
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 4: A new friend

CH 4

(Third person POV)

The Red Eyes Black Chick looked at Ali sincerely as it spoke :"even though the omniverse created us, it also gave us the memories of you using us in your previous life.

And in those memories, I can remember that I was your favorite deck and your most used deck.

That's why, I have the strongest bond with you. And that's why, I want to ask you, Ali, will you make me your Ra?"

Ali looked into the little dragon's eyes, but he couldn't see anything but sincerity in those red eyes. So he smiled as he nodded :"you're right.

Just as you said, the Red Eyes deck was my favorite deck to use among my decks. It was fun and easy to use.

With power and special summoning combined, it was quite fun to use. Alright, I accept your proposal.

Red Eyes Black Chick, I accept you as my bond and my Ra! Happy to team up with you, partner. Let's look after each other from now on."

An extremely happy feeling took over the baby dragon as it smiled and started to circle Ali while rubbing his head on his cheek :"thank you, boss! Thank you!

Even though you have just gotten to know me, I have known you for years because of the memories the omniverse gave me!

So finally being your friend, and your Ra, is a really happy thing to happen for me! Don't worry, I will definitely try my best to help you!"

Ali chuckled at the excited dragon as he pet his head fondly and nodded :"glad to hear you're enthusiasm, partner.

By the way, you said something about actually being able to summon you. Can you explain that?"

Red eyes calmed down as it nodded :"yes, boss. Actually, since I'm your Ra, I have a very special bond with you. That's why, I can even be summoned to the real world and have physical form."

A surprised expression took over Ali's face as he nodded :"well damn, didn't expect that. Then, does that mean that I can also summon my other bonded monster spirits?"

But Red Eyes shook its head in denial :"no, boss. At least not now. As I have told you, the monster spirits that you can bond with depends on the strength of your own soul.

At the moment, your soul is way too weak, that's why, you can't summon any of your monster spirits.

The reason for why you can summon me, is because I'm your Ra and have a special place. But you can't summon the others."

Ali nodded a few times with a look of understanding and thoughtful expression :"I see, i understand.

Thank you for the explanation. Alright then, do you want to bond with me and become my Ra already or not?"

Red Eyes smiled excitedly as it nodded frantically :"alright, boss, let's get to it! Don't reject it, just accept the sensations."

As he said that, Red Eyes turned into a black and red light before moved into Ali's body! Ali listened to Red Eyes and just stood there, but all he could feel was an awesome comfort.

It was like his entire soul and body were being warmed up like a sauna, incredibly comfortable!

And as the warm feeling spread to every bit of him, he could feel himself actually getting a little stronger!

It wasn't much, but he could still feel it. As he sat down and rested while leaving everything to his partner, the minutes passed by.

After ten or so minutes, Red Eyes finally came out and smiled at Ali who was laying on his bed :"boss, it's done! From now on, I'm officially your Ra!"

Ali opened his eyes and looked at the illusionary Red Eyes with a smile and a raised eyebrow :"that was fast. I thought it might take a while."

An awkward expression took over Red Eyes' dragon face as it chuckled awkwardly :"well, I'm quite weak, so it didn't take much time to bond with you..."

Ali smiled as he sat up and pet Red Eyes' small head :"hey, don't worry about it. It's not like you're the only one who's weak.

I'm no better than you, I'm quite weak as well. So, we have to grow stronger together, like partners, right?"

Red Eyes was taken aback a little before with started nodding excitedly with a happy smile :"that's right, boss, that's right! We are partners, so we will grow stronger together!

By the way, since I became your Ra, there have been one or two changes in your body beside getting stronger. Take a look at the mirror."

Ali raised an eyebrow before he got up from his bed and walked to the table to take a look at the mirror.

Once he was in front of the mirror and looked at himself, his eyes went slightly wide as his lips tightened :"damn, Red Eyes! This is sick!"

In his left eye, a mark had appeared, a dragon mark had appeared, circling around the pupil inside the cornea.

(Dragon Mark Image:)

Ali liked tattoos and things like this quite a bit, but he never got any on himself :"this is pretty dope, Red Eyes!"

Red Eyes chuckled as it sat on Ali's shoulder and looked at Ali checking his left eye out :"happy that you like it, boss."

After looking at it for a little, Ali looked at Red Eyes through the mirror :"but, you know that I can't just walk around with a mark in my eye, right?"

Red Eyes chuckled once again as it nodded :"yes, boss, I know. Don't worry, just focus, and you can make is disappear and reappear."

Ali listened to Red Eyes' instructions and focused on his left eye and on the mark as he closed his eyes.

Once he tried to hide it and imagined it hidden, it was gone once Ali opened his eyes :"phew, alright, that's better.

I don't need to worry about that anymore from now on. Alright, now that all of that is taken care of, I should get to putting my clothes where they should be."

Red Eyes Black Chick flapped its small wings and got off Ali's shoulder as he sat on the bed while Ali took his clothes out and put started putting them in the drawers.

After a few minutes of putting his clothes where they should be, Ali cracked his knuckles because of no particular reason before he looked at Red Eyes :"alright, Red, let's go outside and look around a bit."

Red Eyes nodded as Ali walked towards him and picked up all the decks :"alright, boss. But, when are you going to bond with the other monster spirits?

Even though you can't bond with any of the stronger ones, you can bond with all of your level 1 monsters."

Ali paused for a moment while he was putting the decks in the pockets of his vest under his jacket, he hummed before he continued his actions :"later.

We will start at night. But right now, it would be a waste to not go out and look around the place where I'll be living for the next few years."

Red Eyes nodded in agreement :"alright, whatever you say, boss. I will be inside of your eye, where the mark is."

Ali nodded an Red Eyes turned into a black and red light that entered his eye :(boss, I'm here. Can you hear me?)

Ali was a little startled by the sound inside of his head as he looked around for Red Eyes :"Red Eyes? What happened? Where you at?"

But Red eyes voice sounded inside of his head again :(boss, this is the mental link between a Ra and his master which let's them talk telepathically. Just focus on the mental link and speak to me.)

Ali closed his eyes to focus better as he searched for the so called mental link, once he focused enough, he spoke out :(red eyes? You hear me?)

And Red Eyes excited voice came as well :(yes, boss! Good job on succeeding! From now on, you don't need to speak out loud.

After all, people would probably think that you're crazy or something if you talked into thin air. So just speak into our mental link while talking to me.)

Ali nodded as he hummed :(alright, I'll do that from now on. Thanks for the consideration. Alright, let's go out now.)

After putting the suitcases somewhere other than his bed, Ali finally opened his door and walked outside.

But just when he closed his door, the door beside his room also opened and a tall boy with dark green hair walked out.

Once Ali saw him, he smiled politely as he waved :"hello! Howdy neighbor?" Ali closed the door and locked it before he put the keys inside his pocket and walked over to the older looking boy.

The boy also closed his door before he turned to Ali and nodded without any particular emotion on his handsome face :"hello, it seems that you've moved to the room beside me. It's nice to meet you."

Ali smiled even more as he stretched his hand for him to shake, which he did, although without a smile :"it's nice to meet you too. My name is Ali Ashborne, I guess we will be seeing each other a lot from now now, so I hope that we will get along."

The older boy nodded as he hummed :"likewise, I hope that we will get along. Specially since I saw your duel against doctor Crawler. Oh, and my name is Zane Truesdale by the way."

Ali was slightly surprised once he heard him, after all, he is the one using the Cyber Dragon deck, but he masked it :"Truesdale? You know Syrus?"

This time, Zane was also a little surprised as he nodded :"yeah, he's my little brother. Why? Are you friends with him?"

Ali smiled a toothy smile as he nodded :"hell yeah I know him! We met coincidentally while watching the match between Jaden and Dr Crawler.

He is a nice dude. But kinda too anxious and nervous. Him and Jaden, my best bud are both in Slifer red, so they might be roommates."

Zane nodded calmly as he sighed softly :"yeah, he is like that. But maybe that Jaden guy can fix him up."

Ali chuckled as he smiled :"yeah, he might be able to. By the way, wanna be friends? We are neighbors for the rest of the year, and you are also Sy's big bro, so I would like to be friends with you."

Zane had a thoughtful expression as he thought about it for a few seconds before he nodded with a him and a small smile :"alright, you're quite a good duelist, so it wouldn't be too bad to be friends with you. And just like you said, we are neighbors, so I would rather not be on an annoying relationship with you."

Ali laughed out loud as he moved to Zane's side and gently hit him in the back :"cool! Happy to be friends, bro!

By the way, I wanted to go and check the dorm and the around out a bit, wanna tag along? You seem to be a senior, so you should know around here."

Zane thought about it again before he nodded with a calm expression on his face :"alright, I will show you around.

I didn't have anything to do anyway. Just got out to stroll around to begin with.might as well show you around."

And so, the two started walking while chatting causally while Zane showed the place and introduced the different places.

It really deserved to be called a castle, cause it even had a gym and a other places that the students go too.

"As you can see, this is the gym. I like to keep myself in shape, so I come here everyday to work out. You don't seem to be in that much of a bad shape yourself. You work out too?"