
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 34: A real bro

(third person POV)

Can you imagine how terrifying that is in this era? In case you didn't know, it's 2005 for them. <There was a calendar when they graduated, which had 2007 on it>

The thought of someone actually pulling out a monster with 5,000 ATK points is just outright terrifying for these people.

Like, imagine that it's 2005, you have your water or spellcaster or something deck ready. You draw your cards, and actually have a pretty good hand.

Then your opponent activates a spell which cuts his LP in half for sending a fusion monster to the graveyard.

You think :'oh I got this duel in the bag!' but then the same opponent uses a few cards in the same turn to bring that fusion monster with 5,000 ATK points back from the graveyard!

And he doesn't stop there! Because of a small, harmless dragon's effect, he is able to slam another dragon onto the field from his hand! In 2005, you would just quit right there.

Seeing him in such a focused state while placing cards beside each other, Alexis hummed as she put her elbow on the desk and her beautiful cheek on her hand :'he's usually so easy going and nonchalant. I didn't know he could put such a serious and focused look on his face.'

"Ali, can I look at your deck? I will let you see mine as well." Alexis gave a small smile, catching his attention.

Ali chuckled as he smiled teasingly and raised an eyebrow :"oh? Now not only do you want to know my ace monster, but you also want to know my strategies?"

Alexis rolled her beautiful eyes at his teasing as she shrugged :"fine, I won't look. I was just curious to know what cards you have."

Ali laughed again as he winked at her :"fine, it's alright to look. After all, with how much I will duel, everybody's bound to know most of my strategies."

Hearing his agreement, Alexis scooted over with a smile :"alright then, don't mind me. Hmm... Interesting..."

And that was how the few minutes before the class was spent as they sat together and Alexis asked a few questions from time to time.

The rest of the class wasn't any different than yesterday. So the time just passed with Ali nearly falling sleep in the boring classes.


"Hahahaha! Damn, Al! Obelisk dorm's meal is just something else! Thanks for inviting us!" Jaden laughed happily while rubbing his almost bloated stomach.

Just like how he had promised, Ali invited both Jaden and Syrus to a meal at the Obelisk Blue dorm to make up for things.

The short, blue haired boy also smiled excitedly :"yeah! Thanks, Ali! It was really delicious!" And Ali just chuckled as he nodded :"you're welcome. Glad you enjoyed it."

While walking, Jaden flashed a huge smile at him :"I would've invited you to a meal at the Slifer Red dorm as well, but I don't think you will like our rice and shrimp meal."

Syrus beside him sighed with slumped shoulders :"yeah, the difference between our dorm's meal and yours is like ice cream and soda. No way would you like ours."

Ali laughed again as they walked to the Slifer Red dorm :"well, at least I can take a look at your dorm. I'm kinda interested as to see what the Slifer Reds' dorm is like."

Syrus sighed once again :"as if it could get any worse than it already is. It's small, the food isn't anything impressive, and you have to share a single room with two other people."

However, Jaden wasn't as pessimistic as him :"oh c'mon, Sy, it's not all that bad. After all, sharing a room is fun, the food could be worse, and besides, we have an amazing view of the ocean!"

But Syrus sighed again :"you're the only one who thinks like that, Jaden. Even though it's only the second day, there are a lot of Slifers who are fed up with our dorm already."

Ali chuckled at their interaction :"well, everyone has their own personal preferences. Maybe Jaden just likes that kind of place."

Syrus blinked at him with curiosity as he tilted his head :"by the way, Ali, what is the Obelisk Blue dorm like? Since the Obelisk Blue is the best dorm, they must have an amazing dorm, right?"

And Ali nodded with a smile while folding his arms in front of his chest :"yup, you have your own personal room, a king sized bed, a huge closet, modern laptops, a balcony, and a personal bathroom and shower."

Syrus's eyes and mouth went wide in shock and envy :"what's with that?! Geez, that's so unfair... You're living the life, Ali..."

Ali just shrugged with a smug smile :"well, when you are as awesome as me, the academy has to treat you awesomely. Oh, seems like... We're... Here..."

The dorm wasn't that bad, but it wasn't good either. It was small, had bad painting, and on and on.

But well, just like Jaden said, the view was at least good. Ali scratched his head with tight lips :"I get why Syrus bad mouths this place so much now."

"Right?" Syrus cried out with slumped shoulders :"even though it's not that bad, it's still isn't good either."

But Jaden scoffed at them :"oh please! This place is the sweetest dorm there is! Now let's go and see our room."

As they all walked up the squeaky stairs, Ali was honestly worried that they might break. He wouldn't be harmed that much, but there was still that worry.

After all, he had already completely bonded with Red Eyes Black Chick, and he had actually bonded with another monster that he got from the booster packs, Rider Of The Storm Winds.

{Rider Of The Storm Winds: <normally> Dragon/ Tuner/ Effect/ Light/ Lv 1/ 500 ATK/ 200 DEf.

Effect(s): You can target 1 Dragon Normal Monster you control; equip this monster from your hand or field to that target. If a monster equipped with this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.}

A level 1 monster with just enough strength and an effect powerful enough for him to bond with.

Ali actually had this card in the past, but he barely remembered it to be a tuner monster, which meant it shouldn't have come out till the synchro era.

But Silent Magician explained that there were these kinds of monsters even before the synchro era, it's just that they were changed in the future.

Just like the effects of certain cards. So Rider Of The Storm Winds was still just an effect monster, not a tuner monster.

But well, it didn't matter to Ali. He just wanted to bond with more and more duel spirits and get as powerful as possible.

"Well, we're here. Welcome to our dorm, Ali." Syrus said as they opened the door and walked in.

Of course, it's unnecessary to say that this room is nothing compared to the Obelisk Blue rooms, but it was possible to live in it.

As Ali took a look around, Jaden put his hands on his waist and smiled brightly :"so?! Whatcha think? It's sweet, right?"

But just before Ali could say, a grumpy and sleepy voice came from the the top bed :"keep it down, will you?"

"Oh, sorry, Chumley. Didn't see you there." Jaden scratched his head as a fat guy leaned on his elbow and glared at him.

And the moment Ali saw him, he pointed at him with wide eyes :"Des Koala?!" Causing the fat guy's glare to move to him :"what Des Koala?! I'm not a monster card!"

Jaden in the middle of the room burst into laughter as he held his stomach :"hahahaha! He's right, Chumley! You really do look like a Des Koala!"

And Chumley grumbled before turning around and covering himself with his blanket :"screw you all! I'm going back to sleep."

They all just ignored him as Ali walked to the bed before slumping down beside it and leaning on it as the three started chatting.

It wasn't about anything important, just casually chatting and spending time together with friends.

"By the way, what cards are you planning to add to your deck, Ali?" Jaden suddenly asked him from his seat.

Ali looked at the roof with a thoughtful expression as he hummed :"well, I have a few cards in mind.

Like Future Fusion, King Dragun, and Lord Of D and Divine Dragon Ragnarok to fusion summon it. I'm also planning on getting a Five Headed Drago-"

"Ah! Five Headed Dragon?! I actually have that!" Jaden said excitedly as he pointed at Ali :"hold on, let me find it and give it to you!"

And he immediately got to looking through his stuff. Ali looked at him with surprise as he raised an eyebrow :"wait, what? What's a Five Headed Dragon doing with you? I thought you used the Elemental Hero deck."

While looking through his stuff, Jaden answered with a smile :"won it during a local tournament a while back. Found it! Here!"

Ali looked at the card that Jaden was holding up for him to take as he looked at Jaden with a speechless expression :"J, I appreciate you looking out for me and trying to help me, but I can't accept this.

Do you have any idea how much that card is worth? Even just in the academy, that card is worth 50,000 DP. That's 5,000 Dollars!"

But Jaden just shook his head with a smile as he grabbed Ali's hand and put the card in it :"I told you, I won this at a tournament.

I'm not planning on using it, nor am I planning on selling it. So might as well give it to a friend who can use it! And as much as I know, you're the best dragon player in the academy! So take it already!"

Ali was silent for a few moments as he looked at the Five Headed Dragon in his hand before smiling and nodding at Jaden :"thanks, J. I appreciate it, and owe you a favor. You a real bro."

But Jaden just waved his hand nonchalantly with a smile :"oh forget about it. What are bros for?!"

Ali chuckled as he nodded gently :'well, this bro won't let the same thing as the original happen to you. I'm not a merciful person, once those ass hats that hurt Jaden so much show up, I will fucking kill them all.'

And that's how they spent the time together for a while before Ali went to duel and gather some DP.

After all, DP was money, and he loved money the most after power and sex. So of course he would duel quite a bit everyday.

But while dueling, he didn't use the Five Headed Dragon even once. He was planning to save that card to use it at the exam next week.

After all, he wanted to make it so the card that his best friend gave him would make an amazing appearance.

So he wasn't going to use it in a casual duel. He was going to wait a few days before giving his opponent a heart attack.

'hehehehe! Can't wait to see the stupid and horrified face of the person who is going to duel against me!'

And well, that's how Ali spent the rest of the day dueling and showing off his ace monster and his two little dragons to the foolish idiots in the academy.

But unfortunately, because of spending quite a while with Jaden and Syrus, he didn't have that much time to duel.

So he was only able to gather 25,000 DP before he stopped dueling when the students started returning to their dorms.

Before returning to the dorm, he also paid a visit to the store to get two Future Fusion. With each of them being 25,000 DP, and 3 3 copies of Divine Dragon Ragnarok and two copies of Lord Of D, he spent 55,000 DP in a single day.

And after that, with a sore heart from spending all his DP, he retruned to his dorm to hit the gym with Zane before ending the day.


DP: 30,000 -> 55,000 -> 0