
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 47: DP Bag

Cold sweat poured out of his back. Something about those eyes told him that wasn't just a joke of someone angry. He gulped, afraid of what Ali was going to do since he had found out he was the reason. If he went as far as to kill Titan, what about him?! But surprisingly, Ali just chuckled, slapping him lightly on the shoulder :"Relax, I'm not going to kill you.

I'm not going to hurt you either. I know you wouldn't want anything to happen to Alexis, so you definitely weren't involved in that part. But the fact that you let him here was still your fault. And so, you need to pay for my silence and patience."

"H-huh? O-oh! Then what should I do, dear Ali?" Taking the safe chance, Crowler immediately smiled nervously :"J-just ask, my boy! And I'll get it done in a jiffy!" Causing the noiret to smile :"I don't want anything much. I simply want you to duel me anytime I ask you to."

Crowler :"H-huh? Duel you?"

Ali :"Yup, duel me."

Crowler :"But why? I-I mean, you don't want to ask for anything else?"

Ali :"Nope. And I have reasons for it. Sure, I can ask you to do a lot of things since I know what you did, Dr Crowler. But I don't really have anything to ask you to do. If anything, I would ask for DP. But it would be suspicious if my DP was raised by a large amount out of nowhere for no reason. And I don't want a little bit of DP either.

That's why, I want you to duel me anytime I call you. After all, I've recently found out you can get a shit ton of DP from winning against a teacher. A whooping 50,000 DP! Why wouldn't I try to make the best use out of this situation?"

Crowler :"Oh, right. I had forgotten about the absurd amount of DP a student could get from beating a teacher since no student duels a teacher."

Ali :"That's right. So? Will you agree? Well, to be honest, you can't not agree. I do have some serious dirt on you. But you can't blame me or be angry either, right? You did put yourself in this situation. And I'm not asking for much either. Just a duel from time to time."

Crowler :"W-well, true... okay, then I agree! Just dueling a few times is better than anything else and not time consuming at all. B-but do you promise to not tell anybody about... you know..."

Ali, smirking :"About your fuck up with Titan?"

Crowler :"Y-yes..."

Ali, chuckling :"Dr Crowler, I don't do something that doesn't benefit me. Reporting you and getting you fired will by no means benefit me. So why should I do that, when I can make you my Duel Point bag instead?"

Crowler, chuckling nervously in relief :"I-I see! True, true! As expected of my best student, Ali! You're as brilliant as always!"

Ali :"Glad to hear you're happy with the deal."

Crowler :"B-but of course! I'm the one who's saved! It's just right for you to get rewarded for keeping silent! By the way, are we going to duel everyday?"

Ali, smiling :"At least 25 duels everyday."

Crowler :"T-twenty five?! Isn't that too many duels for a single day?! I couldn't possibly-"

Ali :"I wonder if the news of you letting a criminal in the academy and letting him assault a student will make it to the headline of the news?"

Crowler, smiling nervously :"But of course I'll make time for my best student! You deserve that much!"

Ali :"Glad to hear that! Then I'll make sure to call you later. I'm going to meet Alexis for now."

As he walked away with a happy smile, Crowler's shoulders slumped :"Ooh, what have I gotten myself into...? Dammit, it's all because of that Titan bastard and that Slifer slacker! If the plan had gone right, I wouldn't be in this mess?! Just you wait, you damn Slifer slacker! I will get you expelled for this!"

And with angry stomps, he walked away from the place. Now he needed to duel 25 times every day. His heart sank with how much free time he was going to lose. And how much pride along with it. He had never hated the duel recording function of duel disks and academy computers so much.

Ali on the other hand was about to fly. He was excited as hell. Why wouldn't he? 50,000 DP a duel! 25 times what he could get from a duel with an Obelisk Blue! He could only get 50,000 DP by dueling 25 Obelisks everyday. But now, he could get an entire day's worth of effort in a single duel! And not just that. How much DP did 25 duels a day against Crowler net him?


He had a total of 1,300,000 DP after so long! That means he could gather an entire month's worth of DP in a single day! Crowler was his golden goose, and he'd be an idiot if he didn't make the best use of him everyday. He was about to drool from how much he was gonna get from Crowler. 1.25m DP! That's 125,000 dollars a day! His earned DP a month skyrocketed.

(2,000x25)x30 = 1,500,000

(50,000x25)x30 = 37,500,000

3,750,000 dollar a month

Goodness gracious, that's a mind numbing number. One that he loved! Actually, why stop at 25 duels a day? He stopped in his tracks, his smirk widening. He could finish that many duels in 2 hours max, since he would speed run the duels. Why not instead of 25 duels, he dueled 50 times a day? It would take 4 to 6 hours max. But it was worth it. Completely worth it! He had grinded in the past, so why not do it here too?!

Fuck 1,250,000 DP a day and 37,500,000 DP a month, he wanted 2,500,000 DP a day and 75,000,000 DP a month! He wanted 250,000 dollars a day and 7,500,000 dollars a month! He had decided, he would duel 50 times a day from now on. Fuck Crowler's feelings and circumstances, he didn't care.

It was time to grind.

"Hold on, isn't Crowler the Vice-Chancellor...' But a thought made him stop again, eyes wide with surprise, excitement and hope :'D-doesn't that mean... probably even more DP?! O.M.G... I have to find out! Please... please let it be like that!' And with hopeful and wishful steps, he made his way to the room where Alexis was. And later on, he actually did find out.

It was true.

The Vice-Chancellor did give a different amount of DP from both the teachers and the Chancellor. More than the former and less than the ladder. Which even Crowler wasn't aware of because students never challenged teachers. Much less the Vice-Chancellor and Chancellor of the school. How much? Not much. Just about...

500,000 DP

Needless to say, Ali was about to swoon when he heard it. Poor Zane thought he had gone insane with how he laughed like a madman when he told Ali about the gained DP.

(500,000x50) = 25,000,000 DP

$2.5m a day

(500,000x50)x30 = 750,000,000 DP

$75m a day


Alexis half laid on the infirmary's bed. Her back against the headboard and her eyebrows frowning. The best case scenario had happened and she was safe, no one was harmed, and neither had she lost any of her cards. So she was happy about all of that. What she was mad about was at herself.

She couldn't do anything in that situation, but she was still mad at her own powerlessness. She was described as a pretty and strong woman by Ali. And even though he meant it as her personality, she was still annoyed at how she ended up being a damsel in distress that needed saving. One that Ali disliked.

She couldn't help but sigh in annoyance. But the door opening caught her attention. Turning to look, she saw Ali, with the exact opposite mood compared to hers. He was all smiles. His grin stretching so far she wondered if his cheeks hurt. "Hey, sorry for being late." He greeted, his grin still on his face as he sat down on a chair :"The talk with Chancellor Sheppard took longer than expected."

Alexis :"It's alright. What's got you so happy? I've never seen you this excited before."

Ali :"Oooh nothin! Just that I got a hell of a money bag! Well, I guess DP bag in this case."

Alexis, smirking :"Oh, of course it involved Duel Points. You only get so happy when Duel Points are involved."

Ali :"Of course! It's money, you know? Money! And believe me, you would understand why I'm so excited if you knew how much DP I'm talking about."

Alexis :"Then why don't you tell me about it?"

Ali :"Forget it, you wouldn't believe me anyway. That's how much it is. It's honestly a hilariously large amount."

Alexis :"Alright, fine. I guess I'll see it for myself later. So? How did the talk with Chancellor Sheppard go?"

Ali, calming down :"Alright, good news and bad news. Which one first?"

Alexis :"Uhh... bad news."

Ali :"The bad news is that, that bitch of a Disciplinary Action Squad's leader, holding true to her name as a bitch, was all stuck up about you receiving punishment since she was oh-so-sure that you had broken the rules by going inside of the Abandoned Dorm."

Alexis, frowning :"What? But I've never gone inside there. Most I've done is stand outside for a bit."

Ali :"I tried telling her that too, but the bitch was hellbent on saying that you've gone inside. Unfortunately, even though a complete bitch, her position lets her words have a heavy weight. And with her stubbornness, even Chancellor Sheppard had to give up in the end."

Alexis :"Wha-... sigh, damn it... so what's the punishment?"

Ali :"Expulsion."

Alexis :"What?! Why?! I'm getting expelled for something I didn't even do?!"

Ali :"That's the problem with bitches, you can't reason with them. She was not willing to back off without expelling you. Saying bullshit about setting it as an example for the other students."

"B-but... but I..." Her heart sank. This was the worst possible outcome of the situation. Getting expelled would not only ruin her future, but also ruin her chances of finding her brother. She could go to another dueling school, but the chances of finding any traces of her brother were only here.

Seeing her nervous and upset face, the noiret gently grabbed her clenched fist :"Calm down, Alexis. Don't forget, there is also good news." Causing her to sigh in defeat :"What good news could there be when I'm getting expelled?"

Ali :"Simple, you can earn your stay here."

Alexis :"What?! Really?!"

Ali :"Yes. Dr Crowler insisted that you could duel your way out of the punishment, and Chancellor Sheppard jumped at the chance to support his idea. In the end, we managed to convince that bitch to let you duel your way out of the punishment."

Alexis, smiling :"That's great! If it's like that, then I'm sure I can stay! T-then who should I duel? Did they say anything?"

Ali :"Yeah, but she was a bitch till the end and only agreed with your opponents being the Paradox Brothers. You know, the tag dueling twins? Those two. You have to duel them in a tag duel. And if you don't have a partner, you have to duel them alone. To ensure your expulsion, that bitch went as far as to set the condition that your partner will be expelled with you if you lose."

"W-what? B-but..." Her hope shattered. She was confident in herself. Confident enough to be sure she could beat any student in the academy except Ali. She was even 50% sure to defeat Zane himself. She was sure that she was in the top five in the entire academy.

But that was in the academy, not in the outside world of dueling and tournaments. She didn't have any confidence in beating the Paradox Brothers of all people. Those two were long time professional duelists and champions of tag duels. And not just that, who would team up with her? Nobody with a sane mind, at least. Dueling them one by one was one thing, but dueling them at the same time and without a partner? The only thing she was confident in was losing.

Ali :"But don't worry, you've already got a partner."

Alexis :"W-what? I-I do? Who?"

Ali, smirking :"Who else? Me."