
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 6: Chatting

CH 6

(Third person POV)

And fortunately for Ali, she was a polite girl who didn't act like some shit. She stretched her beautiful hand with a smile and shook his hand :"likewise, Ali. It's nice to meet you, I'm Alexis Rhodes."

But it seems like Chazz didn't like the sight of the two getting along :"hey~, Alexis. Have you come to watch me mop the floor with my new little friend Jaden and Ali? It'll be a short duel, but an entertaining one for sure."

And Alexis didn't seem to like the way that he talked :"I'm here to remind you about the Obelisk welcome dinner, you're late.

I didn't see Zane either, so I wanted to look for his as well. Didn't expect to see him here along with Ali."

"Oh yeah, come on guys." Chazz said as he and his two lackeys walked away while Alexis sighed as she looked at Jaden and Syrus :"sorry if Chazz rubbed you the wrong way. All of us Obelisks aren't like that. He's just a jerk, especially with Slifers."

But Jaden just shook it with his his ever so happy mood :"eh, that's no big deal. Those types don't really bother me at all. Besides, I could beat him in one turn!"

Ali laughed as Zane and Alexis looked at Jaden with surprised faces while Syrus smiled awkwardly :"we gotta work on that overconfidence."

But the smile didn't leave Jaden's face :"alright, maybe two turns. Maybe two and a half." And this time, even Alexis giggled.

While Ali laughed, his new buddy Zane shook his head with a sigh. Syrus was also laughing, causing Jaden to look at them awkwardly :"what?"

Ali slowly stopped laughing as he wiped the tear off his eye that formed because of laughing too much as he slapped his back :"nothing, bud, nothing."

Alexis also stopped giggling as she smiled at him :"the Slifer welcome party is about to start too."

"Right, we better go Sy!" Jaden said before he ran towards the door while Syrus waved his hands at Ali and Zane :"bye Ali, Zane..."

While the two ran away, Alexis also looked at Ali and Zane :"we should go too. Don't want to be late... Well, any more late for the welcome dinner."

Ali and Zane nodded as Ali flashed her a smile :"well, let's go then. I'm hungry too after Zane gave me a tour of the school."

While the three started walking with Ali in the center, Alexis raised an eyebrow at him with a smile :"you two sure get along for people that have met for the first time."

Ali smiled smugly as he circled his left arm around Zane's back and put his hand on his shoulder :"well, what can I say? Our muscles just seem to want us to be friends."

Zane also had a smug look on his calm face as he flexed his muscles while they walked. Alexis giggled beautifully as she looked at them flexing their muscles slightly :"seems like you've finally found someone who is into the same hubby, huh, Zane?"

Zane nodded with a calm face :"yeah, Ali isn't an amateur either. His muscles are quite well developed. He has worked on them nicely."

Ali smirked as he flexed the bicep of his right arm :"well, happy to hear your approval, bro. But yours ars damn sexy too, can't lie about that."

Zane nodded with an impressed look at Ali's explosive muscles as he also flexed his bicep when Ali started feeling them up :"huh, you're one to use the word "sexy". You're muscles are just straight out juicy, bro."

Alexis was a little taken aback at the interaction between the two and their sudden use of such words.

But she just decided to ignore it as a guy thing while the two felt each other's muscles up as they walked.

She decided to change the subject since she would feel weird if she commented on their subject :"by the way, Ali, your duel against Dr Crawler was really something."

And she succeeded in pulling his attention as he smiled at her :"oh? You saw my duel with that Dr Crawler?"

Alexis nodded with an impressed smile :"yeah, Zane was with me too. It was really impressive how you managed to summon that many monsters in a single turn.

I was really surprised when I saw it. Especially when you summoned such a strong monsters at the same time.

You even managed to make that legendary monster card of Dr Crawler look like nothing with your monster!"

Hearing so many compliments from such a beauty, Ali couldn't help being a little shy as he blushed a little and scratched the back of his head :"o-oh? Well, glad that you liked the show.

My Subterror deck is just a casual deck that I collected after I got a few cards, but I still worked hard on it.

I specifically like Subterror Behemoth Speleologeist, the monster that turned that Ancient Gear Golem's attack points to zero.

Subterror Behemoth Speleologeist and Subterror Behemoth Umastryx are my two ace monsters."

The two were surprised once they heard him as Alexis wowed :"wow, you just casually collected that deck?!

It's so strong, I'm really surprised. That Subterror Behemoth Umastryx you just said is one of the monsters that you summoned, right?

Even though it's quite a strong monster with an attack point of 2'000 and defence point of 2'700, isn't it still too much to say that it's one of your ace monsters?

Wait, don't tell me that it also has a really strong effect like your Subterror Behemoth Speleologeist?! After all, it should have a really strong effect if it's in the same position as Subterror Behemoth Speleologeist in your deck!"

Ali nodded with a smile on his face as he explained to the two shocked Obelisks :"yup! In fact, its effect is even more overpowered than Subterror Behemoth Speleologeist.

You see, once the Subterror Behemoth Umastryx is flipped to face up, I can target one monster my opponent controls, and banish it!"

Alexis's eyes went wide as she covered her mouth with her hand :"my god! That's a really cool effect to have!

Specially since you can summon both monsters so easily, it's really easy to defeat your opponent!

Damn, Ali. I have to be real careful about you once it comes to dueling. I have to give it my all if I duel you."

Ali smiled excitedly as he cocked an eyebrow :"well, happy to duel anytime! I wonder what kind of deck you're going to use."

But Alexis just chuckled as she shook her head :"nope, you have to find out for yourself when we duel."

Ali opened his mouth and looked at her with a speechless smile :"what? I just told you the effect of my ace monster!

Don't you think that it's really unfair if you were the only one who knew about the other's deck? Tell me."

But Alexis raised a provoking eyebrow as she smiled smugly :"sorry~, I just told you that I have to be careful against you, didn't I?

Wouldn't be a smart move if I introduced my deck to you and let you make a counter strategy against it, would it?"

Ali pursed his lips childishly as he pouted :"well, you already know about my deck, don't you? Wouldn't that give you an unfair advantage?"

Alexis chuckled at his cute antics as she shrugged :"I don't think it's my fault. You were the one who introduced it after all."

Ali sighed in defeat as his shoulders slumped :"yeah, I guess I can only blame myself for it." But he straightened his back as he smirked :"but well, it won't make a difference anyway. After all, I will be winning in the end~."

Alexis snorted as she smirked back :"well, we'll just have to wait and see. By the way, you said that the Subterror deck is just a casual deck, right? Does that mean that you have another, main deck?"

Zane, who was being ignored by the two, also looked at Ali with interest at the subject as Ali smirked :"yup, I have another deck.

And it's a lot stronger than my Subterror deck. If I use that deck, I'm sure that nobody in the academy can be my opponent."

The two were surprised at the confidence in his tone as Zane asked with interest :"can I ask what is the ace monster of this deck?

Your Subterror deck is really powerful, so I'm really interested in what would be even stronger than that deck."

Alexis also nodded from his other side :"yeah, I want to see it too! You don't look like someone who speaks empty talk, so I'm really curious as to what the ace monster of such a deck is."

Ali smiled as he shrugged :"this deck is quite special, because it doesn't have an ace card in it. Every card in it is incredibly useful. But well, if I were to introduce a monster as the soul of this deck, it would be this!"

As he spoke, he lifted his Jack a bit and unlocked one of the deck holders on his waist. There were two deck holders, the other was the one with the Subterror deck in it.

And this one, of course held Ali's Red Eyes deck! But instead of taking out one of his overpowered cards from the deck, he pulled out :"Red Eyes Black Chick!"

He had put the card in front of all the cards, so he just grabbed it and pulled it out. But once the two saw the card, they deadpanned at him.

As Zane deadpanned at the smug Ali, he spoke out :"really, Ali? You would consider this little, weak monster with 800 attack points and 500 defence points as your ace?"

It seems that his words hit a nerve of Red Eyes as he roared out with his cute voice :(what?! Who are you calling weak, you jerk?!

I get that I'm not strong right now, but you don't have to be such a jerk about it! Just wait till I get stronger, I will show you who's weak!)

Ali chuckled mentally as he calmed him down :(calm down, Red Eyes. He isn't lying, you are a weak monster, but your effect isn't weak at all.

And besides, just like you said, you can get stronger. We just have to be patient and try our best.)

Ali gently swung the card around in his hand as he smirked :"hey now, Zane, that's not a nice thing to say about my monster. 'Specially since he's my Ka.'

<So a few readers were kind enough to tell fix my mistake. It will be Ka from now on instead of Ra>

"You will know how cool this little monster of mine is once you see it in action. I'm sure you will be surprised by then."

Zane just shrugged as he sighed :"you're right, I shouldn't call someone's monster weak. I'm sorry. But now, I'm really curious about your deck."

Alexis also nodded in agreement :"yeah, me too. After seeing that cute dragon, I wonder what your deck is made out of."

Ali shrugged as he put Red Eyes Black Chick back into his deck holder with a smile :"guess you will just have to wait and see then."

Alexis chuckled as she nodded :"yeah, I guess we do. Alright, we have to part ways now. I will go to the girls' dorm, have fun, you two."

Ali and Zane waved as she walked away :"yeah, bye, Alexis. Take care and have fun." After she walked away, the two walked towards their dorm.

Ali turned to look at Zane with a smirk as they walked :"damn, Zane. Count me impressed! I knew that you would have a pretty girl around, but she is something else!"

But Zane shook his head with a calm face :"we aren't like that Ali. I have no interest in Alexis. She is the sister of my friend. She is like a sister to me too. I'm not into her."