
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 32: A gift

(Third person POV)

"So? Are you feeling lucky today?" Zane asked as he and Ali walked to the store. Ali hummed with his hands in his pockets :"who knows? Maybe I'll be lucky, and maybe I won't be."

A day had passed since the duel between Ali and Alexis, and he had decided to not tell Zane about the incident.

Because one, no matter how much of a good friends Zane and Alexis are, he would still be a little offended if he knew that she threatened to get him expelled.

And two, it honestly wasn't a big deal. Just a little incident that happened and went away. And besides, he at least gave a good show to Alexis.

So since Alexis cares about dueling more than most other things, it was actually a good incident for him.

And now, the two friends of different ages were walking to the store to get some more cards for Ali and his new deck.

But this time, fortunately for Ali, Zane didn't wake him up at 6. It was about 7 or something when he woke him up so that they could go to the store.

Zane nodded with a calm expression on his face :"luck is a big part of the game. Well, I wish you luck. You do need it after all since your deck is nowhere near complete."

Ali playfully rolled his eyes as he smirked :"as if you're one to talk. I almost had a seizure when I took a look at your so called "Cyber Dragon" deck."

Zane's calm face twitched at the memory of his friend deadpanning him and almost ridiculing him when he saw his deck :"look, I don't know what you expected, but that is the full deck.

The Cyber Dragon deck was given to me by the headmaster of the Cyber Art Dojo, so I don't know what other cards there are for it."

Ali snorted as he raised his head with a smug look :"well, when I have a chance, the great me will show you the REAL Cyber Dragon deck."

Zane rolled his eyes at his friend before he sighed :"fine, whatever. By the way, I know it's late and all, but what is that in your mouth?"

Hearing his question, Ali grabbed the lollipop and pulled it out with a pop :"what? This? It's a lollipop, duh. What? You haven't seen one or something?"

And Zane rolled his eyes once again :"I have seen it, Ali. I meant why are you sucking on that first thing in the morning?"

This time, it was Ali's turn to roll his eyes at his choice of wording :"the fuck you mean sucking on it? Don't make it so gae, bro.

And besides, I like lollipops. They're sweet and can keep you occupied so you won't feel hungry, so that's why I love it."

Zane shrugged nonchalantly as they walked into the store :"fine, suck whatever you want. We're here."

Ali rolled his eyes with a smirk and a snort :"yeah, I ain't blind. I can see the door and the sign along with the store itself."

Zane just decided to ignore the sarcastic remarks of his friend as they walked into the store to see a few people already there.

Noticing the new costumers, Sadie who was in the charge of the sandwich box looked at the door and smiled :"hey, Ali, Zane. Good morning."

Dorothy from behind the desk also waved at them with a smile :"hey, you two. Welcome to the store."

And in response, the polite boys also waved at them :"hey, Dorothy, Sadie. Good morning to you as well."

They both walked to the sandwich box where Sadie winked with a smile :"good outfit, Ali, You look really handsome."

With a wink if his own and a smile he shrugged :"well, since I have the approval of such a beauty, then I must be nailing it."

Sadie chuckled with a wave of her hand :"oh hush, you. You're gonna make me blush if you keep that up.

Anyway, do you want to try your luck today as well?Well, you already know the drill. Pay 50 DP and you can take your chances. I wish you good luck, Ali."

Ali nodded with a smile with as he played with the lollipop in his mouth before he reached to his back and took out a card.

As he look at the card that contained Silent Magician in it, he smiled :"hehe, with my lucky card here, I will definitely score."

And with a flash of light that only Ali could see, Silent Magician exited her card with a light smile :"hello, master. I will do what we planned."

Seeing the MILF of a woman in front of him, Ali had a to focus like hell to not look at her assets. Since that would seem like he's staring into space and all.

Zane raised an eyebrow from while he stood a little away from Ali :"I didn't know you had a lucky card. What's a lucky card anyway???"

With a snort, Ali shrugged as he smirked :"there are a lot of things you don't know about me, Zane. But don't worry, you will find out in the future.

And a lucky card is... Well, doesn't the name on it make it obvious? It's basically a card that makes me feel like it boosts my luck when it's around."

He didn't bother to wait for Zane's response as he pulled his already folded sleeve even higher :"alright, let's start."

Hearing his good to go sign, Silent Momician moved to beside him where she grabbed his hand and led it down.

Into the box, bro. He ain't at that stage yet, unfortunately. But with the sheer size of her girls, they still squeezed onto Ali's arm while she held his hand :"just leave it to me."

Ali's eyes went slightly wide as he got goosebumps from the phantom feeling of the softness.

Thankfully, nobody noticed the small changes before he returned to normal. But at that moment, Ali swore that he will get strong as fast as possible and enjoy the real sensation of those heavenly melons.

Clearly, he has his priorities straight. Why the fuck care about saving the world with you strength and you bonds when you can just fuck your duel spirits?

With a gulp that was caused by noticing the smirk on Silent Magician's face, Ali focused on not getting boner, no matter how hard it was.

Finally, she brought his hand to a certain sandwich and guided his fingers with her own to grasp it as she whispered in his ear :"well, it seems that my job here is finished. If you need anything, just inform me. I will do what-ev-er you want, my dear master~."

And she disappeared with another light, leaving Ali who was struggling damn hard to fix his pants while nobody was paying attention.

After fixing his pants which were created in a way by the omniverse to completely conceal his weapon, he nodded at Sadie who was talking to Dorothy :"alright, thanks, Sadie."

Sadie nodded back with a smile and a wink :"you're welcome, handsome! Feel free to come to come and shop anytime you want."

Ali turned to look at his friend who was checking out the magazines :"hey, Zane, I'm finishing over here. You wanna buy a sandwich too?"

And the always stoic looking boy nodded as he paid Sadie :"yeah, I haven't eaten breakfast, so a sandwich would be good."

As Ali walked back, he snorted while he mumbled under his breath :"and he was trying to lecture me about what I eat in morning. What a bitch. Truly a person worthy of being my friend."

Zane didn't take as long as Ali to pick a sandwich. Just went a little deep and then took it out.

When he walked back after a second, he nodded at Ali :"alright, let's see what we've got. I don't need any monsters, I would rather just have a good sandwich."

"Holy fuck in a fucking sandwich with fuck on top with fuck as a side dish! It's Dragon's Mirror!" Ali exclaimed excitedly as he took out the card out from his sandwich.

{Dragon's Mirror: Normal spell.

Effect(s): Fusion Summon 1 Dragon Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, by banishing Fusion Materials listed on it from your field or GY.}

Zane on the side, deadpanned at the profanity of his friend, wondering if he made the right choice in becoming his friend.

He sighed with a shake of his head :"even though your choice of words isn't that pleasant, I have to admit that your luck is amazing.

The cards that you managed to take yesterday were awesome, and you managed to get such an amazing spell today as well."

Ali nodded with a grin :"I told you that was my lucky card. See what I managed to take with that card by my side?"

Zane rolled his eyes with a shrug :"yeah yeah, whatever you say, Ali. Now, let's see what I've got in my sandwich."

As he opened his sandwich bag and pulled out the card inside of the special cover, he raised an eyebrow :"what's this? I haven't seen this card before."

Ali blinked in confusion before he walked to his friend's side and took a look at the card in his hand :"Guardian Of Felgrand?"

In the image, a man in armor with an axe in his hand was standing like a hero ready for battle. And Ali recognized it :'huh? I feel like I've seen this card before...' before they both read the card's text.

{Guardian Of Felgrand: Warrior/ Effect/ Light/ Lv 4/ 500 ATK/ 500 DEf.

Effect(s): If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can equip 1 Level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster from your hand or Graveyard to this card. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to half the ATK and DEF of the monster equipped to it by this effect. You can Tribute 1 monster and this card, then target 1 Level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it}

And after reading the effects of this card, their eyes went wide with shock as they looked at each other.

Ali blinked as he gulped :"holy shit, this effect is too busted, right?" If a normal person saw this card, they would probably throw it away.

Or maybe take a look because of its long ass text. But even after reading its effects, they would probably still not use it. Because:

1: even if a card is equiped to it, it gains only half of its ATK and DEF points. How strong do you think amateur duelists' cards are?

Heck, even equipping Blue Eyes White Dragon to this card will only raise its ATK points to 2,000. And Blue Eyes White Dragon is the strongest normal monster.

2: this card needing another monster to bring the card in you graveyard. The idiots here wll just see this card as a useful trash.

But Ali and Zane being professionals, obviously knew the useful this card had and how fearsome it was.

Especially Ali. He could abuse the shit out of this card. But he was a little confused. With an effect like this, the chances of him forgetting it would be low.

So he came up with only one answer :'this card's effects aren't the same as I have seen. After all, if it was the same, the chances of this card getting banned were high as hell!'

Zane beside him nodded in agreement to his words as he looked at the card. But a second later, a small smile formed on his face before he held up the card for Ali :"here, take it."

It took a moment for Ali to process what he just heard :"... Eh?... What did you say, Zane? I think I may have heard it wrong, pal."


DP: 32,800