
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 43: Trouble

<Short smut at the beginning, and I wanted to ask something. Do you know a website for watching dubbed anime for free?

Also, this chapter is really similar to "Stacking The Deck", because this episode was kinda important, and I didn't want Ali to duel the motherfucker. I wanted him to give the bastard a reality check, so go ahead and read.

Also, I decided that Ali will have neither short or long hair. His hair will be chin level, so it's in the middle. I have a reason for it. Even though Yu-Gi-Oh is famous for characters having crazy hair, specially the MCs, there's only a single guy that had ordinary hair but gave everyone shivers, Seto Kaiba.

And that's why, Ali's hair won't be too long from now on and will look like this instead:>

"Hahahaha! In yo face, motherfucka!" Ali let out with a grin as he played on his laptop. What game? Well, GTA San Andreas had been released a while ago, and Ali didn't waste a second before he downloaded the damn thing!

And now, he was playing one of his favorite games from his past life while Silent Magician was sucking him off under the desk. About two weeks had passed since Ali had bonded with her, and rarely did they not fuck at night or whenever they got the chance.

He hadn't changed his previous schedule of dueling 25 times a day, teaching Alexis, and going to the gym with his body, Zane. But he had added "fucking Silent Magician's holes till they're gaping" also to the list to do at night.

With how strong his body had gotten after bonding with so many duel spirits of Lv 1,2,3 and 4, he didn't really need to rest that much for his body to get from 0 to 100. So he would take care of his dick instead.

Even though his body would get tired, it was a really mentally relaxing activity to fuck such a goddess of a beauty. Heck, he would even get Maiden (With Eyes Of Blue) and Priestess (With Eyes Of Blue) out to make them watch him fuck Silent Magician just to mess with and teased them.

Even though duel spirits didn't have physical bodies and we're just... well, spirits, it seems like they could still get sexually frustrated and heck, even masturbate!

So both of them were forced to just watch while getting themselves off while they would look at Ali's member disappear into Silent Magician's hole as she screamed before appearing again just to disappear into her hole again.

Maiden was very shy at first, however, Priestess didn't really waste any time when she first saw it and just started masturbating. But Maiden came along as well after a while.

Ali wasn't really into exhibitionism himself or into people watching him or his girls naked, but it was a really huge turn on when he wanted to just show them off. Obviously, his possessive side would never allow anybody to touch, but the fact that he could show them off, make others jealous and the feeling of superiority at it was just mind blowing for him.

But anyway, snapping back to reality <Oh, there goes gravity!>, he would probably be able to bond with Priestess after he was able to bond with a Lv 5 duel spirit.

As the good old theme of finishing a mission played as Ali finished the "Wrong Side Of The Tracks" mission <which one that is? Let me give you a hint, "All We Had To Do Was Follow The Damn Train, C.J!">, he cracked his fingers as he looked down at Silent Magician who was looking at his face with a lustful expression.

"Having fun down there?" Ali chuckled as the glopping sounds left Silent Magician's mouth who was wearing an extremely tiny bikini which only covered her nipples and barely covered her pussy.

He put his hand on the back of her head before he pushed down and bottomed out before he started throat fucking her. Silent Magician had been on it for a while now, so he was pretty close.

As grabbed her snow white hair and slammed his cock into her throat repeatedly, he finally cummed down her throat with a growl as he gritted his teeth while smirking like a feral animal.

After coming down from his high, he pulled his down out as Silent Magician coughed a little from getting her throat violated before looking back up at him as Ali raised an eyebrow :"Did you swallow it all?"

Silent Magician smiled seductively as she opened her mouth wide and let Ali see her clean mouth, causing him to chuckle and pat her head :"Good girl. Now let's get to the real par-"

But just as he was talking, his PDA beside his laptop suddenly got a notification. Looking at the lighted up screen, he saw Alexis's name and a video message.

He furrowed his eyebrows before picking it up and playing the video just to see a wide eyed Alexis panting and sweating as she ran, causing the camera to shake :"Ali, I need your help!

I was near the edge of the forest around the abandoned dorm when a huge guy suddenly tried showed up out of nowhere and tried to grab me! Please help m-AHH-!"

A raged appearance appeared on Ali's face as he gritted his teeth and was nearly about to crush his PDA before a hurried voice was suddenly heard :"KYUU! KYUUU!"

Something passed through the curtains as it flew in the air towards the two with a worried face. Both of them immediately got serious as they looked at the small, pink, flying creature.

"Lead the way." Silent Magician's cool and cold voice was heard as Ali turned to see her in her usual clothes, but with a cold look that would probably cut people into pieces.

Probably because of how they were interrupted and because someone actually dared to attack the woman that her master liked. "I will make it up to you, Silent Magician." Ali nodded at her with a serious look before turning to Cyber Petit Angel as he quickly dressed up :"Lead the way!"

Cyber Petit Angel nodded as it passed through the wall while Silent Magician returned to her deck in Ali's pocket before Ali opened the balcony door and jumped off of the 2nd floor.

With how much his body had been strengthened, just a little fall wouldn't even faze him. He immediately kicked the ground and ran after the flying Cyber Petit Angel.

- (A little while ago)

Alexis stood in place as she watched the three Slifer Reds, Jaden, Syrus and Chumley walk away from the abandoned dorm and towards their own.

She was watching them so they wouldn't just decide to go back on their words and walk into the abandoned dorm. After all, it was forbidden to that and all of them could be expelled if they were caught.

When she told them that, Jaden still didn't back down and still wanted to go in. But after she threatened to tell Ali and have him teach them a "lesson", they all decided to go away quietly.

Alexis sighed when she saw the three boys leave and disappear before she turned around and looked at the abandoned dorm that looked awfully like a haunted house.

'Brother...' She sighed as she looked down with a sad face. She'd been here for over 3 weeks, nearly a month, yet she wasn't able to find any clues as to what had happened to her older brother.

She had tried asking other people who knew about it, but every single one of them was tight lipped about it. None of them would speak a word about it, and it wasn't of any help that all of the records about the abandoned dorm had been wiped out.

She was beginning to lose the hope of finding her older brother, the worry of him dying creeping in. But Alexis clenched her fist at the thought as she frowned :'Doesn't matter. Even if he really is... dead... I will still find the one responsible for it.'

She sighed again as she looked at the rose that she had put just outside the gate of the abandoned dorm :'Hey, at least my time here wasn't bad.'

The time that she spent at the Duel Academy wasn't much, but the memories were still something that caused a small smile to appear on her beautiful face.

A Slifer Red beating Dr Crawler, then another extremely handsome guy wiping the floor with him in a single turn, then the said handsome guy doing the same to Chazz with another deck, deciding to make a new deck from scratch because he actually considered these duels "easy" and "boring" since there wasn't any challenge in them.

Not wasting a single day before he made a deck that was above average and beating her in a duel with the said deck, then deciding to duel 25 times everyday...

She couldn't help but smile at the memories involving the oddball named Ali Ashborne who actually decided to take her in as a student and yeah her his strategies. She was seriously shocked when he agreed to it, after all, dueling strategies aren't something that people will just teach others.

Ever since the first day she had seen him, he had interested her. His looks, confidence, craziness and foulness, it just seemed too interesting to her.

She had never spent so much time with a strange boy. Sure, she had spent quite a bit of time with Zane, but he was her brother's friend and like a brother to her.

Her time with him was always interesting. Not just because of him teaching her, but also because of how he would be a fun loving man child and then turn into a serious guy who wanted everything to be perfect.

She didn't know how to thank the red eyed boy. He had helped her and strengthened her deck so much that she had reached a whole new league because of his strategies.

She had even come to consider him her lucky charm because of the first card that he gave her, Cyber Petit Angel. She didn't know how, but she would always draw the card whenever she needed it the most.

"Little girl, hasn't anybody told you that it's dangerous for a pretty girl like you to hang around this late at night?" A deep voice suddenly spoke up from behind her as Alexis took a step away and quickly turned around.

As her heart hammered in her chest, Alexis's eyes went wide as she saw a huge man wearing a black hat, black trench coat, black pants and a silver mask that covered half of his face with a metal chest piece on his chest who was definitely two heads taller than her.

"W-who the hell are yo-" But just as she spoke, the huge man suddenly reached out and grabbed her throat before lifting her up. Alexis struggled to breath as she kicked the man with all her might, but even though she was so fit and athletic, she couldn't do anything to the man who looked like a mini giant.

The man snorted before raising a golden pyramid-like object that looked exactly like Yugi Muto's millennium puzzle :"Go to sleep, little girl."

However, a bright, blinding pink light suddenly flashed out of nowhere. And even though the attacker let out a pained roar as he let go of her, she didn't feel even the slightest discomfort from the light while the man screamed :"ugggghh!! What the hell is this?!?!"

Hearing his pained roar, Alexis pulled herself together as she immediately took off and ran away without hesitation. Even though she was panicking, she knew that she had to get help, and a single boy came to his mind.

As she ran, she reached out to her pocket and pulled out her PDA. She cursed herself for deciding not to bring her cellphone, but she still had to make do with whatever she had right now, a video message.