

Jane_Ever_nail · Võ hiệp
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25 Chs

Z-Class-hero-king - chapter 0

Author = jane and I s I

Jabik found himself on the verge of death, expressing his belief that he wouldn't survive. Val, a healer, urged him to rest and forbade him from speaking further. Jabik, with a faint smile, confessed that he had been struck by the venomous dragon. Ginyou, a friend, approached and acknowledged Jabik's dire state. Jabik acknowledged his impending demise before succumbing to unconsciousness. In that moment, he pondered the possibility of an afterlife but found himself trapped in an unsettling void.

To his surprise, Jabik eventually awakened in his own room, perplexed by his surroundings. As he rose from his bed and made his way to the bathroom, he caught sight of himself in the mirror. The reflection revealed a shocking revelation—he appeared to be fifteen years old. Overwhelmed by confusion, he questioned the situation unfolding before him.

Just as Jabik contemplated his predicament, a voice called out to him—his mother. Startled by this unexpected encounter, he questioned his mother's identity and wondered if she was still alive. Upon receiving confirmation, he reluctantly acknowledged her call to get ready for school. However, a perplexing realization struck him—he had believed himself to be thirty-four years old