

Jane_Ever_nail · Võ hiệp
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25 Chs

Chapter 1: Unveiling Fate

Jabik stood at the precipice of an extraordinary tale, his life thrust into a world of unimaginable possibilities. The fangs of the venomous dragon had pierced his mortal form, ending his existence as he knew it. Yet, against all odds, he found himself reborn, his once mature frame now that of a fifteen-year-old boy.

Confusion and determination battled within him as he grappled with this newfound reality. This was no mere second chance; it was an opportunity to reshape the very fabric of fate. With resolute purpose, Jabik donned his school uniform and stepped into the halls of academia, his heart racing with a mix of apprehension and anticipation.

The corridors teemed with youthful energy as students hurried to their classes. Jabik, unsure of his place within this unfamiliar scholastic landscape, navigated the maze of classrooms. Time slipped away, and his footsteps faltered, causing him to arrive late to his first class. Eyes followed him, curiosity mingled with judgment. Embarrassment tinged his cheeks as he stammered an apology to his teacher, Mr. Jabika, who raised an eyebrow but offered a gracious nod of acceptance.

Finding his seat, Jabik sought solace in the comforting embrace of the classroom's atmosphere. The day unfolded, hours blending into one another, as lessons danced across the blackboard and knowledge wafted through the air. Yet, beneath the facade of education, Jabik's mind churned with a weightier purpose.

The final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Home beckoned, offering a temporary respite from the burdens that lay heavy upon Jabik's young shoulders. His mother's voice, a soothing melody amidst the chaos, greeted him at the door. Weary but determined, he recounted his trials, confiding in her the arduousness of his journey through the halls of learning.

As dusk settled upon the world outside, Jabik retreated to the sanctuary of his room. In the solitude of those four walls, his mind whirled with revelations and possibilities. The Great Heavenly Evil, an entity of immense power that had wreaked havoc upon the world, loomed large in his thoughts. A sense of urgency coursed through him, compelling him to take action, to change the course of history.

Among the challenges that awaited him was Summer, a mysterious figure, neither angel nor demon, but possessing a potency that rivaled the gods themselves. Jabik pondered the strength and abilities of the Great Heavenly Evil, knowing that he must surpass this formidable foe to alter the tides of destiny.

And so, in the quiet of his room, Jabik resolved to unveil his own potential, to unleash the depths of his strength and abilities. With trepidation and determination interwoven, he opened his own stats, a gateway to self-discovery and the key to unlocking his true purpose