
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 56: Make It Rain P1

It wasn't even a duel, it was an all out slaughter. A stump. An absolute display of disrespect. Without Jaden, and with Syrus taken out, the Slifer Red students had no way of fighting back. They didn't have any counter traps, and even if they did set traps, the Odd-Eyes Raging Dragons would take care of them. And even if they were activated, they couldn't do anything. Why?

Serpent Soul Strike. Ali's chest ass continuous counter trap card which was exactly like Solemn Judgment, but needed Serpent Night Dragon on the field rather than half of your life points. It was the reason why Ali kept at least one Serpent Night Dragon on the field at every turn from the get go.

[Serpent Soul Strike: Counter Trap.

Effect(s): You can only activate this card while there is a face up "Serpent Night Dragon" on your side of the field. Negate the activation of a Spell/ Trap/ Normal Summon/ Flip Summon/ Special Summon and destroy the Spell Card, Trap Card, or the Summoned Monster, also, after that, Set this card face down instead of sending it to the GY.]

If somebody tried to use any effects to their advantage, the noiret would immediately activate this trap card. So with a field filled with behemoths that completely rendered them unable to attack or defend, and a counter trap that crippled their ability to use effects, traps or spells, the duel was as good as over.

But would Ali be himself if he didn't overkill it? He went ahead and used two more United We Stand, equipping one to each Serpent Night Dragons. Boosting their ATK and DEF by 4,000 from 2,350 and 2,400 to 6,350 ATK and 6,400 DEF. Making it so instead of needing to take out a duelist by attacking together, each one could do it alone.

With three Odd-Eyes Raging Dragons that could attack twice per turn each and two Serpent Night Dragons taking out an opponent each, he could take out eight opponents every turn. And he made sure to do just that. The entire duel was over in less than ten or fifteen minutes. In fact, the reason it took so long was because of how much time Ali took to finish his strategy before starting the slaughter. His demonic smile present throughout the entirety of the duel.

Ali Ashborne: 3,200 LP

30 Slifer Red Students: 0 LP

"Yeah, Ali, you rock!" After the duel was over, with the noiret achieving an overwhelming victory, Jaden cheered loudly. But even his loud cheers were silenced by the screams of the fangirls :"Sheesh, what's with them?" Causing Zane to sigh :"That's the problem with being popular." Making Alexis snicker.

"The next duel will start after Ali is ready!" Crowler shouted, before turning to the Chancellor sitting with the teachers :"But now, it's time for our dear Chancellor to give Ali his prize DP for his first win!"

"Hahaha, of course, of course." Chancellor Sheppard chuckled before turning to the teacher in charge of handling the DP rewards in events :"Please do it." The teacher nodded, opening his laptop :"Since Ashborne has won his first duel, his first reward of his DP being multiplied will be granted. His DP... 100,000,000?!"

Everybody gasped. Some people even spurted out the water they had drunk. Of everything they had thought of hearing, that kind of number wasn't one of them. "100 million?!" Even Chancellor Sheppard wasn't an exception. In his years of being the Chancellor, he had never seen a student gather that much DP. In just a month or so at that!

"Yeah, 100 million DP." Ali hummed, smirking :"But I'm sure I'll still get my rewards, right, Chancellor? You wouldn't break your promise, would you?" The Chancellor was shocked speechless. He had expected Ali to be rich with DP, since he was famous for the sheer number of duels he had till now.

But he never expected it to be that much. He didn't know if he, even as the Chancellor, would get in trouble with Kaiba if he went with this. That was 50 million dollars! But looking at the kind smile on Ali's face, he knew there was no way of convincing the noiret to accept another reward. He could only sigh and smile helplessly, hoping for the best :"Alright, I did promise after all. You will still get your reward."

However, the students weren't so happy with that. How could they let the guy they hate get so rich right in front of them?

"But Chancellor, you can't do that!"

"That's right! That's way too much DP!"

"How can you agree to that?!"

"How? By keeping up my word." He answered seriously, silencing them :"I promised Ali in front of the entire island's inhabitants that I'll reward him by multiplying his DP by five times for each win he claims. And although I didn't know or expect him to have this much Duel Points, as a Chancellor, I can't go back on my words."

"B-but-" Somebody still wanted to insist, but Chancellor Sheppard simply smiled :"Ali having so much DP means that he has worked very hard since coming to Duel Academy. That in itself deserves an award. But if you don't want that to happen, be my guess to defeat him. The winners will receive the reward of their DP getting multiplied by five instead."

In the end, they could only shut up and get ready for the duel. Not only was the reward very tempting, there was no way they would let Ali of all people get that much DP. Chancellor Sheppard meanwhile turned to the teacher, nodding :"Do it."

"Alright. Ali Ashborne's Duel Points, which is currently 100,090,000 thanks to his duel against the Slifer Red dorm, will be multiplied by five! Increasing to 500,450,000 DP! Congratulations." He announced, sweating a bit at the sheer number that left him. Taking out his PDA, Ali's eyes went as wide as his smile at the increasing numbers, which settled at 500,450,000 in the end.

"Yes!" He whispered excitedly. That was a number almost all the students on the island could only imagine having. Walking towards his three friends, Zane handed Ali a bottle of water.

Ali :"Thanks."

Zane :"You're welcome. That was a very impressive duel."

Jaden :"Yeah, it was awesome! You were on a roll there! It was honestly a bit scary."

Alexis :"True. You are famous for special summoning, but that was one hell of a duel. That's one hell of a DP though."

"Duh. I told you I put some cards from another deck of mine into this. It's to be expected. And yeah, the Duel Points are nearly enough to give me a hard on, but I'm holding back like hell. By the way, what are you doing here, Cheese?" He turned to the boy sitting next to Zane at one end, causing him to glare :"It's Chazz, you asshole!"

Ali :"Wow, awesome name, man. So awesome it brings out autocorrect when typing it."

"Why, you...!" He glared, but was interrupted by Jaden :"Huh? Chazz? What are you doing here?"

Chazz :"What do you think I'm doing, you Slifer slacker? I'm obviously here to watch the duel!"

Jaden :"Really? When did you get here anyway? I didn't see you?"

Chazz :"I've been here this whole time. Are you going deaf too, you fuzzball?"

Jaden :"Hahaha no, it's just that your presence was so weak I didn't even see you there!"

Ali :"Oof."

Chazz :"Damn it, you-"

Ali :"Alright, alright, whatever. What are you doing here? I thought you'd be with the Obelisk Blue batch. In fact, I expected you to be right at the front of those dumbasses."

Chazz :"Huh, please, as if Chazz Princeton would team up with those weaklings! I wouldn't waste my time with them. If I wanted to duel you, I could take you out by myself and with no help."

Ali, smirking :"My Red Eyes Black Dragoon would disagree."

Chazz, glaring :"Grr shut up! That duel doesn't count!"

Ali :"Why? Cause it ended in two turns?"

Chazz :"Fuck you!"

"In your dreams, bitch. Anyway, I'll be off to win my next duel. I'm still not as rich as I want to be." Walking away with a smirk, he took out the deck in his Hidden Blade duel disk, the one he had used in the previous duel, and replaced it with another deck.

"Seems like dear Ali is ready for the second duel!" Crowler smiled :"Ali, do you want to go first or second this time." And Ali just smiled casually :"I'll go first this turn. Send the next batch of DP bags." And moments later, the entire Ra Yellow dorm was standing in front of him. Duel disks ready to roll.

"Let the second duel begin!" Crowler announced before quickly walking out of the center of the field. But Ali didn't seem to be in such a rush to make a move yet. He simply drew his five cards like everybody else, but didn't draw his sixth card. However, if his sinister smile was anything to go by, he seemed to already have the cards he needed.

"Oh, hey, it's Bastion. What's up, man?" He smiled at the boy that dealt with everything using mathematics and formulas. They were in the same class, but he hadn't really had the time to interact with him too much after the first time they saw each other.

That didn't mean he never met him or ignored him though. He just wasn't his first choice to hang out with. Zane, his literal next door neighbor and gym buddy was there, then he had his sexy student Alexis, then his best friend Jaden who he would joke around in class.

"I've been good, thank you." The serious boy smiled for a moment :"But I think you're better. You've certainly been enjoying tonight." Causing the noiret to laugh, before smirking sinisterly :"Hell yeah, I'm making a killing here. And I'll be even happier in just a little bit."

"You're certainly confident as well." Bastion turned serious again :"And I can't hold it against you. You have every right to be with your skills, cards and formulas you've put together." Making him snicker :"Finally, someone with a sense of reason." But Bastion turned even more serious, eyes sharp as he proclaimed :"But this time, you will lose.

You see, even though you are the one most hated by the students of the Obelisk Blue dorm, it's an unspoken fact even among them that you're one of the best. The only thing holding you back from being the best is that you haven't dueled against the one throned as the best, Zane Truesdale.

So I knew that to become the best myself, I will need to duel and win against you eventually. And for that, I've studied your tactics and strategies thoroughly and vigorously. To make the best deck to counter yours and win against you! And although it isn't perfect yet, I'm still sure about having a 70% chance of winning!"

"Hahaha, good, good. It's good to see someone taking me seriously instead of just yapping and cursing around like most people who I won't name." The noiret nodded with appreciation, making the smart boy smile :"And I'm glad to see you're excited and happy instead of being annoyed or offended by it. Most people get upset when they hear I've deliberately formed a deck to counter them. And I certainly expected you, the notorious jerk of the school, to be the same."

"Pft hahahaha why would I be, when it doesn't change anything?!" Ali laughed loudly, his smile turning demonic :"Bastion, even if you have done that, I've already won. You can't counter a duel that's already over."

"We'll see how confident you'll be when the duel starts." Bastion said sharply, but Ali's smile turned nonchalant for a moment :"Didn't you hear me? I've already won. I'm not talking about "having the perfect strategy with the cards I have" kind of won. I'm talking about "I literally just won" kind of won."

"And what does that mean? How? Bastion frowned, confused as the noiret's nightmarish smile returned when he finally drew his sixth card :"How? By putting the puzzle together! By putting the five pieces together, I can summon HIM!" He laughed loudly as an enormous formation formed behind him :"Exodia, OBLITERATE!"


DP: 100,000,000 -> 100,090,000 -> 500,450,000


(A/N: Guys, I will be laying off of this story for a bit to focus on another one for a while. Don't be mad, this story will take a shit ton of time to finish lol. We're nearly 60 chapters in, but I haven't even reached the 10th episode of Yu-Gi-Oh GX. And I came here thinking this would be the fastest to finish lol. So yeah, I'll be laying off of this one, updating one that I've missed, one of my Douluo Dalu in my second account to be specific, then probably start updating my Assassin's Creed one instead till I finish that. This one will take a hell of a light time otherwise. But I promise I'll come back. GGs till then.)