurt' Zack thought of as taking a more serious stance.


Suddenly a yell attracted both their attention which was not good at all as the Grimm realized that it was closer to them than Zack.

Zack seeing this immediately run at the girls but so was the Grimm.

Yang seeing that the Grimm was getting nearer screamed while holding Ruby protectively.

As the Grimm got five meters away from the girls, Zack blacked out for a second...

'I won't reach them in time!'

'there has to be something I can do!'


'Come on Zack!'

'What kind of hero am I going to be if I can't even save two scared kids!!'

'Come on!!'


~Tell me what do you desire most?~


~Do you want power?~


~What are you waiting for? Take it~


~Would you rather see them die?~


''Even if I have to become the evil you once were,… so be it!!'

Then Zack suddenly got in between the Grimm and the Girls in an instant, this took Yang and the Grimm by surprise but the Grimm still attacked with a swipe with its right claws.

Zack, with his eyes being covered by his hair, emits a large amount of Mako from his body then a few strands of his hair become silver.

Then he used his left hook on the side of the incoming claw as a way to redirect its attack.

As Zack hits its claw, he used his attack as he whirled forward like it was in his instincts to close the distance then for an instant as he saw someone a big buff guy with a giant sword at his back wearing a black outfit said something to him "Come on Zack, Focus!" then he came back to the fight as he instinctively knew what to do he did something that Yang wasn't able to follow with her eyes, he punched left and right repeatedly but the speed and power were amazing as all she saw was his arms became blur then he suddenly kicked at the body bringing the Grimm to fall like it was unconscious.

He was able to do this because he focused all of his attacks on a single spot, it's heart.

No one realized it at that point, Zack's eyes were glowing in a blue-greenish light but as soon as he stops, the glowing faded away as well as emitting his Mako from his body, then he suddenly was brought to his knees as he began to heavily pant as his arms and used leg was trembling. He felt his arms and legs burning as well as his lungs, he felt incredibly tired and sleepy but his will was the only thing making him stay conscious to see if there are no dangers around them.

"Zack!" Yang exclaimed teary-eyed as she went to him wondering if he was all right.

All the noise eventually managed to awaken little Ruby from the wagon and looked at Zack and Yang were on their knees.

"Yang, Zack, are you guys okay?" Ruby innocently asked as she walked over to them.


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