
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 30: Ali VS Alexis P2

(Third person POV)

Seeing the troubled smile on Ali's face, the boys were confused. But unlike them, Alexis was smirking :"guess someone has done his homework.

Yes, Syrus, you are in trouble. Even though my Cyber Blader has lower ATK points than the two Serpent Night Dragons, its effect makes up for it.

You see, Cyber Blader has different effects according to the number of monsters my opponent controls.

I won't give you a headache and get to the point. If my opponent has only 2 monsters on his field, Cyber Blader's ATK is doubled!"

Something very convenient was that once a monster was summoned, its ATK and DEF points would also be displayed in front of it as a hologram.

So, the 2,100 ATK points of the Cyber Blader were there from the moment it was fusion summoned.

And as if it was waiting for Alexis to finish her sentence, the numbers changed rapidly before stopping at 4,200!

Cyber Blader: 2,100 ATK & 800 DEf -> 4,200 ATK & 800 DEf.

"Uh oh, that doesn't seem good." Jaden said while sitting beside Syrus, causing Ali to nod :"yup, it doesn't."

But Alexis didn't seem to have had enough :"heh, and it's only gonna get worse, because I'm not finished yet.

I activate the spell card, Fusion Weapon! I can equip this spell card to a level 6 or lower fusion monster to increase its ATK and DEF points by 1,500!"

{Fusion Weapon: Equip spell.

Effect(s): Equip only to a Level 6 or lower Fusion Monster. It gains 1500 ATK/DEF.}

And once again, the numbers displayed in front of Cyber Blader began to increase before stopping at a total of 5,700!

Cyber Blader: 4,200 ATK & 800 DEf -> 5,700 ATK & 2,300 DEf.

Causing Syrus to take in a sharp breath :"oh boy, Ali is in deep trouble now! Who would've know that something as awesome as having multiple monsters on the field would be this disastrous?!"

Jaden beside him also nodded in agreement with a serious face :"yeah, that's more than 3,000 difference in ATK points. You have anything against that, Al?"

But the lovely Alexis wasn't going to wait for their chit chat as she entered battle phase :"now, Cyber Blader, attack his Serpent Night Dragon!"

Cyber Blader, like a professional skater, spun around at a speed that made it hard to see her movement before she moved towards one of the Serpent Night Dragons.

"You guys might wanna brace yourselves for this one." Ali said with a frown. If that attack landed, Ali's Life Points would take a whooping 3,350 damage.

"Syke!!" But that is only if that attack landed :"I activate the trap card, Rainbow Life! By discarding one card, I will gain Life Points instead of losing them the entire turn this baby is activated!"

{Rainbow Life: Normal trap.

Effect(s): Discard 1 card; until the end of this turn, each time you would take damage, gain that amount of LP instead.}

"What?!" Alexis exclaimed as Ali sent the only card in his hand, Black Dragon Jungle King to the graveyard before a ranibow like light appeared between Ali and Serpent Night Dragon.

When Cyber Blader's kick landed, Serpent Night Dragon was destroyed with a shriek of an eagle and a dragon. And as Ali said, his Life Points increased instead of decreasing.

Ali LP: 4,000 -> 7,350

Alexis LP: 4,000

With a frown on her beautiful face, she snorted before her smirk returned :"well, doesn't matter.

I set a card of my own face down before I end my turn. Go ahead, I wanna see what you're gonna do with only a Serpent Night Dragon with an ATK of 2,350 on your field."

The reason for the shocking ATK points of Cyber Blader was because of her effect and the Fusion Weapon.

But now that she had gotten rid of one of the Serpent Night Dragons, the numbers changed and came down to 3,600 ATK points.

Ali smirked smugly as he got ready to draw :"well, we'll just have to see, right, sweet cheeks? I draw. I activate the spell card, Pot Of Greed!

{Pot Of Greed: Normal spell.

Effect(s): Draw 2 cards <but what does it do though?>}

And I'm not gonna waste one or two precious seconds to say what it does since literally everyone know what it does." <What?! But what does it do though?!>

And the moment his eyes landed on the two cards that he had drawn, his smile grew even more predatorial, causing Alexis to raise an eyebrow :"oh? Seems like you've drawn a good card."

Ali chuckled before he whipped his head a bit to fix his long hair without touching it :"yup, I have, gorgeous. you see, Alexis, I have to admit, you're good.

Extremely good. I also have to admit that the chances of me winning this duel would be very low if my deck was the same as it was this morning.

But unfortunately for you, it's not. You see, I paid a few visits to the store and modified my deck quite a bit.

So now, I have to return your words back to you. I hope that you won't hold it against me that I'm gonna destroy your awesome combo. I activave the spell card, Nightmare Sonic Blast!

{Nightmare Sonic Blast: Normal spell.

Effect(s): You can activate this Skill while you control "Serpent Night Dragon". Once per turn, you can reveal the top 4 cards of your Deck, and use 1 of the following Skills, depending on the number of monsters revealed.

1: Add one of the revealed cards to your hand.

2: Destroy 1 card your opponent controls.

3+: Apply both effects.

Then, place the rest of the revealed cards on top of your Deck in any order.}

<Guys, what do you think about having Nightmare Sonic Blast be a continues spell? The "once per turn" on its text and the number of effects kinda gives me the feeling that it's a continues spell card. Tell me your opinion>

Alexis frowned with a serious look as she asked :"alright, haven't heard of that card till now. So what does it do?"

Ali winked with a toothy smile as he explained just how awesome the support card of his ace monster is :"you see, this card of mine, as the image shows, is a support card exclusive to Serpent Night Dragon.

The effects of this card are also awesome on a whole nother level. Basically, if I have Serpent Night Dragon on the field, I can reveal the top 4 cards of my deck and use one of the 3 effects according to the number of monsters revealed.

If it's only 1 monster, I can add one of the revealed cards to my hand. If it's 2, I can destroy one card my opponent controls.

And if it's 3 monsters, I get to activate both effects! And after that, I get to place the other cards in whatever order I want."

Alexis's lively and beautiful eyes went wide open in shock at the effect as she gasped :"what?! What kind of card is that?!"

Ali smirked as he prepared to draw :"the Ali kind, babes! Now, let's see." He slowly and without a rush took out the first card :"Decoy Dragon, one down."

And then the second one :"aww, Monster Reborn, a spell card." And the third one :"ooh, Carboneddon, another guess it's already finished."

And then the last card :"Blackland Fire Dragon, the third monster! Guess lady luck quite likes me.

Now, since the number of the monsters that I've drawn are exactly 3 monsters, I activate both effects!

I add Monster Reborn to my hand, and since Cyber Blader is the only monster on your field, I will be destroying it! Go, Serpent Night Dragon, Nightmare Sonic Blast!"

Serpent Night Dragon needed his master's words as he opened his mouth and a hurricane like black flame rushed towards Cyber Blader before enveloping her!

She gave a screech before she was destroyed and the field of Alexis was left completely open while frowning.

Ali, with an ever present smirk on his face, activated the spell card that he had just added to his hand :"now, I activate Monster Reborn to bring back the Serpent Night Dragon that you had just destroyed!"

With the return of the Serpent Night Dragon, the duel was as good as finished. But Ali of course wouldn't be satisfied without a little bit of overkill :"and then, I tribute the Serpent Night Dragon that just came back to summon White Horned Dragon in attack position!"

With a bright light, White Horned Dragon appeared on the field above the water with a powerful roar :"yeah, it's my time to shine, bitches!!!"

{White Horned Dragon: Dragon/ Effect/ Dark/ Lv 6/ 2,200 ATK/ 1,400 DEf.

Effect(s): When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: Target up to 5 Spell Cards in your opponent's Graveyard; banish those target(s), and if you do, this card gains 300 ATK for each card banished by this effect.}

Ali chuckled at the eagerness of his dragon while Jaden gave it a weird look :"but I'm not finished yet.

You see, when this card is normal or special summoned, I can target up to 5 spell cards in your graveyard and banish those targets.

And when I do, my White Horned Dragon gets 300 ATK points for each banished card! And since you only have Polymerisation and Fusion Weapon in your graveyard, I will be banishing them both!

Resulting in my White Horned Dragon getting a 600 increase in ATK points! Becoming a monster with 2,800 ATK points!"

White Horned Dragon: 2,200 ATK & 1,400 DEf -> 2,800 ATK & 1,400 DEf.

Alexis hissed as she looked at the monster line up on Ali's field while she had nothing but a single trap card, Doble Passe.

Which she didn't even meet the condition to activate it since she didn't have any monsters on her side.

{Doble Passe: Normal trap.

Effect(s): When an opponent's monster declares an attack on a face-up Attack Position monster you control: Make your opponent's attack a direct attack instead and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the attack target you control. Also, that monster you control can attack your opponent directly during your next turn.}

Ali didn't give her any chance to say anything as he commanded his monsters :"alright, Serpent Night Dragon, White Horned Dragon, finish this duel and win this duel for me!"

And it seems like the monsters didn't seem to need any more commands as they both moved to do their job.

Serpent Night Dragon :"as you wish, master!"

White Horned Dragon :"leave it to the great me!"

You wanna what was really cool here? The fact that two or more monsters could attack at the same time.

And that's what both of Ali's dragons did as they gathered their powers and shot their own attacks!

But strangely, even though they were only in the form of a hologram, they still caused the water to wave around once they hit Alexis and the boat she was on.

Ali LP: 7,350

Alexis: 4,000 -> 0

While Alexis had a pained expression for a little while, Ali gave a toothy smile and a two fingered salute :" and that's what I call a duel! GG, Alexis, that was an awesome duel."

Alexis sighed with a nod before smiling :"yeah, that was a seriously good duel. You really are a professional duelist, huh?"

Jaden and Syrus got up excitedly as they cheered :"yeah! Awesome duel, Al! That was a seriously nerve wracking duel."

Syrus also nodded with a huge smile on his face :"yeah, I seriously thought that we had to prepare our bags with how strong that Cyber Blader was."

Syrus drove the boat while one of the girls did the same before they came side to side. Ali folded his arms in front of his chest with a smile :"well?

Are you gonna honor our deal then? I won the duel, so we should be able to return back to our sweet dorm without a scratch, right?"


DP: 25,000