
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 9: Broken card

CH 9

(Third person POV)

{Ali's signature smirk image:}

{Ali's signature smile image:}

Chazz growled as Ali ridiculed me :"I end my turn. Let's see what all your big talk leads to, asshole."

Ali smirked :'talk all you want, Chazz. But this duel, won't even reach the third round. I remember it from the anime, the trap card which I don't exactly remember the name of takes control of a fusion monster. But unfortunately for you, my monster is the nemesis of all effects!'

"Yeah, yeah, Chazz, don't worry. I will let you know first hand just what it will lead to. I draw. Hmph, hahahaha, seems like your fate is sealed, Chazz."

Ali chuckled evilly in a low volume at the cards in his hand, the perfect cards for his first hand using the Red Eyes deck. Wasn't the heart of the cards such a wonderful thing.

Red Eyes Fusion, Red Eyes Retro Dragon, Red Eyes Spirit, Red Eyes Baby Dragon, Red Eyes Insight, and Inferno Fire Blast.

Ali gave a wild smirk, but before he could speak up, the beautiful voice of the female friend he had made today came, pulling the attention of everyone in the room :"I figured I would find you all here."

Ali smiled happily as he added the new drawn card into his hand and waved with the free one :"hey, Alexis. What's up? Here to watch the show?"

The voluptuous blond who had her hands folded under her plump assets smiled back as she waved back :"hey, Ali. Nice to see you again.

Nice to see you all as well, Zane, Jaden, Syrus. I thought that Chazz would have challenged Jaden, why are you dueling him, Ali?"

Ali smirked as he shrugged :"just looking out for my homie. What kind of a best friend would I be if I let some jackass try to bully my best bud?"

Ali's smirk grew into a pained look as he clenched his free hand as he shook his head playfully :"and so, here I am.

Dueling this big, mean, jerk to protect my bro. And to have some fun because I had that sudden craving to inflict some mental damage."

Alexis chuckled at his act as Zane and Jaden snorted as the Kuriboh headed boy raised his fist and swung it back and forth :"what do you mean, fighting to protect me?! You just bribed me with food not even a few minutes ago!"

Ali put his fingers over his chest while he didn't let his palm touch it as he gave a toothy smile and closed his eyes :"it's called tough love, bro.

Sometimes, I show my affection for my friends like it's nothing. Sometimes, I don't show it and just act. I have that kind of dualism."

Alexis stopped laughing for a second as she looked at him with appreciation and approval as Jaden's face grew soft and gave a smile :"aww~, so you were worried about me?"

But Ali's smile grew even bigger as he raised his nose and turned his head to look away :"nope! I just wanted the fun!"

Jaden's mood fell as Syrus laughed and Alexis giggled while Jaden clenched his fist again and bit his lip with a small glare :"you...!"

Alexis looked at Ali with a small smile as he giggled evilly in a playful way :"so? Now you're dueling Chazz?"

Ali looked around with a smile as he presented with his free hand :"ass you can see, sweetheart!

And guess what, I'm using my Red Eyes Deck. Now, even though this conversation is really fun, I have a haughty bitch to teach some manners to."

The evil face that surprised Alexis slightly returned to his face as Ali placed a card on the spell and trap zone :"first things first, I activate my spell card, Red Eyes Insight!

Using this spell card, I can send a Red Eyes monster from my hand or deck to the graveyard, and then add a Red Eyes spell or trap card from my deck to my hand, except Red Eyes Insight!

And I choose to send Red Eyes Archfiend Of lightning to the graveyard to add, Return Of The Red Eyes to my hand!"

And as he spoke, a massive card, probably bigger than an adult appeared with an image of the Red Eyes Black Dragon on it.

Ali played with cards in his hand and switched them so he wouldn't know where the card was as he placed a card face down on the spell and trap zone.

But Chazz being the cocky little shit that he is, snorted with disdain :"what's the use of sending such a monster to the graveyard? At least you could've used it to survive one more turn in our duel."

The smirk on Ali's face disappeared as he deadpanned at him :'is this bitch serious??? The bitch is talking as if I won't be able to use it now that it's in the graveyard.'

Ali looked at him with disgust as he brought his neck slightly back :"you retarded or something, dumbass? It's obviously because I have a strategy for it, why else would I do it."

Ali rolled his eyes at his stupidity as he smirked after a snort and got back at it :"I activate, Red Eyes Fusion!

You see, this card is a fucking unit for itself. Once this card is activated, I can fusion summon a monster that lists Red Eyes Black Dragon as material.

And guess what, I can use the monsters from my hand, field, and even my damn deck to fusion summon it!"

"What?!" They all gasped as Jaden wowed :"wow, Ali's right, that's a really awesome card. You can basically fusion summon any monster you want without them being in your hand or field."

Zane nodded with his arms folded in front of his chest, paying close attention to Ali's moves :"that's right, for someone who uses fusion monsters like yourself, this card is a real game changer."

Alexis also put a word in while being dead serious at Ali's every move :"with a card like that, I wonder what kind of a monster Ali is going to summon."

But Chazz didn't seem so worried, in fact, he smirked :"go ahead then. Let's see what kind of scary monster your little deck is going to bring out."

Ali smirked as he gave a low chuckle :"oh, you will see it, even in your nightmares. It will a monster that will scar you for life.

The monster that I choose to fusion summon, is Red Eyes Black Dragoon! Obviously, I will use one Red Eyes Black Dragon, and one Dark Magician to summon it!"

The moment the Red Eyes Black Dragon and Dark Magician appeared above Ali, everybody in the room gasped in shock and surprise :"what?! Dark Magician?!"

Alexis started at the arena with wide eyes as she spoke out :"Dark Magician is the ace monster of the king of the games, not only is it incredibly rare, it's also costs a huge sum!

But Ali actually has the legendary Dark Magician in his deck, I don't know just what kind of a horrifying monster will be summoned."

Ali gave his signature wild smile as a black and red vortex appeared above him and the two monsters got sucked into it :"now, witness true power! I summon thee, Red Eyes Black Dragoon!"

Dark Magician, in an armor of Red Eyes Black Dragon appeared with his weapon in hand as it gazed at Chazz's monster like it was nothing but an insignificant ant.

Red Eyes Black Dragoon: Fusion/ Effect/ Spellcaster/ Dark/ Lv( )8/ 3,000 ATK/ 2,500 DEF.

Zane nodded as he focused on the match when Jaden spoke his mind out :"whoa, would you look at that.

He actually summoned a monster with a whooping 3,000 ATK in the first turn he got like it's nothing."

Chazz was surprised as well, but he smirked smugly as he lifted his arm :"cool monster, don't mind it if I take it, right?

Because of you summoning a fusion monster, you have fallen right into my trap. I activate the trap card, Chthonian Polymer!"

Syrus tilted his head in confusion as he asked :"what does Chthonian Polymer do?" and Alexis answered :"Chthonian Polymer is a nasty trap.

It allows you to take control of an opponent's fusion monster by sacrificing one of your own creatures."

Syrus's eyes went wide as realization hit him :"wait... Ali just summoned a fusion monster! That means-"

"That means Ali is in big trouble unless he is able to negate that Chthonian Polymer." Zane finished off while still focusing on the duel.

Chazz snorted as he smugly announced :"I will sacrifice Reborn Zombie to-" but he was cut off by the smirking Ali :"oh, no.

How scary and troublesome... Not. You see, Chazzy, I would be worried, if I didn't have Red Eyes Black Dragoon's effect on my side.

You see, once per turn, when an effect is activated <I looked into it, and it said any one card, so I guess traps and spells are counted as well> I can discard one card, negate the activation, and destroy the card!

And not just that, bud. If I use this effect, my Red Eyes Black Dragoon permanently gets a raise of 1,000 ATK points!"

"What?! That mean-" Chazz shouted as he took a step back and Ali cut him off with a wild smile :"it means that your trap is trashed, cunt! Red Eyes Black Dragoon, take care of his little trap!"

Red Eyes Black Dragoon raised his unoccupied hand as a black and red spiral formed in it before thrusted his hand forward and shot the black ball that was half the size of an adult at the trap card.

The trap card that was glowing a black, menacing light was immediately destroyed before the shattered fragments flew towards the Red Eyes Black Dragoon and we're absorbed by him, raising his ATK points to 4,000!

Alexis awed at the monster that was three times the size of an adult :"whoa, such a powerful effect...

And so powerful too. It's as powerful as your Cyber End Dragon, Zane. No wonder Ali summoned it without being worried about the trap card."

Zane nodded in agreement without taking his eyes off of the stage :"yeah, and it makes sense too to have such a powerful effect.

As much as I know, the effects of the monsters that have Dark Magician as a fusion material are always very strong."

Chazz took a step back in shock as he stuttered out :"N-no way... How could it have such an effect... Crap... Tsk, even if you have such a monster, I still have Reborn Zombie in defense position."

Ali chuckled after a snort as he shook his head before he gave a small sigh through his nose :"you thought the horror of Red Eyes Black Dragoon end there?

Think twice, bitch. Why do you think I told you that it will give you nightmares? Of course it is even more broken!

During my main phase, I can destroy one monster my opponent controls, and if I do, I can inflict the original ATK of the destroyed monster to your life points!

And guess what, I am planning to do exactly that, little cunt! Red Eyes Black Dragoon, take care of that insignificant Zombie for me!"

Red Eyes Black Dragoon raised his left hand once again as the black and red spiral appeared once again before he shot it at the Reborn Zombie.

Not only did the Reborn Zombie immediately shatter upon contact with the black and red spiral, the spiral continued as it also hit Chazz.

Chazz screamed out, causing Ali to roll his eyes at him :'come on, man. That's so fucking cringe. Why you screaming when it's all a hologram?'

"Ali has won." Zane said coolly as the others nodded with amazed faces and Jaden nodded rapidly and excitedly :"yeah, who knew he would have such a broken monster?!"

Chazz stared at the arena with fear and rage as the Red Eyes Black Dragoon stood tall and proud :"s-shit, I'm wide open..."

Ali laughed out loud as he spread his arms :"yeah, that tends to happen when people go against me and my Red Eyes Black Dragoon.

They get a fate worse than dropping the damn fucking soap! Now, Chazz, say cheese. Red Eyes Black Dragoon, finish him!"