
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 7: The evil plan

(Third person POV)

Ali raised an eyebrow at her as they walked into the dorm :"you sure, bro? She is hot, I mean hot hot. Are you sure you don't want her?"

Zane nodded calmly as they walked towards the open space where the noise of chattering was coming from :"yeah, I'm sure. Why?"

Ali spread his hands and shrugged :"I told you, she's hot! She is seriously beautiful and she's polite on top of that!

Girls that are beautiful but don't act like hot shit and are actually kind are tens, baby. And she is like that.

I just wanted to be sure that you two aren't dating and you aren't into her. I wouldn't want to steal your girl. But now that I know you aren't into her, I'm gonna try my chances."

Zane smiled at him as he slapped his back gently :"thanks for looking out for my feelings. But don't worry.

If I really liked her in a sexual way, I would have already asked her out. So you can just go for it. I wish you luck, bro."

Ali smiled happily as he circled his arm around his neck :"thanks, bro! I really appreciate it."

As they walked into the open space where the party was happening, a waiter came to them with drinks.

Drinks that Ali grabbed and held one up for Zane who grabbed it :"we can talk about our dating lives later. For now, let's enjoy the party, homie!"

Zane grabbed the glass from Ali's hand as they hit the glasses and toasted each other :"cheers." They said before drinking.

After taking a sip from the drink, Ali took a big sip as he nodded with an impressed face :"damn, this ain't bad."

Zane nodded back as he gently swung the glass in his hand :"yeah, it's quite good. Come on, let's drink our drinks and then get some food."

And Ali didn't have to told twice as he raised his glass and drank everything in a single sip :"ahh~, let's go then."

Zane gave a low chuckle before he also drank his drink and grabbed Ali's empty glass and then put them on a table :"let's go."

As they both walked towards the table where the food was at, Zane grabbed two dishes and forks before he handed one of each to Ali.

While they were picking up their food, Zane raised an eyebrow :"don't you want some of this lobster? It looks quite well cooked."

But Ali looked at the lobster with slight disgust as he shook his head :"sorry, was never one for insects. Specially not a sea insect."

Zane shrugged as they both continued picking food :"suit yourself." And after grabbing some food, they both sat down beside each other as they got to eating.

"Damn, this is good!" Ali said with an impressed look as he ate his food like a gentleman.

Zane beside him nodded as he also calmly ate his food :"yeah, the chefs here are good at their jobs. I told you the academy doesn't go hold back in making life comfortable for Obelisk Blues."

Ali nodded as he continued eating before he looked at Zane :"by the way, I noticed that some people have been looking at you with admiration.

Back at the arena too. Those two were really shocked to see you. Are you some big shot or something?"

Zane shrugged with a calm face :"I just try my best to win every duel I'm in. But yeah, I'm kind of a big shot since I'm the number one duelist in the academy."

Ali smiled excitedly as he punched his arm :"damn, bro, that's really cool! I knew you would be good with how you act, but I didn't expect you to be the number one in here! What deck do you use?"

While they ate, Zane answered :"I use the Cyber Dragon deck." Ali eyes went wide :"the Cyber Dragon deck?!

No way, I have a few cards related to that deck too! In fact, I have a Cyber Dragon deck myself! We should check each other's decks out, bro."

Thus time, Zane was really shocked as he turned to him with wide eyes :"what?! You have a Cyber Dragon deck?!"

Ali nodded excitedly as he smiled :"hell yeah I do! It's a deck that I put together a while ago, but it's definitely good. I have win quite a number of duels with it."

Zane calmed down from his surprise as he nodded :"yeah, the Cyber Dragon is quite a powerful monster with a good effect.

Specially the fusion of the three Cyber Dragons. Alright then, I will be sure to check your deck out. Maybe we can help each other out and learn a few tactics from each other."

Ali gave a toothy smile and a thumbs up :"hell yeah, bro! I'm sure that we can learn a thing or two from each other."

(Damn, boss, that food smells delicious...) Red Eyes envious voice sounded inside his head. Ali gave a chuckle :(well, I can't summon you here, but I will treat you to a good meal later.)

(Thanks, boss! You're the best!) Red Eyes said excitedly before Ali continued to enjoy his dinner while chatting with Zane.


Ali pat his stomach as he and Zane walked to their room :"phew, that sure was one hell of a meal. I'm stuffed!"

Zane beside him nodded calmly :"yeah, you sure ate a ton. I didn't expect you to eat that much. Your appetite is quite big."

Ali shrugged with a helpless smile :"yeah, I guess that's something to complain about." 'Red Eyes said that it's a side effect of having a dragon as a Ka.

I have gained the characteristics of dragons because of it. Heh, I bet Kaiba would be hella jealous if he knew about it.'

Once they reached their rooms, Zane turned to Ali as he gave a small smile and a nod :"it was a really fun day, Ali. I'm happy to meet you and befriend you."

Ali gave a big smile as he spread his arms and gave him a tight hug :"that's not how you're supposed to do it, bro! You're supposed to hug your homies!"

Zane gave a low chuckle as he hugged him back and tapped his back, because it's the law :"yeah, sure, homie.

Alright, good night, Ali. I will wake you up tomorrow morning as promised since you said you're not a morning person."

Ali gave an awkward chuckle as he let go of him :"yeah~, appreciated it, man. I'm not that stuck up about the rules, but I don't want to be late and get scolded."

But Zane just nodded with a small smile :"no problem. I'm an early bird, so waking you up won't be a problem."

Just when Ali was about to go to his room, *beep beep* his phone beeped. Ali pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a look :"it's from J.

He says that Chazz challenged him to a duel at midnight. And he has said that whoever wins the duel will get the other person's best card.

Jaden says that he thinks it's interesting and that since he can duel in that arena, he wanted to invite me to see...

Hmmm... Yeah, sure. It's nice to see some action, I'm down. In fact, heh, I want to duel this haughty Chazz guy. What about you, Zane? Do you want to come along as well?"

Zane thought about it for a second before he asked :"are you going to duel him? Didn't he challenge your friend?"

Ali smirked as he shrugged :"this guy is just a dumb and arrogant asshat. As long as I throw some words at him, he will definitely get pissed and duel me instead. And I'm planning on using my Red Eyes deck by the way."

Zane's cocked an eyebrow :"the same deck that you said is your ace deck? Hmm... If you are going to use your favorite deck, then I have to come and see.

There's still a few hours till midnight. Go and check your deck just to be sure. We'll go and I can watch how you play your favorite deck."

Ali nodded with a smirk as he started typing in his PDA <I started playing Yu-Gi-Oh GX Tag Force and finally found out that thing's name> :"alright, J, I will come. I will see you in a few hours."

He then put his PDA back in his pocket as he made his way to his room after giving Zane a farewell fist bump :"see ya in a little while, Zane."

After unlocking his door and walking in, a black and red light flashed in his eye as the Dragon Mark appeared before a black light exited from it.

The light then turned into a hand sized little dragon. Ali smirked at Red Eyes with a devilish glint in his eyes :"hey, Red Eyes, tell me, can you "help" me in duels?"

Red Eyes was just a new born. Not just in a literal sense since the omniverse had created him a while ago.

But as in there's a reason for why it's "Red Eyes Black Chick", because it is just a kid dragon. So because of him still being immature and being Ali's Ka, he was effected by Ali's personality.

Red Eyes chuckled evilly, like Ali, as he nodded :"yes, boss, I can. You see, if it was a deck of everything just being mixed in randomly, I couldn't do much.

But because of this deck being a complete Red Eyes deck excluding a few cards, I can... Control it to an extent.

For example... While using the Red Eyes deck, you're as good as Yami Yugi, the pharaoh, in drawing cards. After all, hehehehehe, you have the heart of the cards on your side."

Ali started running his hands together as the two chuckled evilly for a few moments before Red Eyes explained :"you see, boss, every Red Eyes card is like a form of mine.

For example, the Red Eyes Baby Dragon is my evolved form, the form that I will turn into after I evolve from this form.

That's why, I have a certain control over the deck. Meaning that I can... Change which card can come to your hand into a super useful card."

Ali pinched his chin as he nodded with an interested smile :"I see, that makes sense. Then, does that mean that once you evolve, your control over the deck will also grow stronger?"

Red Eyes nodded excitedly as he smiled :"yes, boss! And that's not all. Because of me being your Ka, our bond is very strong and special.

That's why, not just me, but you can also control which order your cards are in after we both get stronger!"

Ali's small smile of interest turned into a full on demonic smile as he put his left hand on his cheek and left eye while chuckling evilly :"hahahaha, don't you just love the "heart of the cards"?

From now on, using the Red Eyes deck isn't even gonna count as a duel, it will be a slaughter! Hahahaha!"

The two started laughing like villains as they posed while some of the other duel spirits in Ali's decks shook their head and sighed helplessly and the others nodded in satisfaction of their new masters personality.

Ali raised his left hand and ran it through his smooth hair as he sighed in satisfaction :"alright, I should do as Zane suggested.

I should see what is in my Red Eyes deck and the strategies that I will be using with my cards. There are quite a few combos and strategies in the Red Eyes deck, so I should review them."

The cute little dragon nodded in understanding as it sat on Ali's shoulder :"alright, boss. Happy to know that you will be serious."

But an evil smirk formed on Ali's face as he looked at Red Eyes nonchalantly :"Red Eyes, you should know, I'm always serious. How could I deliver the most damage to my opponent otherwise? Both in the duel and mentally."