
Zack And Ted

A boy Named Zack that has a mission in Earth...his friends trying to help him to save the world But Peter the son of the Future want to get him and take his friends he will help it to save! The Main Characters of the Story: Zack Ted Sarah Kristopher Charles Zack's Dad Peter Carl Cast of story Merriam Webster Kung Fu Kevin Zach Guards the in Story: Guard 3 Guard 4 Guard 2 Writed By: Jorge Joshua f. Casiple Posted By: JorgeComics1234 You can follow us in: Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLyHdUJgeH8/?igshid=m07aijmjnoi0 Fantasy, Action and Adventure! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLyHdUJgeH8/?igshid=m07aijmjnoi0 Hope you like my Story don't forget to rate us!

Jorgecomics1234 · Kỳ huyễn
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Zack's Mission

*Your are the Chosen One*

Zack: Ahhhh...

Peter: Huh? seriously I think he's dizzy!

Sarah: Yeah

Zack: Hey Guys what are you talking about?

Sarah: Are you feeling better?

Zack: Huh? what!

Peter: Suddenly...you fell on a rock and you

dizzy so you fainted!

Zack: Uhh so we still here?

Peter: Yeah...we cannot back at home because we are in this forest!

Sarah: Yes...

Zack: I had a really amazing dream...

Sarah: Ohh... really*

Zack: Yeah we found a shiny cave then I see a sword and a Voice say * You are the Chosen One* you cannot see the sword I didn't know why!

Sarah: Okay

Peter: Guys did you see that before?

Zack: Surely no!

Zack: A clock

Sarah: "What is that for?

Peter: I don't know I just found it in the rock!

Zack: Maybe it's the sign I dream about the voice?

Peter: Zack: Your right but this clock is strange*

Sarah: I never seen in my entire life that before"

Zack: Like a Time Travel Machine"

Peter: Maybe if you arrange the arrow right here and here!

Sarah: Nothing Happened!

Peter: Zack Try it

Zack: Okay.... let's try in 2030

Sarah: So we Time Traveler?


Peter: Woah.....we time travel

A Few Inches Later...

Zack: Uhh...wait what the is that

Sarah: We travel to the Future!

Peter: This is Amazing....look floating Cars!

Zack: Is this Real or I just dreaming?

Peter: I'm pretty sure that this is real not Imagination!

Sarah: The place is so Technology....

To Be Continued....

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