
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 50: Harrington Rosewood the Super Simp

(A/N: I watched that episode with the cringe boy in it. That tennis boy. Phew, so in case you didn't know, I've gone through a nose surgery. So I physically find it troubling to scrunch up my face in absolute disgust at this guy. My god...)


"Holy shit, the cringe..." Ali shivered, a look of absolute disgust in his face :"No wonder poor Alexis hasn't dated anybody. I wouldn't either if I was in her place! God damn, you're easily one of THE most cringe and creepiest guys I've seen. And that's saying a lot!"

"Yeah, you get it now?" Alexis sighed tiredly, but the newcomer was too enraged by Ali's words to hear her :"Y-you...! What the hell did you say to me?!" But the noiret was as disgusted as before :"I said you're fucking gross! Who the hell are you anyway?! You're giving me the chills!"

"You little...! I'm Harrington Rosewood!" He proclaimed, but Ali was clueless to his identity. Turning to his best pal, Zane sighed :"He's the captain of the tennis team. And as you can see, another one of Alexis's disgusting suitors."

"Yeah, tell me about it." The noiret's face twitched, he vaguely remembered this guy. Harrington Rosewood, the captain of the tennis team and the one who dueled against Jaden for Alexis's hand in marriage. The super simp himself. His powers included but not limited to super cringe, disappointment, fatherless and rizzless.

"Why you...! Watch your mouth, Truesdale! You're no better, asshole! Siding with this bastard!" He snarled, before Ali's eyes turned sharp. Getting up, he towered over the athlete :"Oy, watch your mouth when you talk to my best friend, bitch. You won't be able to use it otherwise."

"Calm down, Al." Zane said, but his smirk failed to hide his feelings. He liked the feeling of his friend standing up for him. It felt nice. Intimidated by the glare and sexy, mouthwatering muscles, Harrington stepped back. But stilled himself quickly. His adorable Alexis was there after all. Looking up, he glared at the noiret :"You think you're so tough, don't you, Ashborne?

Just trying to solve everything with violence like a damn thug. I bet you couldn't hold on for five minutes against me in the tennis field!" Confusing the younger boy :"What the fuck does this have to do with tennis? And you really think that? Why don't we go and see how many of your bones I can break in a tennis field in five minutes?"

"Wha-" Harrington was about to talk back, but (A/N: the belt) Alexis stepped between them, pushing both of them away from each other :"Alright, both of you, calm down." Seeing her, it was like Ali and the entire world around him just disappeared for Harrington. Poof, gone, just like that.

A look of captivation appeared on his face as he impolitely grabbed Alexis's hand :"Hello, my beautiful fairy! I've seen you around Alexis. And even though I've never had the pleasure of talking to you before, I just knew that we were soulmates the moment I laid my eyes on you!"

"Wow, rude." The noiret grumbled :"You just gonna go around and grab people's hands?" But he received a snarl from the super simp :"Fuck off, Ashborne! Can't you see I'm talking to my Alexis? Don't interrupt us again."

'Oh, you little bitch...' Ali took a deep breath just to not twist his head right there and then. Getting an idea, his smile turned evil. He readied his hand, spread his fingers and clenched them. Pulling it back slightly, his palm struck. Struck what?

Alexis's ass.

And he didn't just slap it. He grabbed it for a good second, getting a good feel of the soft flesh his fingers were sinking into while a giant evil, taunting smile was on his face. Pointed at Harrington of course.

The boy whose eyes went wide in shock at the crisp sound of the spank, as did the eyes of everybody else. A squeak escaped Alexis's plump lips as she blushed, sharply turning around and guarding her fat ass, making Harrington let go of her.

"A-Ali?! What the heck?!" She called out in shock, but simply received a low, deep chuckle as he gently cupped Alexis's jaw. Staring into the red eyes darkened by lust, a shiver ran down Alexis's spine and to her stinging buttock :"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I just couldn't help myself. My body moved on its own when I saw him touching you."

His looks, mixed with that lustful smile and darkened gem-like eyes was deadly. It was way too effective. Too seductive. The blush on the voluptuous blonde's face grew a darker shade. She was surprised and a bit mad that he just went and spanked her. In front of so many people at that! But those eyes, those gorgeous eyes she always found herself lost in, were looking at her with something she didn't know. Something that made her weak in the knees. Something that made her want to forgive him. And him getting closer, his lips right next to her ear so she couldn't see as he smiled evilly, tauntingly at Harrington, dealt the final blow.

"Can you please forgive me?" Hearing the sexy and deep voice, smooth like butter, sweet like honey, with a hint of pleading in it, she couldn't help but gulp. Trying to get herself together, she tried to not to look straight at him. Especially not at his parted lips. But it was hard to do so when he licked them seductively. She quickly looked away, and would have turned her head completely if not for the big fingers holding her jaw.

She was getting spooked by the sudden emotions and sensations she was feeling as she whispered :"A-alright, alright, I forgive you. J-just don't do it again."

Eyes dark and eyelids lowered, he really seemed to have her under a spell as he chuckled lowly :"YA ne mogu etogo obeshchat', dorogaya. (Russian translation: I can't promise that, sweetheart.)"

(A/N: Wanna know what he sounds like? Go and search Jujutsu Kaisen Russian dub. My god, Sukuna can expand my domain anytime he wants.)

Alexis didn't know what he said, but whatever it was, made her feel all hot and bothered. As did her two girl friends. That voice speaking Russian was dangerous. Too dangerous. She actually felt her panties dampening slightly. As if his looks and body weren't sexy enough, his voice was the stuff of wet dreams.

"W-what...?" Alexis whispered, mouth dry from the fan service and sexiness she was seeing firsthand, making Ali chuckle lowly :"Dorogoy, okh, dorogoy, ya tebya rasteryal? (Dear, oh dear, did I get you flustered?) It's nothing, sweetheart. Just me bringing the sexy back. Why don't you just take a seat, let me handle this? Your legs seem a bit... wobbly at the moment."

"O-okay..." She squeaked, blushing even harder as she quickly walked back to her seat. Refusing to look at anyone. Causing her to be unable to see Ali give Harrington the middle finger. And not just a middle finger. But a middle finger shaking with how hard he was flexing his forearm while giving the most demonic and fiendish smile he had.

Getting back to his senses, a look of absolute anger appeared on Harrington's face. He turned red with rage, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists :"Y-you...! You creep! Y-you think you can just touch a girl's butt?! Alexis's at that?!"

""Yeah, I'm pretty sure I just did." He snorted smugly :"That's how things are when you're Ali fucking Ashborne, binky boy. You think you can compare yourself to me? With my face, manliness, sexiness, and absolute daddy voice? My Russian charisma? *Chuckling* Milyy, sovershenno ocharovatel'nyy. (Cute, absolutely adorable.) Ty vyglyadel takim uverennym, prikhodya syuda. (You looked so confident coming here.)

Vy khoteli, chtoby vash vozlyublennyy pokhvalil vas? (Did you want to get praised by your crush?) Dumal li ty, chto u tebya nakonets-to poyavilsya shans proizvesti na neye vpechatleniye? (Did you think you finally had a chance to impress her?) Vidimo, ty dumal, chto my v odnom klasse. (Apparently, you thought we were in the same grade.) I ty, i ya. (Both you, and me.)"

He didn't even care about Harrington at this point. He just wanted to show off, absolutely flex on him with how Alexis turned all fidgety hearing him speak. Poor girl had never thought just someone's voice would turn her on so much.

"Let me translate all of that in a few words." Ali smirked :"You ain't shit. You never were and never will be. You're just a wannabe big shot who belongs with all those other ass clowns behind you, a wuss. And for you to actually think Alexis would like you after that catastrophic cringe show, you're even worse than them."

Harrington was getting angrier by the second. The noiret's sexiness was off the roof, and it was pissing him off. Seeing him rizzing his crush, his first love, right in front of him, was making his blood boil. In a moment of outrage, he grabbed Ali's collar. And despite being two years older, he was still shorter than the noiret. And surprisingly, Ali just let him.

Zane on the other hand, who was enjoying his meal, trying to ignore all the clowns, immediately grew mad when he saw Harrington trying to lay his hands on him. He knew that the tennis fanatic couldn't do anything even if he tried, but the thought of someone trying to touch his best pal enraged him. If not for Ali signaling for him to calm down, he would've immediately entered the scene.

"That's it, Ashborne! I've had it with you!" Harrington shouted :"Let's settle this with a duel! The loser never gets close to Alexis again, and the winner becomes Alexis's fiance!"

"Whoa, fiance? Slow down!" Alexis called out, but was completely ignored. Ali of course heard her. But instead of refusing Rosewood, he smirked :"Sure, then you better get ready. Because I'll be axing you down, Rosewood."

"Hmph, we'll see!" The athlete roughly let go, before walking to set some distance. Turning nonchalantly, he smirked teasingly at Alexis :"Seems like we'll be skipping the dating part, huh?" Causing her face to twitch :"Sigh, Al... you just have to make things so troublesome..."

"Huh, I can swear you were loving it just now." He spoke, faking cluelessness as she blushed, glaring at him :"Stop messing around already." Causing him to chuckle :"Fine, fine. You're right, I've got more important things to do. Like earn your hand in marriage!"

As he laughed, causing Alexis to blush, Zane turned to him :"As amusing as this is, I think you should be careful. There have been rumors of Rosewood being as good as me in dueling."

Ali :"Oh, so no problem or difficulty anyway."

Zane :"That ri- hey, fuck you."

Ali, smirking :"In your dreams, bitch."

Zane :"I'm staying awake."

Alexis :"Sigh, can you two please stop messing around?"

Zane, smirking :"You shouldn't be like that, Alexis. You should be cheering for your future husband instead."

Alexis :"Wha- you too, Zane?! Really?!"

Zane :"I told you this was amusing."

As Alexis huffed, Ali laughed loudly :"Good one, Zane! But don't worry, I won't lose." Before smiling mischievously at the voluptuous blonde :"The stakes are too high." Making her roll her eyes as he walked towards where he had to stand :"Ne volnuysya, dorogaya, prosto naslazhdaysya predstavleniyem. (Don't worry, sweetheart, just enjoy the show.)"

Making her unconsciously clench her legs to relieve the ache between her thighs. That voice was truly dangerous. Standing meters away from Harrington, Ali smirked :"Ready to learn your place, binky boy?"

"Enough with the chit chat, let's duel!" He glared, making the noiret chuckle :"If you're in such a hurry to get your ass kicked, who am I to stop you? Fine, let's duel."

Ali Ashborne LP: 4,000

Harrington Rosewood LP: 4,000

Mindy :"Two cutie pie boys dueling it out for your hand in marriage! How do you feel?"

Alexis :"Please, Mindy, I'm not getting married."

Jasmine :"Oh, fine, engaged. I don't see how you're losing out anyhow here."

Alexis :"I'm not getting engaged either, Jas! The only reason I haven't walked out of here yet is to see if the rumors are true. To see if Harrington's really as good as Zane, and how Al will play against someone of that level."

Mindy :"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that."

Alexis :"Why, you little…"