

Jane_Ever_nail · Võ hiệp
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25 Chs

New Characters:

So I decided that I have created a couple of new characters, and I would like for you to look at them before they get added


Elena is a skilled healer who possesses ancient knowledge and mystical abilities. She becomes a crucial ally to Jabik, offering guidance and assistance in his quest to become stronger. With her deep understanding of magic and the supernatural, Elena holds the key to unlocking Jabik's hidden potential. Her calm demeanor and wisdom make her a trusted mentor, as she unveils secrets about Jabik's true nature and the forces at play in their world.


Marcus is a seasoned warrior with a troubled past. Having crossed paths with the villain in the past, he carries the weight of his failures and seeks redemption. Marcus becomes a reluctant teacher to Jabik, training him in combat and honing his skills. Despite his gruff exterior, Marcus recognizes Jabik's potential and grows to care for him like a younger brother. Together, they embark on a dangerous journey, facing perilous challenges and forging an unbreakable bond.


Celeste is a enigmatic sorceress who wields ancient and forbidden magic. With her ethereal beauty and enigmatic presence, she appears as a mysterious figure, shrouded in secrets. Celeste possesses deep knowledge of the villain's origins and weaknesses. However, her motivations and loyalties remain uncertain. Jabik must tread carefully, as he navigates the murky waters of trust and betrayal, relying on Celeste's insights while questioning her true intentions.

The Council of Elders:

The Council of Elders is a group of wise and powerful beings who oversee the balance of the realms. Composed of ancient guardians, sorcerers, and celestial beings, they are tasked with maintaining harmony and order. As the looming threat of the villain intensifies, Jabik seeks an audience with the council, hoping to gain their guidance and support in his mission to prevent the catastrophic future. However, their decision to aid or oppose him remains uncertain, and Jabik must convince them of his worthiness.

The Seer:

The Seer is a reclusive hermit living on the outskirts of civilization, gifted with prophetic visions. Haunted by their own troubled past, the Seer possesses crucial knowledge about the events that will unfold. They become a beacon of hope for Jabik, providing cryptic clues and prophecies that guide his path. However, the Seer's visions are both a blessing and a curse, as they struggle to interpret the signs and guide Jabik towards his ultimate destiny