
Yuta Okkotsu

Yuta Okkotsu might be one of the most OP characters in JJK because he is like the combination of Gojo and Geto. Gojo is strong because he was born strong, but he has a peak, and once that peak is reached, then that's it. Geto, meanwhile, though he is trash, that guy has no peak. If he were immortal like Tengen, given enough time, that guy could potentially beat Sukuna in a one-on-one battle. Though it might take a million years, he still theoretically can do it. Yuta is both born strong and has no peak; his cursed technique enables him to improve himself every day as long as jujutsu sorcerers keep being born (he can also copy curse techniques, by the way, so yeah). He has only been a sorcerer for 2, maybe 3 years, and somehow he is now up against Sukuna. Though he got cooked, I'm going to say it's because he didn't have enough prep time (unlike that fraud Geto, who went on a decade-long time skip not knowing RCT). So I thought, what if I make someone take over Yuta's body and give him prep time? Around 5 years before he even gets into Jujutsu High? What kind of monster will he be? And thus, this story is born. Enjoy.

DailyTransmigrator · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Fighting Hakari

"Begin!" They rush towards each other.


A loud *thud* echoes as their fists meet, creating a powerful impact in the air.

Hakari swiftly uses his additional arm to throw a left uppercut at Yuta, who skillfully blocks it with his other hand.

They retract their fists, exchanging blows while skillfully dodging and blocking each other's attacks.

"He's tough," Hakari thinks. Each punch aimed at Yuta feels like striking a solid wall of steel, with Hakari's fist taking more damage than when Yuta strikes back.


Yuta delivers a powerful punch to Hakari's chest, who reacts quickly, blocking with both hands in an X formation.

The impact is staggering; Hakari is sent flying about 20 meters backward from the force of Yuta's formidable punch.

"Man you are tough, finally i can fight someone without pulling my punches" Yuta remarks, observing Hakari still standing after the full-force punch.

"Yeah, me too" Hakari replies, his hands trembling from the impact, akin to being hit by a speeding truck.

'his cursed energy is edged' Yuta evaluates the damage from their exchanged blows, realizing that Hakari's attacks have left small cuts across his body.

'it's like being hit with a wired baseball bat' he muses, acknowledging the unique and cutting nature of Hakari's cursed energy.

On the sidelines, the other students watch the unfolding spectacle.

"I can't even see them" Panda remarks, squinting at the two figures suddenly converging, creating another thunderous clash that echoes across the field.

"Mayo" Toge said

"Hmmm..... They are quite good for students. Even better than i was when i am their age" Gojo comments, and everyone gazes at him in disbelief.

"Really?" Panda questions, seeking confirmation of Gojo's unexpected admission.

"Nah i am just kidding" 'of course you do' everyone thought

"But still. They are really good for their age" Gojo continues, observing the ongoing battle. He notices that Hakari is starting to show signs of fatigue as the two students continue exchanging blows.

Yuta possesses significantly more cursed energy than Hakari, and he wields it quite effectively. Their strength is nearly equal, but when it comes to stamina, Yuta has the upper hand' Gojo observes in his thoughts, analyzing the dynamics of the ongoing battle.

Maki and Kirara remain silent, each observing the battle for distinct reasons.

'He's holding back this much against me?' Maki wonders, surprised by the extent to which Yuta seems to be restraining himself in the fight against her

'That boy sure is strong, but that's not enough to fight off Kinji.

Because the more damage he get, the more will he be in the 'fever''

"𝙂𝙝-𝙤𝙠!" Hakari lands a solid hit to Yuta's stomach, following it up with a right hook that sends him flying away. The impact reverberates through the air, marking a significant turn in the ongoing battle

"Whooo! I'll admit it boy! You really are tough.

Damn my hand feels like i am punching through a tank, what the hell are you?" Hakari exclaims, examining his bruised and stressed hands, feeling the bones in his fingers cracking from the intense battle.

Yuta kneels on the ground, the aftermath of the previous attack causing him to puke and bleed from his nose.

"Pfft... Hahaha," Yuta laughs, not showing signs of stress or panic despite the intense situation.

"Pffahaha ahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!~~ Haaaah," Yuta laughs maniacally, and Hakari stands there, observing Yuta slowly descending into madness.

"You okay there, boy? Did I hit your head too hard?" Hakari quips, his tone a mix of concern and amusement.

"Aha~! No no no i am fine, I am fine! Really, everything is just peachy,

I finally found someone i can use to break my physical limit, What is there to not be happy about?

Alright then, Let's get rough!" Yuta suddenly disappears from his spot and reappears next to Hakari. The intensity of the battle takes another thrilling turn.

'Fast!' Hakari notices the sudden burst of speed from Yuta and swiftly tries to block his incoming attack.


Yuta delivers a devastating kick to Hakari's head, who desperately blocks it with both hands.

However, the force is too overwhelming, and Hakari gets flung away after absorbing the powerful kick. The battle continues with both fighters pushing their limits.

"We're not done!" Yuta swiftly catches up to Hakari before he can land properly and kicks him again, this time on his side.

"Hell yeah! How's that for tough?!" Yuta yells, watching Hakari slowly get back up after the relentless attack.

Both students are now beaten and bruised, their faces swollen, and blood flowing from their noses, each nursing their own concussion.

"*𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 Not bad— Not bad, kid. Damn, that hurts," Hakari winces, feeling his ribs cracking after Yuta kicked him directly on the side. The toll of the battle is evident on both fighters.

"How about one last attack? One with everything we've got, and we'll see who remains standing," Hakari proposes, preparing his stance, channeling all his cursed energy into his right fist for a final strike against his newfound rival.

"Fine by me," Yuta agrees, mirroring Hakari's approach, using all of his massive cursed energy for this last, decisive punch. The culmination of their efforts promises an explosive conclusion to their intense battle.

'Well, since this is the last attack then–' Yuta thinks, and his arm begins to change color.

Suddenly, his arm turns black, a dark shade as if shrouded in black smoke. Bits of its residue float from his fist, signaling a mysterious and formidable transformation for this decisive moment. The atmosphere becomes charged with anticipation as the final clash approaches.

"What was that?!" Hakari yells from a distance.

"Just something I picked up from my friend!" Yuta yells back, and they both share a smile as they prepare for the climactic final clash. The battlefield is charged with energy, and the anticipation of their last attack hangs in the air.

"Oh, this might be quite bad," Gojo sensei remarks.

In a burst of speed, they both launch themselves towards each other, propelling from the ground as they leap and ready their fists for the decisive attack.

But they never meet.

Suddenly, Gojo Satoru appears in the middle of them, halting both of their attacks with his limitless power, freezing them in place.

The abrupt intervention adds an unexpected twist to the intense confrontation, leaving both students and spectators in awe of Gojo's overwhelming strength.


"Okay~ I think that's enough from both of you," Gojo sensei declares, prompting Yuta and Hakari to cease their attempts to punch each other.

"Anyway, you two look rough, all bloodied like that," Gojo remarks, and Yuta and Hakari finally become aware of the state of their bodies, covered in blood and bruises.

The intensity of the battle had consumed their attention, and now they face the aftermath of their fierce clash.

"I think you two need to meet Shoko, especially you, Yuta. I have a new mission for you."

"New mission? Right after the first one?" Yuta asks, seeking confirmation from his sensei.

"Yup, this one is from the principal himself," Gojo confirms, pulling a picture from his pocket and handing it to the bloodied boy.

"A selfie. What, is the girl cursed or something?" Yuta questions, examining the photo of two girls in front of what appears to be a shrine gate.

"Wait, you're not telling me to assassinate them, are you?" Yuta takes a step back, a hint of concern in his eyes, unsure of the nature of the mission Gojo has presented to him.

"Yup, go and kill them two," the white-haired man jokingly says, earning judgmental looks from all his students.

"Kidding~ Anyway, no. Those shrines you see in the picture are inside of a bounded field. Usually, that means nobody would be able to enter them.

but one of the girls from that photo possesses such a high amount of cursed energy that she can actually break the bounded field and enter the shrine," Gojo explains the summary of the situation, and Yuta listens carefully to his words.

"And I am guessing that's not a good thing?" Yuta correctly guesses.

"Correct. Looks like one of the two girls from that photo made a wish on that shrine, and the curse protecting those shrines has agreed to give her what she wished for, but~ she needs to pay it with her soul," Gojo explains, highlighting the typical behavior of curses.

'yup, typical satan behaviour' Yuta thought

"So.... I assume that means there will be no payment?" Yuta asks, realizing that if the principal is the one giving the mission, there might be no monetary compensation. The usual arrangements for missions involve payment from the government or local community, but this situation seems different.

"Of course not, do you think we are such a cold-hearted organization? You will receive payment as usual. This will be a grade 2 mission, as the curse you will be exorcising is of that grade," Gojo reassures,

"Wait a second, Grade 2? Then why are you sending me to take care of this?" Yuta complains, feeling like this mission might be beneath his abilities, given that he can just walk through such challenges effortlessly.

"We are kinda short on personnel, you see. Maki just got healed from her fight, and Toge isn't ideal for this kind of battle.

Panda could go, but the client has just recently become aware of the sorcerer world, so she might be too afraid of him," Gojo explains the staffing constraints, outlining why Yuta, despite his prowess, is chosen for this particular mission.

"No, I'm sure she'll be fine. Panda is quite cute," Yuta comments, expressing his genuine opinion about Panda.

To him, Panda is like a very big, lovable stuffed animal, and he assumes that most girls wouldn't mind being around him.

"Anyway, the decisions are final, so we need you to be ready ASAP. The girl's life is in danger, and she might die if we reject this mission. So, let's get you to Shoko," Gojo declares.

Without waiting for Yuta's protest, he grabs the boy by his collar and teleports away, swiftly moving to address the urgent mission at hand.

"..." Everyone else on the field is left alone without their teacher saying a word.

"... Wanna play Monopoly?" Panda suggests, and with Gojo gone, they assume that class is over, prompting a lighthearted suggestion to fill the void.

"Oh, I need to go to the infirmary first," Hakari realizes, remembering the state of his beaten and bruised body.


"Ah, what a perfect day for a day trip to a mountain. I should've packed a lunch," a man remarks at the entrance of what appears to be a mountain.

He is dressed in a shady all-black robe, black boots, and a black hat, carrying a backpack filled with uncertain voodoo items. The mysterious scene unfolds with an air of intrigue.

The other person is a high school girl with long straight hair cascading down her back. Her eyes match the vibrant yellow of the jacket she's wearing for this mountain trip.

It's super cloudy out there', the girl observes, taking note of the thick fog covering the mountain's summit. The mysterious duo stands ready for their adventure, surrounded by an air of anticipation.

These individuals are here with a singular purpose – to destroy the mysterious shrine that has plagued their lives.

"You... didn't bring Hana San with you?" the shady man asks the girl, looking at her. However, she appears unfazed by the question, maintaining a determined stance.

"I believe I've mentioned that this would go much better if Hana-san is here. Surely there is still enough time to get he–"

"No," the girl interrupts, firmly rejecting the shady man's attempt to persuade her to bring her friend for their journey.

"I'd rather leave her... out of all this," the girl asserts. Even in the face of fear and danger, she maintains her caring stance, choosing not to involve her friend in the perilous journey ahead.

"Miko-san, I understand that you are worried about your little friend and all, but we need to actually get into the shrine. You can simply tell her that we are going on a hike, and then–"

"And then what?" As the shady man continues trying to persuade her, another person arrives on the scene. The dynamics of the situation take an unexpected turn.

A grandma appears on the scene, dressed in a small white robe reminiscent of what some shady espers might wear. She adorns a necklace of prayer beads around her neck and holds another set of prayer beads in her hand.

"Were you about to say that you will feed her a bunch of delicious food and send her safely home?" the grandma sarcastically remarks to the shady man,

"I thought I told you to stay away from the shrine, Miko," she scolds the girl.

"Mitsue-san," the girl acknowledges, recognizing the grandma as the local esper of the town who typically sells prayer beads to people.

"That outfit... really takes me back," the shady man remarks, gazing at the grandma and being enveloped in nostalgia. The sight of her wearing that particular outfit triggers memories from his childhood

"And Rom, I believe I told you to stay away from the girls."

"Do I ever agree?" They both stare at each other, the grandma attempting to convince Rom not to involve the girls.

The dynamics of the conversation reveal a history and relationship between Rom and Mitsue-san, adding another layer of intrigue to the unfolding story.

"Miko, go home... I'll take care of this," the grandma looks at the girl with concern. She's well aware of the potential danger lurking within the shrine and wants to protect the innocent Miko from getting entangled in this predicament.

The caring gesture reflects Mitsue-san's concern for the well-being of the younger generation.

"No," the girl bravely stands her ground, surprising the others.

"I am the one who got Hana into this. I brought her to that shrine. So, I am going too," she asserts, bravely taking responsibility for putting her friend in danger at the shrine for her own desires.

"While that was cute and all, but you people really don't need to be here," another voice chimes in.

Miko tries to find the source and looks up, spotting someone lounging on top of a tree. The unexpected arrival introduces a new character, further complicating the already mysterious situation.

Her eyes widen, sweat pouring out as she senses the overwhelming aura from the person on the tree and the monstrous figure beside him.

It's as if death itself is etched onto him, and the ghost standing beside him can only be described as the king of hell

Or queen of hell

"Hup," the young man rolls to his side, descending from the tree in a flamboyant manner. He lands perfectly on the ground, adding a touch of style to his entrance.

"Yo, grandma, are you the one asking Principal Yaga for this?" The young man approaches the group of espers, and they all feel the overwhelming difference in their abilities.

"Yes, yes, that's correct, mister?" the grandma responds respectfully. Even someone like her recognizes that individuals from that school are on a much higher level than her.

"Yuta Okkotsu, special grade. Anyway, can these people go back home? I'd rather not have to be a babysitter for this mission," Yuta arrogantly points at the other two people in the group, seemingly considering them as mere collateral in the grand scheme of the mission.

"N-no! I'll stay," Miko found her bravery, speaking up to the formidable sorcerer. Yuta fixed his gaze on her, a silent challenge in his eyes.

"Really?" Yuta stares into the girl's eyes, and she flinches under his gaze. The exchange intensifies,

"You... Are you from Jujutsu High?" The shady man named Rom asks, drawing the attention of the young man, Yuta Okkotsu.

"Yup," Yuta replied swiftly.

"Interesting, so this is the difference between us, huh?" Yuta squinted his eyebrows in puzzlement, trying to grasp the meaning behind the shady man's words.

"I once sent an application to Jujutsu High, the Kyoto branch, but they refused to let me enroll because of my lack of 'cursed energy,'" the shady man revealed.

"Well, that's even more reason for you not to be here. If you're not even qualified to enter the Kyoto branch, then you're not ready to fight a grade 2 curse," Yuta explained, chuckling to himself as he recalled his previous life and his disdain for the Kyoto branch. Because of how trash the students from that school was

Utahime must not be teaching them correctly

"Grade 2?" The girl listens to their conversation in confusion, unfamiliar with the terms being thrown around.

Having recently discovered the supernatural world, she struggles to grasp the intricacies of their discussion.

"Grade 2 means that this curse is as strong as an army, so please quietly go back home and let me handle this mission," Yuta explains, glancing back at the girl. She flinches in fear as he approaches her, every step amplifying her anxiety.

The tension in the air thickens as the weight of the dangerous mission becomes palpable.

She shakes her head in refusal, determined to witness the resolution of this situation with her own eyes. Her resolve is unwavering, fueled by the desire to protect her friend from the dangers of the shrine spirit

Even if it costs her life.


"Such a beautiful friendship," the grandma and the shady man both admire her bravery for standing up to a person who exudes as much pressure as a nuclear bomb.

"Heh, what a brave girl. Fine then. You can come," Yuta smiles, acknowledging the girl's determination even in the presence of a cursed person like him.

"Alright! Let's get this mission over with," the young man joyfully declares, and they all prepare themselves for the impending battle. The camaraderie between the characters grows, setting the stage for the challenging mission ahead.

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

Hehehe, yeah this is from Mieruko Chan, you know that story right?

sorry if the fight with Hakari is kond of dissapointing, this is merely a spar after all so none of them can use their full power against each other

if you want to know what's going on, go and read Mieruko chan ch33, the next mission will be based on that

This chapter was edited by ChatGPT, let me knownin the comment if it will be better like this or should i just upload the un edited version

Anyway, See you later!