
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 62: Introducing Zane to the Duel Spirits

"Wait, so you were in that condition because of trying to do that?" Zane frowned :"If it's going to be that harmful and dangerous, why try it? Heck, forget about immortality, you could die first!" Alistair gave him a look :"Bro, what? No, that wasn't that, I was trying to do something else. Obviously you would need to be a lot more careful when bonding with an external Ka. That was something else."

"Oh." Zane curled his lips awkwardly. The noiret smirked in amusement, amused but happy at how he was still worried about his well being when he literally talked about immortality. If anybody else heard him, they would jump at the chance to get his secrets. Good friends were treasures for themselves, huh?

"Alright, let me solve your confusion." He chuckled :"I've bonded with an external Ka a long time ago. How do you think I'm so badass at the gym?"

Zane, realization :"Oh, you bitch! So that's how you're never tired and don't have even a bit of soreness after the gym!"

Alistair, grinning :"Yup."

Zane, scowling :"And you never bothered to tell me about these things? You know how many more sets I could do daily if I had your stamina?"

Alistair :"I just told you about immortality, and you're annoyed about missing out on extra sets in the gym?"

Zane :"Which one is better, living an eternal life of a obese flesh bag, or a normal life span with a fit and beautiful body?"

Alistair :"Alright, fair enough. Anyway, back on the subject. I have already bonded with Kas. In fact, I have bonded with a LOT of them. I'm talking about hundreds and maybe even thousands of each level.

I'll tell you about what kind of Ka and what strength you can bond with later. Basically, I'm already bonded to a lot of them. This wasn't me bonding with one, so no need to worry. Now, back to the real subject of what happened to me."

And so, he explained what had happened in the morning. From how his Kas sensed an evil duel spirit, Jinzo, getting on the island, how he dealt with him, and how he got into his current state because of absorbing his spirit energy.

Zane, thoughtful :"I see. So the reason you were like that is because of overloading your soul."

Alistair :"Exactly. Which really isn't fun. I'm never doing that shit again if I can help it."

Zane :"This seriously is a serious matter, huh? Who would have thought monster cards would be the extracted spirits of ancient Egyptians?"

Alistair :"Right? It's pretty weird. And believe me, you're going to see even weirder stuff. That's why, keep this a secret. The less people who know about this, the better."

Zane :"Alright, if you say so. So what happened after you absorbed Jinzo's spirit energy?"

Alistair :"I don't know, I haven't had the time to check with you interrogating me."

Zane, glaring :"Oh, piss off. Do you have any idea how worried I was when I saw you like that? Of course I was going to question you about what happened."

Alistair :"You didn't think I was beaten up, did you?"

Zane :"The lack of injury on your body was what made me panic. You were bleeding from your mouth, nose, ears, and even your eyes. But there weren't any wounds or even bruises. And besides, I would have been worried about what kind of a monster suddenly appeared in the forest that put you of all people in that condition."

Alistair, smirking :"Good to know you know I'm badass. Hmm, now that I think about it, why don't I show you proof of duel spirits now that I've said so much? After all, it would be hard to believe me just based on words."

Zane, shaking his head :"That's not true. I know you're not one to lie and I know when you're just joking around. And besides, with how long professor Banner has talked about them, I would certainly believe it if you also started talking about them. But I wouldn't deny that I'm curious and want to see them. But didn't you say that only gifted people can see duel spirits? How am I going to see them anyway?"

Alistair :"You can't see them because they don't have a physical form. However, when the Ba is powerful and skilled enough, the Ka can come to life. It's how ancient Egyptians dueled. Now let's see what has changed."

Focusing for a moment, he called out Serpent Night Dragon and Silent Magician to check his situation. Two orbs of light came out of him, one dark and one light, before instantly turning into large figures. One a human bombshell of a woman and the other a dragon.

Silent Magician was her good old self. Sexy as all hell, huge tits, thick thighs and a massive ass that Alistair couldn't take his eyes off of. But his pal, belonging to this world, wasn't the same as before. He had changed. He was a new man. And he was more powerful than ever.

His appearance had changed a lot. His color, which was originally dark blue, had become a lighter shade, with his wings growing bigger and becoming light green, along with his claws and jaw, while long and thick thorns had come out from his back, starting from his neck, which was covered with white fur, and going all the way down to the tip of his tail. Just his appearance had become more unique than before, but the most noticeable change was his strength, which Alistair could clearly feel.

"Master, you're finally awake!" Serpent turned to him in worry :"Are you alright?! How are you feeling?! Silent Magician, is everything alright with master's body and soul?! Quickly, check everything!"

"Geez, I'm surrounded with so many overprotective people." The noiret chuckled, but was ignored as Silent Magician grabbed his wrist. Zane watched in amazement, looking at the monsters that he had considered as only cards and drawings.

The two duel spirits ignored him, focused on checking Alistair's state first. And after Silent Magician checked his body and soul quickly, she sighed in relief :"It's alright, nothing is wrong with master. Not his body nor his soul have been hurt, but the toll he took was still too much, so he's going to need to rest.

Also, because of how taxed and overloaded your soul is from absorbing so much power that was out of your league, your soul is going to take some time to get used to it. Meaning you can't absorb or bond with any duel spirits or absorb any spirit energy for a while. It's already a miracle your soul managed to take in and fit that much power, so you should be careful and patient for some time."

"Haaa, thank goodness." Serpent sighed in relief, sitting on the bed and making sure to not hit Alistair. After all, he was worried about his current state as it was, and didn't want to put his weight on him. Don't even mention his claws, which had become deadly dangerous. What if he was careless and cut his master? He made sure to leave some space between his limbs and Alistair.

He was about to say something, ask for how the noiret was feeling, but was interrupted by two more dark orbs of light coming out. And one of them didn't hesitate before launching itself at Alistair :"Grar! Grar grar grar!"

Grabbing his collar and shaking him in anger, complaining about his recklessness. Alistair could only smile apologetically, awkwardly as he bit back his groans. His body was still aching, and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon's actions of anger weren't helping at all.

But knowing that he had a point, that he was way too careless for such a dangerous matter, he could only hold his groans. Thankfully, the other dark orbs of light pulled Venom back :"Stop that already. I know you're mad and worried, but can't you see that master isn't in a condition to be treated that way."

Mirrorjade turned to Alistair. Although he looked worried too, he was a lot calmer than everybody else. After all, being his Ka, he knew his condition better than anybody else. Even Alistair himself. It was the same for Venom, but he was way too angry at the noiret for being so careless about his own health.

"How are you feeling, master?" He asked, like a kind older brother. A brother Alistair once had, and could see his reflection in Mirrorjade. Remembering him, the brother he loved so much, the brother that cared for him so much, he couldn't help but smile gently :"Hm, I'm good, thanks for worrying about me. It's just a bit of soreness and aching. It will go away in a bit."

"I see, thank goodness." The dragon smiled, while Venom grumbled. Alistair couldn't help but chuckle to himself. To be mad and worried for him was just like how his older sister would react. She would get mad, but it was only because she was worried about him.

He wondered why he felt so nostalgic all of a sudden. Maybe it was because of his soul being unstable, or maybe because this situation reminded him of his siblings visiting him after his surgery. Nonetheless, it both warmed his heart from remembering their care, and broke his heart from losing them.

It seemed like his two original Kas sensed the changes in his emotions, because they both calmed down. Venom stayed in place as the noiret stroked his head and back :"It's alright, V, I'm really okay, this will go away in a bit as well. So no need to be so worried. I know I was careless, but to protect myself, my friends and all of you, I needed to take this chance. So don't be mad, okay? I won't do it again."

"Grr. (You better not.)" He scoffed, looking away. But didn't shake off Alistair's hand. He knew his master needed some warmth, some care from his original Kas, and he would never deny him that. Although he talked a lot of shit, always grumpy, always overreacting, he knew that V cared about him the most out of all his Kas.

Seeing the two's interaction, with V finally acting somewhat calm, Mirrorjade smiled, before acknowledging Zane's presence :"So, master, the reason you summoned us while Zane was here is because you wanted to show us to him, right?"

"Hm, that's right." The noiret nodded, and the amazed Zane felt all eyes turning to him :"Zane, as you can see, these are duel spirits. My duel spirits. These two, Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, are my two original Kas, and these two, Silent Magician and Serpent Night Dragon, are two of the numerous Kas I've bonded with."

"Grr./It's a pleasure to meet you, Zane." The duel spirits greeted, and Mirrorjade smiled :"Thanks for always taking care of our master. It puts us at ease to know our master has a close friend he can trust and depend on."

Zane thought it would be awkward. But thinking how these were parts of his best pal, he really couldn't find it in himself to be awkward :"You're welcome, and it's nice to meet you as well. I'm happy that I don't need to worry about this idiot if such powerful duel spirits are taking care of him."

"Heeey, what does that mean?" The noiret glared, pouting childishly. Zane glared back :"What does that mean? Why don't you look at where you're laying down, then answer me, you punk?"

"Geez, alright already. No pain, no gain, I had to do this to get more powerful!" He shrugged, before smiling and turning to his Kas :"So? What benefits did I get? Considering Serpent's appearance, I think we've benefited a lot this time around." "That's true, you did gain a lot." Silent Magician nodded, and began listing off the benefits the hardship he endured brought for him.