
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 5: Alexis Rhodes

CH 5

(third person POV)

Ali smirked before he grabbed Zane's hand and brought it to his chest :"why don't you feel it for yourself? Here."

Having Ali's consent, groped his chest muscles and abs as he nodded with an impressed look :"damn, I thought your clothes weren't hiding much, but you have some good muscles."

Ali spread his arms to give Zane more access as he checked all of his upper body muscles :"hmm, pretty hard, but they also feel good to the touch.

It's a good combination of hardness and softness. Gotta say, I'm impressed with your muscles, Ali. You're muscles are sexy as fuck."

Ali nodded as Zane complimented him before he brought his hands to Zane's body and also checked his muscles :"*whistle* damn, Zane!

You're one to talk, you've got some nice ass muscles too! Your muscles are scrumptious, bro! Damn!"

<Nothing sus here, just two boys hitting it off and talking in the homie language>

Ali brought his eyes up from his upper muscles as he smiled with a raised eyebrow :"you work on them hips too or what?"

Zane nodded with a face as calm as ever. Ali had already gotten used to it, so he wasn't bored of it as Zane responded :"feel them too. Tell me what you think."

Ali smiled as he gave a crooked nod <the fuck do you call this nods where you bring your head to south east or west?!> And a smile :"then don't mind me!"

Ali brought his hands lower and onto Zane's hips as he whistled with an impressed look :"damn, bro! Them hips are high quality ones! Here, feel mine."

Ali turned to the side slightly as Zane also brought his hand to his hip and gave it a nice squeeze as he nodded :"good hip muscles, bro.

Your muscles are hard, but their not the disgustingly hard hard. Their of the ones that get super hard when you flex them.

But normally, they feel super good to the touch. You've got pretty good muscles for sure. Your hips and ass is also super juicy. Any girl will be lucky to be with you. Definitely won't take her hands off of you."

Ali laughed as he gently punched his shoulder :"you're one to talk! Your muscles are pretty good too, homie. Pretty nice to know you've also got a hobby of working out."

Zane smiled as he nodded calmly :"yeah, happy to know that your also into working out. I guess we will come here together then?"

Ali nodded with a smile as he circled his arm around Zane's neck :"damn right we are, bro. After we're done with you showing me around, let's put up a schedule for our workout and when we'll hit the gym.

I like this gym, it has everything that we might need. For any muscles that we need. Seems like this gym has all the equipment needed."

Zane nodded as he folded his arms in front of his chest while he and Ali leaned onto each other :"yeah, the school doesn't hold back in preparing whatever needed for the Obelisks. You happy that you're an Obelisk now?"

Ali smirked as he nodded :"yeah, pretty happy if this is the treatment that we'll be getting. Who wouldn't be, dude?"

Zane smirked back as he nodded before patting Ali's back and turning around to continue walking :"heh, you've got that right. Come on, let's continue the tour. You will like this place a lot."

As they walked around and Zane introduced the place, the two got to know each other more and more.

They kinda just hit it off. Zane didn't really look like the social type, so he didn't seem to have that many friends or any friends at all.

But since their hobbies were the same, duelling and working out, they just hit it off nice and sweetly.

After a while of walking around and Zane just showing Ali around, they finally came upon a building that Zane pointed at :"this ball like building is where the students duel.

There are also multiple arenas, separate for Obelisk Blues, Ra Yellows, and Slifer Reds. Wanna check our arena out?"

Ali nodded with a smirk as he snorted :"hmph, whatcha think, genius? Duh I want to check it out. Hope it will be cool."

As they walked inside of the technologically advanced building, Ali suddenly looked up ahead :"huh? What was that sound?"

But Zane just looked around with a confused face :"what? What sound? I didn't hear anything. You alright?"

Ali nodded as he pointed at the front :"I just heard a sound from up ahead. Seems like there were people talking in there. There! I can clearly hear it."

But Zane just shook his head with confusion :"I can't hear anything from here, Ali. Let's go, maybe you just have sharp ears. That is the Obelisk Blues' arena."

While Ali walked with Zane, Red Eyes voice sounded inside his head :(boss, the reason for why you heard it is because your senses have also gotten sharper after bonding with me. Even though it's not much, it's still improvement.)

Ali had a look of realization as he nodded :(so that's why. Thanks for the explanation, Red Eyes.) And they continued walking.

And after a few steps, it seems like Zane also heard the noise :"you're right, people seem to be in there.

Wow, Ali. So your muscles aren't the only things impressive about you. You're senses are quite sharp too."

Ali chuckled at the compliment as he scratched his head with a nod :"well, happy to hear the compliment.

But you said that is our Obelisk Blues' arena, right? Why don't we go and check it out? Maybe something interesting is happening."

<Sigh, typical white people act . Just investigating any place that a sound comes out of, definitely something that I would do lol>

And before Zane could say anything, Ali sped up slightly towards the place as he entered to see Jaden pointing at himself while talking to two Obelisks :"you see, it's impossible for him to be the future king of games, because that's exactly what I'm gonna be."

Just when the two Obelisk Blues started laughing, Ali called out from the entrance :"yo, J, Sy, whatcha two doing? And what's this future king of games topic you're talking about?"

But another voice came :"oh, look. The other one that beat Dr Crawler in a duel." And once Ali looked at the seats, he saw another Obelisk Blue with black, almost spikey hair boy looking the same age as them.

Jaden waved at Ali as he smiled :"hey, Al! Well, these guys said that their friend, Chazz would be the future king of games, but I said that it's impossible since I will be the king of games."

Zane finally entered the arena as well as he snorted at Ali with a small glare :"thanks for leaving me behind, Ali. What a great friend you are."

But Ali just chuckled as he slapped his back :"you're welcome, homie. What else should a homie do?"

But he turned to Jaden and smirked :"sorry, J, but none of those two are happening. You know why, because that place is already reserved by yours truly, Ali Ashborne."

Zane also seemed to get what the topic was about as he folded his arms in front of his chest :"is this about the king of games? Then you all better work hard, because I'm also going for that rank."

Ali smirked as he looked at them all, but suddenly noticed Syrus looking a little down since Zane showed up.

The Obelisk nobodies pointed at Zane with surprised faces :"Zane?! What are you doing here? Why you hanging out with this Slifer slacker's friend."

Now, even though Zane looked like an antisocial person who didn't have many friends, he still seemed to look out for his buddies.

Because the moment the words left the Obelisk nobody's mouth, he looked at him coldly :"you better watch out to how you address my friend here. And it's none of your concern as to who I hang out with, understand?"

Seeing how Zane got protective of him, Ali smirked as he put his elbow on Zane's shoulder and crossed his leg :"damn, homie. Appreciate you looking out for me."

Zane gave a small smile as he nodded :"don't mention it. I would be a pretty bad friend if I didn't look out for my "homie"."

Ali laughed before he turned to the two haughty Obelisks and looked at the with sharp eyes :"now that we're on the topic of looking out for our friends.

Oi, little shits. What the hell did you just call my best friend over there? Slifer slacker? Watch how you talk, otherwise, I will slacken those useless jaws of yours."

Under Ali's sharp, almost predatory gaze, the two shivered as they gulped while taking a step back.

Ali wasn't one that was keen on holding back his emotions, and after bonding with a dragon, there was a certain aura to him.

Although not that noticable, it still was enough to scare the two cowards a little and make them back off.

Zane, Jaden and Syrus were also a little surprised by the sudden change of mood shown by the ever so nonchalant handsome boy.

Suddenly, there was a very pretty voice from behind which pulled all of their attentions :"this sure is a unique crew."

Once Ali turned around, he tightened his lips and pursed them a little as his eyebrows shot up from the sight.

A girl had walked in, and damn was she fine! She was wearing the uniform of the school, a blue, short skirt that was doing as much as it could to hold back that ass.

And a white, armless shirt which showed her tight waist and big breasts damn nicely! She had long brown hair that reached her waist and brown, beautiful eyes.

Syrus blushed a little as he whispered to Jaden beside him :"whoa, who is that?!" Other than Jaden, nobody thankfully heard him.

Zane seemed to know her as he leaned back a little to look at the smokin hot girl standing a few steps away from Ali and nodded at her :"hey, Alexis."

Ali smiled a little as he celebrated in his mind :'oh fuck yeah! This is my waifu in this multiverse, bitches! I knew she was hot, but I didn't expect her to be this hot! Damn!'

Alexis gave a small smile as she nodded back and waved :"hey, Zane. Nice to see you. I see that you've found yourself a friend. Nice looking out for him."

Zane smiled a little at that as he nodded :"yeah, let me introduce you two. This is Ali Ashborne, as you already know him.

He coincidentally became my neighbor in the dorm, so we hit it off and became friends. And since we have the same hobbies, we got even closer."

<Yes,. People, it's that easy for guys to become friends. Just taking the first step is kinda hard, other than that, all easy peasy>

Alexis raised an eyebrow in amusement as she put his hand on her waist :"oh? He became your friend that easily? I'm surprised."

Zane nodded with a small smirk :"yeah, I'm surprised too. I guess we kinda just hit it off. He's a nice guy to hang out with."

Ali laughed as he circled his arm around his back and gave a side hug to him :"aww~, thanks, Zane! It's nice to hang out with you too, bro."

Zane nodded before he presented Ali with the left arm that Ali was holding as he hugged him from the right :"anyway, so this is Ali Ashborne. And Ali, this is Alexis Rhodes."

Ali smiled at her as he stretched his hand for her to shake :"hey, Alexis, as my buddy Zane introduced, I'm Ali Ashborne. It's nice to meet you. Hope we can get along."