
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 57: Make It Rain P2

(A/N: Wassup, everyone, I'm back again. And with changes. As I had said it at the beginning when writing this, I hadn't played Master Duel because I didn't know the ins and outs. But I've been playing it for a while now, and have come to write this with that knowledge. Lemme say this, I will write this changes from chapter one when I rewrite this book to make it prettier to read.

1) MC's name. So I thought Ali didn't fit in much, and it kinda felt weird using it raw like that. So instead, his name will be Alistair Ashblossom, and Ali and Al will be his nicknames. It has my name in it, and the letter S, which I like a lot. It's a sexy letter. As for the last name, Ashborne sounded a bit edgy. Ashblossom is kinda... cute, graceful? And also, just describes him perfectly. He negates the activation of adding happiness to your life lol! I will also be using this name in all of my books, if I don't use an original one.

2) Alistair's Ka (Duel Spirit) is changed from Red Eyes Black Dragon to Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon. And yes, his boss deck will be the Branded Despia Deck from now on lol. Yeah, I'm bringing the meta to this book. Remember his Red Eyes themed duel disk? Yeah, change that to Branded Despia too.

3) Decks that he has. All of them. Everything that comes to mind when you think meta and Master Duel, he has all of those trashes. Branded, Despia, Kashtira, Labrynth, Traptrix, Snake-Eye, and everything you want. He has two types of decks, Meta and Rogue Decks. Rogue Decks also include Predaplant, Timelord, Blackwing, Megalith, and so on and on. The classics like Red Eyes, Blue Eyes and Dark Magician are also in the Rogue Decks. Even fucking Exodia as you saw last chapter lol.

4) So, he will have two Kas. Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon as his Meta Ka, and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon as his Rogue Ka. Cause we all know meta and rogue are completely different lol.

5) He won't physically have his Decks at all times. Instead, they will be in his System. Which only stores his Decks like in Master Duel and shows his Stats and Info. Like name, number of duels, DP, what Ka he has, what is the maximum Level he can bond too. These things. Not an overpowered system, just something he can use too pull out any Deck he wants right out of his ass.

Well, that's all. He might also have some changes in personality, but just blame that on him being unpredictable and bipolar. Hope you enjoy it even more like this! By the way, this notice part isn't included in the word count, and the actual chapter will still have more than 2k words.)


(Bastion :"Draw your last pathetic card so I can end this, Ali."

Alistair :"My grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, Bastion. But it does contain, the unstoppable Exodia!")

"Exodia?! But that's not possible!" Bastion, and everybody else, gaped at the summoned beast :"How could you have drawn all five cards on your first turn?!" And Ali laughed aloud :"How?! Because I'm lucky as fuck! Now, Exodia, OBLITERATE!"

A giant formation appeared behind him, and Exodia stepped through. As his shackled limps rang, a ball of energy formed in his hand. It compressed and compressed, before Exodia thrusted it towards the opponents, turning into a mighty beam of light that instantly ended the duel.

[Alistair Ashblossom: 4,000 LP

200 Ra Yellow Students: 4,000 LP]

Alistair Ashblossom wins through the effect of Exodia the Forbidden One.]

"This can't be..." Bastion was in disbelief. What were the odds of him even drawing them all in the first turn?! He and all the other Ras, 200 students lost without even getting a turn. Without even drawing a single card.

"Sorry, everyone, but I'm not going to waste my time getting rid of all of you one by one." Alistair offered a mock apologetic smile, before turning to the Chancellor :"Well, Chancellor? I'm waiting." The bald man could only sigh :"I really hope it will turn out fine. Alright, give it to him."

The teacher holding the laptop coughed :"Understood. Through winning this duel, and because of it being a tag duel, Alistair Ashblossom gains... *gulp*... 40m DP just from winning the duel. With his 540,450,000 DP multiplied by 5, Alistair Ashblossom, your DP will be... *rubbing eyes, gulping*... 2,182,250,000..."

The place was silent. You could cut the tension with a knife at that instant. The gulps that were heard sounded like thunder cracks on a rainy night. And Ali felt like his cheeks were going to tear because of his smile. Around 220m. He earned that much in less than an hour! In less than half an hour, honestly! And he couldn't wait to earn even more.

Jaden :"Holy... h-how much money is that...?"

Alexis :"W-well... take one digit out of that number and you'll get... *gulp*..."

Zane :"Nearly 220 million dollars... this guy just became a millionaire in a single night..."

Alexis :"In a single hour... and change millionaire to billionaire if he wins this next one..."

"Hmhmhmhm... hahahaha... HAHAHAHAHA!" Alistair's psychotically excited laughter echoed, breaking the silence as he turned to the Ras :"Thanks a lot, you all! But I'm gonna need you to step off as soon as possible so I can get even richer already!"

Most of the Ra Yellows glared and gritted, after all, they lost without even being able to put up a fight. They just lost to dumb luck. But they couldn't do anything, so they could only disperse from the duel field.

"Sorry to break it to ya, Bastion, but no contingency plan of yours will even work on me." He smirked :"Because there's no way you can counter all the decks that I have and like to use randomly. But please, be my guest to try, because I'll always enjoy a little challenge."

"We'll see about that then. Challenge accepted." Bastion smirked back, before walking away. The Obelisk Blues, being assholes as always, just shoved away the Ras standing in their way as they made their way to the dueling field.

"Beat it, losers!"

"Huh, just wasted everybody's time!"

"Yeah, couldn't even put a damn card on the field!"

"Yeah, the least you could do was play a monster!"

"Hey, keep yourselves in line, don't rush everybody!" Dr Crowler tried to calm them down, but they were too eager to kick Alistair down a size, and foolish enough to believe they actually could.

"Oh, don't you all worry." Alistair smirked Yuya style, changing to another deck. To his old schooled dragon deck without any changes. "None of you will be able to play a card either. I'll make sure of it." Their cries of rage echoed throughout, but Dr Crowler's shout into the mike shut them up :"Silence! You're all here to duel, not to shout dramatically at every second!"

'Isn't that the literal way to play the game though?' Alistair thought curiously. In the front, he saw Jasmine and Mindy who waved at him :"Hey, handsome!" He gave an upward nod :"Hey, wassup?" Jasmine snickered :"Your bank account, apparently. Hey, are you going to treat us to something since we made you so rich?"

"Kekeke, keep dreaming, sweetheart. You should already know how stingy I am if it's not about my bros." He snickered and she smirked :"Then let's see if you can get that DP to be rich enough to not be stingy!"

Dr Crowler, having everybody's attention, coughed :"Ahem ahem, now that you've all calmed down, we'll begin the last duel immediately! Is that okay with you, dear Ali? Don't you want to take a rest?"

Enjoying the flattering smile and attention, trying to flatter him, Alistair smiled :"No, I'm good. I didn't do anything in the last match anyway. And besides, even if I was tired, I wouldn't be able to wait to stomp these ass hats' faces. So let's get this game started already with me going first!"

"Then without further ado," Dr Crowler brought his hand down dramatically :"Begin!"

[Alistair Ashblossom's: 4,000 LP

300 Obelisk Blue Students: 4,000 LP]

"I draw!" He drew, and got into action :"Guess the games over already! First things first, I summon Cyber Jar in defense mode and activate its effect! Which destroys all monsters on the field, and lets us all draw 5 cards and special summon all the Lv 4 and lower monsters onto the field, and add the rest of the drawn cards to our hands!"

[Cyber Jar: Rock/(Flip)/Effect/Dark/Lv 3/900 ATK/900 DEF

Effect(s): (FLIP:) Destroy all monsters on the field, then both players reveal the top 5 cards from their Decks, then Special Summon all revealed Level 4 or lower monsters in face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position, also add any remaining cards to their hand. If either player has less than 5 cards in their Deck, reveal as many as possible.]

The confident Obelisks began to sweat. They were all talking shit until a moment ago, putting up tough acts and saying they could win against the board Alistair had made against the Slifers. But now, seeing the same steps were about to be repeated, they all shivered in their boots. But fortunately for them, Alistair wasn't planning on traumatizing them like that.

He was planning something worse.

With Kidmodo Dragon, Masked Dragon and Decoy Dragon on his field, he acted again :"Then I activate Future Fusion, which allows me to fusion summon one fusion monster in this turn and my next turn by sending the needed monsters to the graveyard from my deck! And I choose to fusion summon King Dragun, by sending Lord of D and Divine Dragon Ragnarok to the graveyard!"

[Future Fusion: Continuous Spell

Effect(s): During your 1st Standby Phase after this card's activation: Show 1 Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck and send the Fusion Materials listed on it from your Main Deck to the GY, then Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck with the same name as the monster you showed, and target it with this card. During your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation: Fusion Summon 1 more Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck with the same name as the monster you showed, and target it with this card. When this card leaves the field, destroy that target. When that target is destroyed, destroy this card.


King Dragun: Dragon/Fusion/Effect/Dark/ Lv 7/2,400 ATK/1,100 DEF

Fusion Material: Lord of D. + Divine Dragon Ragnarok

Effect(s): Your opponent cannot target Dragon monsters with card effects. Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 Dragon monster from your hand.]

He confused everybody. They had expected him to bring out Five-Headed Dragon or even worse, the beast he had used before, Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon. They couldn't understand why he played King Dragun instead. A monster that looked pretty harmless to the other two.

"What's he planning?" Zane mumbled, but a new face joining them added :"Maybe he's playing defensive?" It was Bastion, who came to sit with them now that his duel was finished, along with Syrus and Chumley :"Although most Obelisks are just talk, there are still quite a few of them who are no slouch. So maybe he brought out King Dragun to make sure his monsters are safe."

"Oh, hey, guys." Alexis and Jaden greeted. Zane hummed :"Yeah, with King Dragun's effect, that makes sense. Especially with how he can summon another dragon right away. But knowing him, something tells me he's planning something else."

"You're all curious, right?" He smirked :"After all, I could definitely bring out a beast that would make you give up right away. So, why? Well, let me give you a hint, it's to use Lord of D and Divine Dragon Ragnarok, one Dark and one Light monster, as sacrifices in my graveyard and banish them to open the way to another monster!"

Jaden :"Wait, what? Hold on, run that by me again, how is that possible?"

Syrus :"Is it a summoning?"

Bastion, sweating :"Wait, no, it is possible! There are two monsters that can be summoned this way! Two monsters that all duelists have tried to find and add their powers to their decks! The first is Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, a monster so powerful it singlehandedly created the ban list, becoming the first and only monster to be outlawed in official duel monster tournaments!

But since it was so outlandishly rare and was the only banned card, it was taken out of the ban list a while back. The second one is comparable to Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End in terms of power, but not quite equal, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning! And although on the same level, it was never forbidden in the count of its scarcity."

Syrus :"Hold on, time out! You mean Alistair's going to summon one of them?!"

Chumley :"And with him being a dragon player... oh boy..."

Zane :"I think Ali's going to show us just why that card was banned."

"Now lo and behold!" He laughed :"By banishing one Dark and one Light monster from my graveyard, Lord of D and Divine Dragon Ragnarok, I can special summon Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End! Be honored to be the first opponents I use it against!"

Making a grand appearance, the giant green and silver dragon roared mightily into the air, excited about his first action in years. It felt like the air itself shook from the raw power he held. As he lowered his head, he growled hungrily at the trembling Obelisks in front of it.

"Welcome to the party, Chaos Emperor Dragon." Alistair greeted. To others, it was him mocking them by greeting the monster that was going to mess them up. But in fact, he really was just saying hello. The monster in question was alive after all.

"It was about time I made an appearance." Chaos Emperor Dragon scoffed, smirking at finally getting some action. The noiret snickered quietly :"Well, I wanted to make your first appearance a grand and memorable one, so I hope you're happy."

"Don't worry, I'm not mad." The dragon's eyes turned sharp :"And I'll show you that I'm not one to disappoint!" With a mighty roar, he set his eyes on the monsters daring to stand against him. On the sidelines, Jaden and Chumley, who could see duel spirits, were shocked beyond belief.

Who would have guessed this kind of a monstrosity was alive?! "Oh, boy... Al's got some seriously special cards..." Chumley nodded dumbly :"I'm really happy I'm not going against that guy... so not lischus..."

"Now don't blink, cause you might miss how you're losing!" Alistair brought the attention back to him :"I activate the effect of Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End! The effect that banned him, and the effect that will end this farce here and now! Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, finish this duel for me, Boundless Despair!"