
Yuta Okkotsu (Rewrite)

Knowing the future can be a blessing but also a curse. If you know the future and there is nothing you can do to change it. then you'll just be a puppet and stop living as a person but if you know the future, and there is something you can do to change it. then you'll be in a constant battle against fate and the world itself.

DailyTransmigrator · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

The actual first day

"eh? Who are you people?" I said, eyeing the three scared shitless children hugging each other in the hall.

Oh, and there's a girl there too, kinda hard to notice her when she's not moving.

'Why is she not moving? Did I shock her too much? Why is she staring at me?'

The girl kept staring at me, not saying a single word even though our eyes met.

'What's wrong with these people?'

"Hey! Who's there?!" Suddenly, all five of us heard the voice of someone who is most probably the school guard.

'Welp, I guess we are running now.'

I grabbed the stunned girl's hand and got the f*ck outta there.


"𝘏𝘢𝘢𝘩, 𝘩𝘢𝘢𝘩, I think we lost him," the boy in the red shirt said, panting.

"This is. 𝘏𝘢𝘢𝘩, all your fault, Mikio," the tallest boy in the blue shirt said, pointing a finger at his friend.

"Shut up, Sachi! If you don't want to be here, then just go home!" The boy in the red shirt finally had enough of being blamed for everything.

"And who are you anyway? Why are you here?" He turned to the other people who had somehow tagged along with his group of boys.

The two of them didn't look winded at all, despite running the same distance as his group.

"The same reason you are here, I suppose? I heard about the ghost stuff and decided to check it out on my own," the boy who had suddenly appeared from the bathroom answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"And did you find any?" Mikio asked the boy, excitement clear in his voice.

The rest of the children also looked at him, hoping he had more luck than they did.

"Nope, just a normal toilet," the boy replied, extinguishing their excitement in an instant.

"𝘚𝘪𝘨𝘩, so there really is no ghost," the boy in the red shirt said, still hoping for the ghost's existence, sighing in disappointment.

The boy in the white shirt chuckled at their reactions, finding their disappointment rather humorous.

~~~~~~~~~ The previous day ~~~~~~~~~

"Gah! What the f*ck?!" A boy suddenly jerked up from his bed, his face sweating as if he had just had a nightmare.

"What? Where-" the boy opened his eyes and immediately was drawn to his surroundings as he recognized none of them from his bedroom.

He quickly rubbed his eyes to make sure it wasn't a hallucination, but nothing changed, and he found himself still in an unfamiliar room.

He looked at his hands and saw that they were smaller than he remembered.

"Wait a second," the boy quickly jumped down from his bed, still in his pajamas, as he tried to confirm his theory.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, his theory was proven correct.

"Yes! Yes! Whoooo! I don't know where I am, but it's certainly better than before! Yeeeesss!"

"Shut up, Yuta!" a small girl's voice suddenly interrupted as the boy jumped up and down on the floor.

The boy watched as his sister slowly woke up from the bed, noticing her Japanese speech.

"What?" The sister said, catching her brother's stare.

"Nothing," the brother nonchalantly replied.

"Weirdo," she said before jumping out of bed and heading outside, leaving the newly transmigrated boy alone in his room.

"So... what do I do now?" he pondered to himself.


"Good morning, everyone!" After the confusing morning, I decided to take some steps. First, I checked the calendar. It's Monday, 20th April 2012.

Second, I inspected myself. I looked like a kid, so I assumed I was still in school.

Third, I found my clothes and stuff. They were in my bedroom. Luckily, the previous me was very organized, so it wasn't hard for me to figure out what kind of things I should bring to school: books, pens, etc.

Finally, I took a shower and wore my school uniform.

This looks a lot like an elementry school uniforms. So At most I am about 12 years old.

"Good morning, Yuta. Go to the table and wait for breakfast, okay?" A woman, whom I assumed to be my mother, spoke from the kitchen as she prepared the food for everyone.

At the table, there were two people already seated. A middle-aged man wearing a suit and glasses, presumably my father, and my sister, also waiting for the food.

So what should I do in this situation? Suck up to mom, obviously.

"Hey mom, is there something I can help with?" I approached the middle-aged woman behind the kitchen counter who was currently putting food on the plates.

She showed a surprised expression but quickly turned it into a smile.

"Sure honey, take yours and your sister's plates with you and put them on the table. The ones with omurice," she said, and I nodded and did what she told me.

But before going to the table I notice there is 5 plates on the counter.

'Wow, these foods look delicious. It's been a while since I've eaten homemade food, I thought as I took the two plates from the counter and headed to the table as she asked me to.

I reach the table, put my and my sister's plates on the table, and sat with a happy smile on my face.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked, my sister seemed to be weirded out by my action

"Whatever do you mean, dear sister?" I said in a playful tone.

"Nope, no. Never call me that again. I will punch you in the face," she said, her face showing a disgusted look.

"Seriously, what happened to you? Is this puberty? Is this what puberty looks like?" She began to look around, and even Dad shook his head, indicating he also had no idea what happened to me.

"Nothing, I just feel a bit happier than usual. That's all," I replied to my sister, and Mom finally came to the table, bringing the food for her and Dad.

We then said "Itadakimasu!" together, you know, like a normal Japanese family.

We proceeded to eat breakfast in silence. It was nice, been a long time since I've ever eaten together with someone.

And it's with my family nonetheless. Though I don't know any of their names, I am sure I'll remember them in due time.

"Your girlfriend is late, huh?" My sister suddenly spoke out of nowhere in the middle of our breakfast.

"Whose girlfriend?" I asked her. It's not Dad's, right? Mom is over there, you know?

"Yours, obviously," she responded to me and just kept eating like it's normal.

I am 10, maybe 12 at most. And I have a girlfriend? Damn, this previous me has more rizz than I do.

'I wonder who is this girlfriend she's talking about is.'

𝘋𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘨

"It must be her," my sister instantly assumed after hearing the doorbell.

"I'll get it," I stood up from my seat and headed to the front door, wondering if it's actually the previous me's girlfriend.

I opened the door, and there stood a girl with long brown hair, beaming with a smile as she waited for someone to answer.

She dressed in the same school uniform as me, white and grey, suggesting we went to the same school.

She was taller than most girls her age, and her body seemed to be developing quickly, with a hint of curves starting to show.

Her eyes lit up with affection, like she was genuinely happy to see me, as if we hadn't seen each other in a while and she missed our time together.

Despite her warm and inviting smile, the only emotion I felt at that moment was shock as realization dawned on me.

This is Rika, which means I am Yuta. And this is Jujutsu Kaisen.

And I am going to die.

~~~~~~~~~~ 3rd person Pov ~~~~~~~~~

"Yuta-kun?" The girl standing in front of the door called out to the boy, who stared back at her as if the end of the world was near.

His face was etched with shock, his eyes unfocused as his mind raced, desperately trying to recall any detail that could save him from what was about to come.

But he remained frozen in front of the girl.

"Hello~? Is anybody home?" She waved her hand in front of the boy's face, trying to get his attention.

"Wha? Oh, right. Hi, Rika. We're still eating breakfast, so would you like to eat with us?" The boy snapped back to reality after a quick flashback in his mind and quickly offered the girl breakfast, remembering there was an extra plate on the counter.

"I would love to," she replied with a smile, and the boy nodded, gesturing for her to enter the house.

As they walked towards the table, the boy's previously happy-looking face was replaced with a contemplative look. He wondered what he could do to stop whatever was happening in the future.

'The night of a thousand curses, the vessel, the special grade curse, Mahito, Shibuya incident, executions, perfect preparations, culling games, Final battle in Shinjuku.

Those are the major events that will happen in the future. Events that will decide the fate of the world. Each of those events might result in the world ending if not handled correctly,' the boy thought, trying to recall any memories of what would happen in the future.

'No, the first thing I need to do is...' He looked back to see the girl walking behind him. She caught his eye and smiled at him when he looked at her face.

But seeing the innocent smile on her face only hurt him more, knowing that she is going to die in the future.

'Rika's death is an important part of the plot. Without her death, there will be no Queen of Curses. No Queen of Curses means that I might lose my copy technique as it was linked with Rika,' the boy kept thinking quietly in his mind, understanding that knowing the future is not always a good thing.

Sometimes, preventing something bad from happening may cause even more trouble in the future.

'But who cares?!' Suddenly, the boy yelled inside of his mind.

'I am Yuta Okkotsu! The boy with cursed energy the size of a country! If you think I am gonna let a girl die just for me to get a power-up, then you are sorely mistaken!

I don't care if I can't use my cursed technique, I'll just punch anyone into oblivion with my stupidly large cursed energy,' the boy thought as he finally reached the table along with the girl behind him.

With a new conviction in his mind, he swore to never let the girl behind him die an unnecessary death.

"Hey mom, Rika is here," the boy announced the presence of his supposed girlfriend to his family.

"Good morning, Rika. Would you like to have breakfast with us?" The mom quickly offered the girl, as she did every morning when she came to pick up the boy.

They had known each other for about 4 years now, and during that time, Rika had been coming to pick up Yuta every morning for school for about 3 years.

And thus, they even had a special place set for Rika in the morning.

"Morning, Mrs. Okkotsu. I'd love some breakfast," Rika replied with a warm smile, appreciating the offer to join Yuta's family for their meal.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Yuta's Pov ~~~~~~~~~~~

'This is odd,' I thought to myself as I walked towards my school with Rika. I have no idea where it is so I just let her lead me to wherever the school is

But no, the odd thing about this is not the road, or the people, or the girl holding my hand tightly as if I am going to run away the second she lets go.

'The odd thing is, I don't see any curses.'

I know, I know. Curses are not that common and all that. But I expected to see at least one of them today.

Or, am I not awakened yet? That's stupid, every sorcerer can see curses from birth.

'Wait a second. The original Yuta didn't even know about curses until Gojo talked to him.'

So maybe I just live in the one part of the city that doesn't have any negativity? That sounds impossible

Or I actually can't see curses.

Well, that sucks.

"What are you thinking about, Yuta?" The girl beside me spoke, looking at me with curiosity as she wanted to know what was on my mind.

"Nothing, just enjoying the walk with you," I said, trying to tease her a little.

Hey, if I'm supposed to be her boyfriend, at least I'm going to act like it. Giving her compliments and using flowery words is what boyfriends do.

She giggled and lightly tapped my shoulder after my attempt at flirting, though I didn't think it was that good. But everything feels top tier when it's the person you love is doing it.

Which feels absolutely weird to me because I have no romance experience in my life except for the manga and dating games I played.

But now I have a girlfriend and supposedly a fiancée, considering that she even gave me a ring as a promise to marry her in the future? Which kid does that?

Isn't it supposed to be like pinky finger stuff that we'll forget in a year or two?

But no, she very much still remembers our promise.

She even scolded me for forgetting to put on the ring she gave me this morning as we were about to leave the house.

Yes, she told me to wear it every day. That's how clingy she is.

Anyway we're in school now.

The lessons are... basic. I have nothing to say about them; they're just that normal.

I mean, what do you expect? The science teacher suddenly brought a rocket to class? That would be cool, at least.

But no, it's just lessons after lessons and then break time.

And that's when I heard about the rumor in the restroom. Ghosts, you say? Sounds like a perfect first target to me.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Current time ~~~~~~~~~~

"So I came to inspect the restroom, but turns out there were none," I said to the girl with a straight face.

She was very quiet, not once had she speak during our walk towards her home, except for some occasional "hmm" and nods.

Why am I walking her home? Because I am not gonna let a girl walk alone in the middle of the night with no protection at all.

My mom teach me better than that.

"Hey, uh, you are Kaya, right?" That was a stupid question to ask considering we had been walking for the past 5 minutes.

But she is very famous in school for being the kid that always brag about seeing ghosts. Not really, she never brag about it but her image was pictured that way

"Hmm," she nodded at me. Is this girl mute or something?

"So. you can see ghosts, huh?" I awkwardly asked the girl.

Hey, if I am going to fight an ancient sorcerer in the next 6 or so years, I want to at least stand a chance.

And the way to do that is to get as much experience as possible. And there is this one kid that supposedly have more experience in handling ghosts than me. so I am asking her

"Hmm," she nodded at me again.

I was starting to get annoyed by her attitude.

"So... What do they look like?" This was my way to determine whether she was lying or not. Though there really is no description of them, as curses come in all shapes and sizes.

"They are different from each other," so she can talk after all.

"Have you met any of them?" I asked the girl again.

"Hmm," she nodded again.

"That's curious. I haven't seen any ghosts yet. Do you have any idea why?"

"There are no ghosts in school," she stated matter-of-factly, I furrowes my eyebrows in confusion.

"Just in school?"



"Monster," she replied simply.

I scrunched my eyes as I grew more and more confused with every question she answered.

"Monster?" she nodded.

"What kind of monster?" I asked her one final time.

If there really is a monster in the school, or maybe she meant a Special Grade, then we should really start evacuating everyone from there.

The Shibuya incident has taught me that.

The girl suddenly raised her hand, stopped walking, and pointed her finger at me.


"Me?" I asked, puzzled.

She nodded.

"I am the monster?" I repeated in disbelief.

She nodded again.

Then she quickly put her hands down and continued her walk as if everything was normal.

What could she possibly meant by that?

I am a monster?

'Oh! Right, the original Yuta looks like a monster from the perspective of small curses. His curse energy is too ridiculous after all.

So, I am the reason there are no curses around me? Damn, I need to learn how to control my cursed energy, and fast!' I thought as we continued our walk to her house.

~~~~~~~~~~ 3rd person Pov ~~~~~~~~~

"Kaya!" A mother quickly hugged her daughter.

Clear tear marks adorned her cheeks, indicating she had cried not too long ago.

The reason for her tears was the daughter in her arms, the daughter who had been very problematic ever since she was a baby.

The mother finally calmed down from her crying. She sobbed one last time and began the interrogation of her daughter.

Grabbing her by the shoulder, she glared at her daughter before asking her questions.

"Where were you?! It's past midnight!"

"I was beating up ghosts."

"Beating up ghosts!?" She yelled at her daughter, angry at her for having no sense of security at all.

Her anger was very much justifiable. A little girl walking around the streets past midnight to hunt down ghosts with no regard for her own safety whatsoever. Only the worst kind of parents wouldn't care about such a thing.

"Um," but before they could have a more heated argument, a voice came from behind the girl.

"This kind of looks like a bad time for me to be here. So I'm just gonna leave, if that's okay?" The voice came from a boy, who appeared to be the same age as the girl but had a more mature aura about him.

The parent, at first confused by who the boy was, did a mental assessment and realized that he was most likely the one escorting their daughter back home.

(A/N He could also be the one kidnapping your daughter. But sure, go ahead. Keep that positive thinking in your head, see how'll that works out for you)

"Oh! Sorry you had to see that. Um..."

"Yuta Okkotsu, ma'am," the boy introduced himself.

"Yuta-kun then. Again, I am sorry for our poor display of attitude. And thank you for escorting our daughter back home," the mother quickly apologized to the boy, even bowing to him as a sign of gratitude.

"No, it's okay, ma'am. But I really need to get back home soon. I'm sure my mom is very worried as well, so I need to go back quickly.

See you later, ma'am! See you at school Kaya!" the boy suddenly changed from his previous mature and proper attitude to a jolly boy filled with excitement and perhaps a hint of fear

He then ran away from the girl's house, leaving Kaya to take care of her own problem as he needed to take care of his own.



The sound of a phone being called is heard.

"Hello?" The phone is answered by a young girl, about 10 years old.

"#Rika-chan? Sorry to call you this late, but Yuta-chan left his pajamas and stuff here. Can you put him on the line?#"

"Pajamas?" The 10-year-old girl tilted her head in confusion.

"#Yes, he's having a sleepover with you, right?#"

The girl widened her eyes for a split second, but she managed to conceal her shock and quickly answered the phone. "Oh! Right, yes, Auntie. He can use one of my pajamas. He is the same size as me, after all."

#Really? That'll save us a lot of time. Thank you, Rika-chan.#


And the phone call is cut off.

"Yuta-kun," the girl put down the phone, her eyes hidden by her bangs as she continued to hold the phone down with her hand.

"𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪?" She ominously speak into the distance

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

Ehem. Yup, Yuta bailed out by using Rika's name.

And now he have a yandere searching for him

Why is she a yandere you might ask? Take a good look on her description on the story.

At 5 years old, her mother suddenly died of unnatural causes (no one knows why) (I am betting it's her)

2 days before entering elementry school (so about 6 years of age), she and her dad went mountain climbing together.

to which they get lost and Rika was found alone after a week of searching and the dad is persumably dead. No one really know

She was sent to a hospital to which she met Yuta that was being treated for pneumonia and befriend him.

She then was sent to live with her grandparents which they 100% sure that Rika killed both of her parents. Which is a fair assumption to make if I am gonna be honest with you.

I mean what kind of kid manage to stay alive for 1 whole week in the middle of a mountain while even her dad was not found.

And then Rika and Yuta went to the same elementry school together. With the little poor boy not knowing shit about his crush supposedly Yandere behaviour.

Yup, that is the official backstory for Rika.....

I don't know about you people but this girl is a walking red flag but I don't care.

I am writing her anyway. (This sounds fun)

(Image to back up my claim)

and this is the second chapter. hope you guys like it

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