

Jane_Ever_nail · Võ hiệp
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25 Chs

Little note from the author

So hey guys, this might be a little weird thing is how many chapters that are already getting into this, but it is because we already have it planned out and we have a plan that, but we didn't post it because of some difficulties and now we have so many that was posting all of them

And here I'll give you a little summary of the story so far :

Jabika, a young protagonist, finds himself thrust into a perilous journey when he discovers he has been reincarnated as a 15-year-old boy. Determined to change the future and prevent the Great Heavenly Evil, a villain who will bring devastation upon humanity, Jabika sets out on a path of self-discovery and preparation.

In Chapter 1, Jabika realizes his dire situation after being struck by the venomous dragon. He contemplates the possibility of an afterlife before unexpectedly awakening in his old room as a 15-year-old. Confused by his transformation, he questions his identity and contemplates his next move.

Chapter 2 introduces Jabika's quest for power and his decision to change schools to be closer to the person he adores. He discovers his unique aura and opens his stat window, revealing his current abilities. Jabika also attracts the attention of a mysterious observer who senses familiarity in his energy.

Chapter 3 introduces a man whose life has been shattered since the death of his wife. Struggling with his own impending death from cancer, he worries about his daughter's well-being. He contemplates the decisions that led to his current situation, feeling hopeless and lost.

In Chapter 4, Jabika finds himself in the classroom, reflecting on his mission to stop the Great Heavenly Evil and protect his loved ones. He experiences a sense of urgency and determination as he prepares to face the impending catastrophe.

Chapter 5 unveils the presence of Jack, a god-like entity who observes Jabika's journey from afar. Jack recognizes Jabika's potential and silently watches as the young protagonist trains and grows stronger. Jack becomes fascinated by Jabika's unwavering resolve and decides to reveal himself at a pivotal moment.

In Chapter 6, Jack makes his presence known to Jabika. The god-like figure imparts wisdom and guidance, affirming Jabika's purpose and assuring him of his capacity to change destiny. Jabika's doubts begin to dissipate as Jack shares tales of legendary heroes and imparts ancient knowledge to aid him in his quest.

Chapter 7 marks a turning point in the story. Jabika's encounter with Jack instills him with renewed determination and faith in his abilities. With newfound conviction, he sets forth on a journey that will test his limits and shape his destiny. Little do they know the far-reaching consequences their actions will have, intertwining the fates of countless lives and the very fabric of existence itself.

As the story progresses, Jabika will face challenges, encounter new allies and adversaries, and confront the Great Heavenly Evil in a climactic battle that will determine the fate of humanity.

The journey of self-discovery, redemption, and heroism undertaken by Jabika, guided by Jack and influenced by various characters, promises to captivate readers as they witness the unfolding of an epic tale of courage, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of a better future