
Yu-Gi-Oh In America

A grumpy history teacher finds himself unwillingly thrust into the world of Yu-Gi-Oh. His main dilemma? He's adamant about not reliving his childhood after finally retiring. Will he be able to return to adulthood, or will he endure the trials of childhood once again?

SecondVoidlord · Khác
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8 Chs

Connor One

I pause to catch my breath, my lungs burning from the sprint across the sidewalk. My footsteps halt at the convention center, just as a young child scampers past me, oblivious to the danger of the speeding truck hurtling down the road. "This is why you should look both ways before you cross the road," I think to myself, urgency pulsing through me. Without a second thought, I dart across the street, determined that no harm will come to the reckless brat on my watch.

My arm shoots out to grab the brat by the hood, pulling him back just in time to narrowly avoid the oncoming truck. As he tumbles to the ground, I can't help but mutter, "Damn stupid brat, couldn't even use common sense." In my mind, I vow, "You're not going to isekai me today, you stupid truck."

Before I can fully process what just happened, an older lady with blonde hair rushes towards me, her voice sharp with anger. "You dare touch my child! Stay away from him!" she shouts. Ignoring her, I sprint towards the convention center, her enraged cries fading into the distance. "Thank goodness I can't make out what they're yelling," I think, relieved to escape the confrontation.

Approaching the expo gate, I breathe a sigh of relief, flashing my ticket to the guard at the expo gate. As I pass through, I can't help but think, "Maybe I'll get lucky and avoid the lines today. It's a stroke of luck that I arrived early." My feet ache from the sprint, but I press on, eager to reach Mr. Chaos' booth before the crowds gather.

Standing before Mr. Chaos' booth, I feel the ache in my feet from my hurried journey. "Can I get an autograph signed for Connor? I'm a huge fan of your official novel," I request, hopeful for a smooth interaction. Reflecting on my stroke of fortune earlier, winning the lottery jackpot and escaping my job as a history teacher, I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

Suddenly, maniacal laughter fills the air, drawing my attention to an older man dressed like a mad scientist. He stands beside a peculiar metal box, boasting about his "isekai machine." "Who let this crazy old man in here?" I think, feeling a twinge of unease.

As the metal box emits thunderous sounds and crackles with electricity, instinct kicks in, and I turn to flee. The panic surges through me as I sprint away, muscles burning with exertion. "My luck had to run out eventually," I think bitterly, cursing my decision to rush to the convention center.

Cornering sharply, I find myself facing the exit, relief flooding through me. But before I can reach safety, a blinding flash of yellow light engulfs me, searing through my senses. Desperation grips me as I reach for the door handle, pleading silently for salvation.

When I finally open my eyes, I'm greeted by a room filled with Yugioh toys and scattered cards. Disoriented and bewildered, I can't help but wonder, "What the hell? I was just at the convention center." Realization dawns as I glance around, "Somehow, I've ended up in a child's room. But how?"

I approach the door cautiously, turning the handle with care to minimize any noise. "There are people downstairs, but I can't make out what they're saying," I ponder silently. "Explaining why I'm in this room to the brat's parents doesn't sound like a pleasant prospect. Dealing with angry parents or kidnappers is not on my agenda," I decide.

Stepping into the hallway, I head towards the bathroom. The door is ajar, and relief washes over me as I spot a window I could potentially escape through. "Please let there be a window that I can jump out of," I think, relieved to find one. "The jump shouldn't be too bad; I just hope I didn't break any bones during that flash," I mull over, trying to keep calm amidst my panic.

Above the bathroom window hangs a picture of the brat's family, adding to the surreal nature of the situation. My heart races with the stress of it all. "At least I don't have to deal with any more brats now. Note to self: avoid fan events in the future," I resolve.

As I pull back the bathroom curtain, I catch sight of my reflection in the window – the brat from the picture. "What the... I can't be this blue-eyed brat with blonde hair," I think, taken aback by my new appearance. Stumbling backwards, I collide with the bathroom sink in disbelief.

"Connor, are you okay?" a feminine voice calls from downstairs. "I need to stay calm, even though I'm stuck in this brat's body. I've dealt with brats before; I can handle this," I reassure myself.

Gripping the bathroom sink for support, I take a few deep breaths before replying, "Everything's fine, Mom," though it's a lie. "Connor, you should come down soon; your breakfast will get cold," she insists. Slowly, I make my way downstairs, greeted by the blonde-haired woman who must be Connor's mother.

"Now I have to figure out how to survive in this brat's life. Body-jacking feels so wrong," I think uneasily. "This dining room feels foreign to me, like I don't belong here," I note, feeling out of place as I take a seat at the table, hands trembling.

"I hope they don't discover I'm not really Connor. I'd rather not have to explain myself," I fret silently. "Are you nervous about the duel monster tournament?" Connor's mother asks, twirling a strand of her blonde hair. "Yeah, do you know when it starts?" I reply, trying to sound convincing.

"Your father will pick you up for the event in two hours," she responds. Finishing my lukewarm breakfast hastily, I stand up and rush back upstairs. "What the hell am I going to do about this body-jacking mess I've gotten into? I need more information; maybe I can find something about my old body," I resolve.

The stairs creak loudly underfoot as I sprint back to my room. "Well, at least I have a computer, even if it's ancient," I think, clicking through the news homepage. A headline catches my eye: Yugi Muto wins first place in the Duelist Kingdom tournament. "That crazy old man actually did it; he isekai'd me into the Yu-Gi-Oh alternate reality," I realize. "I need to look up the duel monster rulebook; I don't want to be the idiot who thinks they're using the trading card game rules in Duelist Kingdom," I decide.

The Duel Monsters official online rulebook loads onto the webpage, its design reminiscent of the older rulebooks from around the goat format era. "I hate this keyboard; the clicking sounds when I type are driving me crazy," I grumble to myself.

"It seems like this reality's rule set is a mix between the Trading Card Game Yugioh rules and the anime ruleset. All the spells are counted as quick plays, and tributes aren't needed for any normal summons," I observe. "Thankfully, looking up the rulebook saved my skin. Thank god that I avoided the Dungeon and Dragon ruleset from season one," I add with relief.

Closing the tacky dark brown website, I rise from the chair and crouch down to sift through my collection. Several Duel Monster metal tins lie scattered across the floor, filled with cards. "These cards may be a pile of trash, but they'll have to do for now. After going through most of them, this is the best I can muster from this collection," I assess.

"I'll need to acquire better cards after this event; this deck is a mess. The prize money from reaching the final sixteen of the tournament should help with that," I plan, already strategizing my next moves. Settling back into the computer chair, I load up the search engine.

"I enjoy history, but teaching it to a bunch of brats is a nightmare. I'm curious about this world's history and the events that diverged from our own," I contemplate. "The ancient Egyptians using Duel Monsters as weapons of war would certainly change a few things. I'll look up history; maybe I'll find something interesting to read in the meantime," I decide.

Napoleon wearing a Millennium Ring catches my eye. "Is this some sort of filler arc in the manga? There's a lot of content I'm missing that could come back to haunt me now. I regret not reading the manga," I lament silently.

"Alexander the Great found the Millennium Ring in a filler arc. I should check if there are any older statues of him wearing it," I reason, clicking on an image showing a green statue with the Millennium Ring. "So, the filler is canon in this world. I should read more about Napoleon, just in case something significant has changed," I conclude.

As I delve into an article about Napoleon Bonaparte, the page loads with a stark white background. "What did he do in this timeline? I know he landed in Egypt and found the Rosetta Stone," I recall. But what I read next shocks me.

"No way. He figured out how to summon Duel Monsters? That doesn't fit with canon," I mutter incredulously. "Maybe this is fake news; I should check other sources," I suggest to myself.

The clacking of keys fills the room as I hastily type his name into the search bar. "They all say the same thing – that he used Duel Monsters to dominate Asia, Europe, and northern Africa," I discover in disbelief. "With a death toll of one hundred and fifty million, including human sacrifices, that's about twice the size of the death toll from World War Two," I realize with a sinking feeling.

"Now I have to contend with weaker versions of the Millennium Items floating around, used to control monsters for war. The death toll is insane, like fifteen percent of the world population at the time. All my canon knowledge is either useless or shaky to rely on," I conclude with a heavy heart.

"Well, fuck me," I whisper, feeling the weight of the new reality bearing down on me.