
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 46: Dealing With a Bitch

"Release me! Release me right this instance so I can carry on justice!" Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons roared, trying to get out of the hold of Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman :"Allow me to get that infuriating wench who dares to plot against my lord and his beloved! Release me so I can teach that woman a lesson, Buster Blader!"

But Buster Blader didn't listen. He kept holding Gaia back from going out to have a very calm, logical and civil conversation with the Disciplinary Action Squad's leader :"Calm yourself, Gaia! Our lord is in an important meeting! And as much as it angers me, we cannot distract him by killing that harlot!"

"Buster Blader is correct, Gaia." And the voice of another surprising figure joined in, Black Luster Soldier :"You aren't the only one angered by the behavior of that harlot. But we must be patient so as to not make the situation even more annoying for our lord."

It had started from the moment she opened her mouth. From the start, she was hellbent on trying to punish Alexis. And by punishment, as in fucking expelling her. Saying that, even though there wasn't any evidence of it happening, she might have gone inside of the Abandoned Dorm. Which was against the rules since they were trying to keep the fact that they were performing very shady and dangerous experiments there in the past under the covers.

And well, hearing that the whore wanted to expel the woman their lord fancied, all the monsters had been enraged. Especially some of them. More accurately, Ali's knights. The monsters in the Gaia, Buster Blader and Black Luster Soldier decks. Being Knights, they had a special kind of sensitivity towards Ali. So in this situation, where the Disciplinary Action Squad's leader wanted to not only harm Ali's honor, but also his beloved, they were pissed off beyond belief.

If not for Buster Blader and Black Luster Soldier holding him back, Gaia would have used every bit of magic inside of him to get out and kill that woman by any means necessary. Luckily for her, two of the knights were sensible enough to hold him back.

They weren't the only ones who were angry though. Every monster in Ali's decks wanted a piece of that woman. But thankfully, Silent Magician, ironically one of the angriest ones, had held them back with her overwhelming magic along with Dark Magician and other Spellcaster monsters.


"So let me get this straight." Ali gritted out, getting close and glaring at the woman :"Alexis is the one who needs to be punished, despite you and your "professional and trained" team being the ones to let that man slip in?" Causing the woman to glare back :"Watch your tone, boy."

"Why should I?" He snarled :"I think you should be careful instead. The only reason why you're passing on the subject so lightly is because you know how hard you've fucked up. A criminal got into the island without anybody knowing? Oh well, it happened. It's not like he could assault, kidnap, rape or even kill one or some of the students in the academy, right? He was probably just about to do one of them when the girl was saved, so it's alright.

Huh, you know how hard you've fucked up, that's why you're trying to change the subject into something you try to deem as important. You wanna punish Alexis by expelling her? How about we talk about your punishment, how you're gonna get fired when Kaiba hears about it and the compensation you need to pay for your huge fuck up, bitch?"

"Boy, if you don't-" She glared, but was interrupted by the Chancellor :"Alright, alright, calm down, both of you. Nothing will be solved through violence." But Ali scoffed :"Oh, I'm sure a lot of things here will be solved through violence. Like the problems that fat mouth of hers makes, and how they can be solved if she just didn't have it."

"You-" She spat, but once again, Chancellor Sheppard intervened :"Ali, enough! And miss, please be quiet as well." Causing the both of them to scoff before she spoke again :"My decision is final. I say we expel her as an example so the other students know the severity of breaking the rules."

Ali :"And I think you should be fired for being so useless as to let a professional criminal in."

"That is not for you to decide, boy. That's something only Mr Kaiba himself can decide."

Ali :"And what, you think he wouldn't fire you for not doing your job right and risking the lives of the students?" 'Bitch, that guy fired a guy for not designing a durable bottle. Your ass is in the streets the moment it actually reaches him. And oh boy, hahaha, I know exactly how to make sure it reaches him.'

Seeing that the argument still continues, and that bitch's words carry more weight because of her position, the nervous Crowler decided to intervene :"O-oh, I know! A duel! T-this is the Duel Academy, so of course the students should at least fight for a chance through a duel!"

"Of course, I agree." Seeing the chance, Chancellor Sheppard immediately took it. Unlike her, he definitely didn't want to ruin his students' future for some useless and petty rules. Especially not the future of such a brilliant student such as Alexis who has been improving rapidly in the past few weeks.

"Is that so?" She glared coldly at Crowler, making him shiver before she smirked :"Fine then, if that's what you wish. Then I know exactly who she should duel. Dr Crowler, haven't you been in contact with the Paradox Brothers lately, trying to invite them to the academy?"

'How did she know?!' He keened internally. It was his backup plan to have Jaden duel against them and be expelled in case Titan failed! So how did she find out he had contacted those two?! His master plan had come to bite him in the ass.

"Y-yes, that's correct. Why do you ask?" He asked, wiping away the sweat on his face as she smirked :"Why else? Of course it's so that Ms Rhodes can duel against them to earn her right to stay in the academy!"

Crowler :"B-but-but isn't that too much?! Those two are long time professionals of the dueling world! Putting a student against them is too much!"

Chancellor Sheppard :"I agree. Also, those two always duel as a team. How could Alexis duel them both alone?"

"Hmph, then she can find a partner. But know this, anybody who decides to partner up with her, will also share her punishment if they lose, expulsion!"

Crowler :"What?! Then nobody will be her partner! Which sane person would throw away the chance of staying here and duel against the Paradox Brothers, the legends of tag dueling?!"

"None of my concern. If you want her to duel her way out of the punishment, then that's my condition."

Crowler :"B-but then there's nobody who'd be willing to-"

"I'll do it." Ali suddenly said, gaining the attention of everyone. "You will?" The bitch smirked with condemnation :"I guess it's obvious with how you were defending her. Fine, two annoying brats who don't know anything will be expelled at the same time. Even better. Then better pack your bags already-"

As she was talking, Ali felt a wisp of magic escape from him. Something that would happen only when Silent Magician used her magic. And in the next second, the bitch's smirking face turned into that of a pained and confused one. "W-what the-" She groaned, grabbing her stomach and bending over when suddenly,

"Thrrrrrrppp!" A fart escaped her, causing Ali to immediately burst into hysterical laughter as she blushed madly, Chancellor Sheppard grew immensely confused, and Crowler outright covered his nose and quickly started waving in front of him with a look of pure disgust :"Ew, lady, please use the restroom before important meetings! Goodness, ugh..." Causing Ali to laugh even harder. Tears forming in his eyes as he held his stomach. Laughter turning painful from how hard he was laughing. He honestly felt like his knees were going to give out from how hard he was laughing. The fact that she let out another one didn't help him at all.

Gritting her teeth, blushing hard as hell, she quickly turned to get out :"I-if you'll excuse me!" She shouted, running towards the door. Making Ali laugh even harder as she farted with each few steps. Wheezing as he fought for oxygen. Poor Crowler looked like he was gonna barf though. Chancellor Sheppard on the other hand looked as confused as one could be. He really didn't expect what happened to happen. Not from that always stuck up woman at that.

After a while of laughing while Crowler quickly opened the windows, the noiret finally started to calm down. Panting and gasping, he wiped the tears falling from his eyes :"Ahh, man, I hadn't laughed that hard in ages. Man, I don't know what happened, but that bitch deserved it!"

Crowler :"But I didn't deserve going through that torture! Ugh, it smelled so bad too... what the heck did she have for breakfast?! I'm immediately taking a long bath to get rid of all of that smell..."

Chancellor Sheppard :"Ahem ahem... well, ignoring... whatever just happened, are you sure, Ali? This is a serious matter."

Ali :"That's why I'm taking part in it."

Chancellor Sheppard :"You do realize that losing means expulsion, right? For both you and Alexis."

Ali :"Yeah, and that's why I volunteered to be her partner. There's no one other than me who is suitable to play as her tag duel partner. Nobody is as skilled as her. Well, there's Zane, but I didn't want him to get involved."

Chancellor Sheppard :"I see. So you're sure about this? Prepared for the worst? These are professionals, Ali. And not just that, they're the best there is in tag dueling."

Ali, smirking :"And I'm the best there ever was. Don't worry, Chancellor, there's no way I'd lose to those two clowns to begin with. And now that the stakes are so high? Better remove the word "losing" from my dictionary."

Chancellor Sheppard :"I see. Then please be prepared for your duel. And if possible, inform Ms Rhodes if you're going to visit her."

Ali :"Alright, will do. Bye now."

As he finished, he turned and walked to the door. But as he opened it, he looked back and smiled at Crowler :"Oh, by the way, Dr Crowler, may I have a word with you? In private, please." And with that, he walked out. Crowler didn't know why, but that smile just now sent a shiver down his spine.

"W-well if you'll excuse me as well." He bid farewell to the Chancellor before exiting the room as well. But just as the door closed, his collar was grabbed and he was pulled against the wall. Gasping, he quickly looked at who grabbed him :"A-Ali?! What are you doing-"

"You think you're so smooth?" Ali said, smirking with a glare :"Thinking nobody will find out you were the one who brought Titan here?" Crowler's heart skipped a beat. How did he know?! If anybody found out, his career was over! Finish, done, over, finito! Raising his hands in surrender, he chuckled nervously :"I don't know what you're talking about, my dear boy! M-me, let that criminal in? Impossible!"

Ali :"Well, it didn't seem so impossible when you let him in. Don't try to act dumb, he said it himself."

He did?! That bastard, was just messing up the job not enough?! He was going to go as far as mess up his job and life too?! Did that mean Alexis knew as well?!

Crowler :"T-that's impossible! Didn't you say he escaped?!"

Ali :"Then why can't he be found? He couldn't get out of the island so soon even if he tried."

Crowler :"T-then does that mean you're hiding him?!"

"Hiding him?" Ali chuckled. A dark, evil chuckle that made Crowler shiver as his red eyes shone evilly :"Does a grave count as a hiding spot?"