
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 3: Ra

CH 3

(Third Person POV)

Some time had passed and now, the four of them were inside of a helicopter, being taken to the where the academy is, the Academy Island.

Ali and Jaden sat together with Ali looking out the window with an impressed smile :"hey, J, you sure you don't wanna look outside? The view is pretty sick, ya know."

Cyrus who was sitting beside Bastion behind them also agreed as he watched outside :"Ali's right, Jaden! It's really cool!"

But Jaden just yawned with a sleepy expression and his hands behind his head as support :"nah, I just wanna take a nap and recharge."

And just when he finished talking, the pilot's voice came :"attention, new duel academy students, if you look outside your windows, you'll see your new home away from home.

Now, now, I know you're excited, but don't shove. Quite a sight, eh? Now then, fasten your seatbelts and set your seats back to an upright position. We're going into land. Next up, Academy Island."


After setting, they all moved to inside one of the classrooms and stood in line in front of a big screen with the Duel Academy's logo.

Jaden and Cyrus were wearing red uniform just like the original. Bastion was wearing a yellow unform, and Ali, was wearing a blue uniform.

It was expected, after all. Not only was he one of the two that got the highest scores, he also beat Crawler who was using his own personal deck.

As Ali stood nonchalantly without any particular emotions on his face, the screen flashed and a bald man with a beard was shown.

The middle aged bald man smiled as he introduced himself :"good morning and welcome my students.

I'm Chancellor Shepherd, the headmaster here, and you are the best and brightest young duelists in the world.

Now please, get yourself settled in at your assigned dorms. I think you'll find them quite comfortable, depending upon how you ranked of course hohoho!"

After a while, as Jaden sat beside a statue of a monster with a cellphone or something, he smiled as he announced to Ali and Cyrus who were looking at their own cellphone thingies :"well, I don't know about you, Cy, Al, but it looks like I'm in the Slifer red dorm!"

"That's cool, same with me!" Cy said as he looked at his cellphone before they both turned to Ali and Bastion as Jaden asked :"hey, you two in red too?"

But Bastion had to be a sarcastic little shit about it, lol :"well now, let's see here, yellow sleeves, yellow buttons. I don't think so."

Ali snickered as he spread his arms :"all blue here beside my sick pants, J. So, no, I'm not in Slifer red either."

Jaden had a look of realization as he looked at his own uniform :"oh, I get it now. So that's why Cy and I are in red."

Ali sighed as he face palmed :"J, you can't be telling me that you've JUST noticed something that sticks out like a sore thumb like that..."

Bastion also quirked an eyebrow with an speechless expression :"please don't tell me that you've just figured that out now."

But their words seem to have annoyed Jaden :"so what? Ever think I'm color blind?" But Bastion being the smart ass that he is, came up with a comeback :"well, no actually, I didn't. Are you colorblind?"

Jaden just laughed when he said that before Bastion started walking away :"no, but I could've been. See you around the dorms!"

"I doubt that, your dorms over there." Bastion said as he turned around and pointed at where their dorm is before walking away.

Ali also stopped leaning on the statue as he took a last look at his cellphone before putting in his pocket :"alright, you two. I will see you later, I'mma go and check my dorm now. Catch ya later."

As they waved and parted ways, Ali started to walk away <should we just assume that there's a map in that cellphone?> And followed the map on his cellphone.

After walking for a little while, he finally reached his dorm. Well, it's called a dorm, but calling it a castle would be more appropriate.

The walls were extremely clean white while the rooftops were blue. Ali gave a whistle as he nodded with an impressed look :'well damn.

Good thing I asked the omniverse to make my score high. Otherwise I would have to live in that trash can the slifer red dorm.

I would be happy to live with J, but I would rather live comfortably while having my own privacy. You have to live with other people after all in the slider red dorm. And I really wouldn't like that.'

Ali took a deep breath in before he made his way into the castle like dorm while other students were also coming and going.

Following the direction of his room written in his phone, he walked among the students and the clean walls of the dorm.

And finally, he reached his destination as he stood in front of a beautiful and grand door :'hmph, guess this is where I'll be living from now on.' "hello my new home. Haha, let's get along."

As he introduced himself to his room which was on the second floor, he took out his key from his pocket and opened the door before he walked in.

He closed the door behind him before he looked at the design and what was inside the room that he was going to live in for the next three years.

The room was huge, with a king sized bed and some suitcases on it. There was also a fancy drawer beside a table that had a laptop on it.

Ali nodded with a satisfied smile as he looked at the room before walking towards the balcony :"not bad at all. I'm really damn satisfied with this."

Ali breathed in satisfaction as he looked at the view while he stood on his balcony and leaned on the railing.

He took his hands off of the railing that was made out of high quality stone as he walked back to his bed and unlocked his suitcases to put his clothes in his drawer.

And after unlocking the other suitcase that was far more securely locked than his clothes' suitcase, he smiled at what was inside <an AK-47?>.

His other decks. Even though he already had the Subterror deck, it was still his secondary deck that was just for fun and shit.

But he had three other decks that were for serious situation. Because even though this world is a card gaming world, a lot of world ending incidents would happen.

And so, he had to have other decks for this times. The six decks were the Cyber Dragon deck, Superheavy Samurai deck, Dark Magician deck, Red Eyes deck, Blue Eyes deck, and the Buster Blader deck.

Like a certain someone, Ali was also a dragon fanatic, so of course he would have the Red Eyes deck and the Blue eyes deck.

And what was even better, he had the dragon slayer deck with him as well! The pain that was felt when your opponent used YOUR dragon to fusion summon an ass kicking monster was just fucking unbearable!

Perfect for a switch like him that was just the right amount of sadist to inflict that pain upon other poor people.

He put his hand under his chin as he narrowed his eyes :'there's no way that I'm going to leave these cards here. What if someone breaks into my room and takes them?'

He reached out and grabbed the red eyes deck. But once he raised the deck, a low, cute dragon roar sounded before a small, illusionary Red Eyes Black Chick appeared.

Ali smiled as he pointed at the little dragon with surprise :"you... Aren't you Red Eyes Black Chick?!

Well, I didn't expect the omniverse to set me off here without giving me the unique ability to see cards spirits."

When Ali had asked the omniverse to separate his soul into pieces and send them off to different multiverses, he asked to not give them any powers.

Because he wanted to obtain the power that was exclusive to that multiverse. The CS powers were specifically for the Ali that went to Douluo Dalu, because he wanted that multiverse to be his "home" in a sense.

But if situation ever called for it, Ali could just ask his other soul pieces for help. Even though he was in pieces, he could still contact them for help.

The little Red Eyes nodded excitedly as it actually spoke with a cute voice :"yes, boss, I am! It's nice to meet you!"

Ali smiled as he reached out and found out that he could actually touch the little dragon, so he pet its head fondly as he nodded :"nice to meet you, Red Eyes.

But, why did you show up? Did you have something to say, or did you just want to introduce yourself?"

The purring Red Eyes shook his head as it looked at Ali :"no, boss, I actually had something to tell you.

I already know about your origins and how you came here. How all of us came to here. I was specifically made for you, so I'm loyal to you.

I'm like your guardian. But since you asked the omniverse to let you have the powers of a specific multiverse, tell me, do you know what a Ra is?"

<I actually got this idea from another fanfic, I liked it, so I also used it. I have forgotten the name of the fanfic, but credits to you, bro>

Ali raised his perfect sword eyebrow as he shook his head in denial :"no, I don't know. Why do you ask?"

Red Eyes nodded in understanding as it got to explaining :"you see, Ra is a monster card that has bonded with a human.

Once a human's soul is fused with a monster card and has obtained a Ra, he will get stronger physically and spiritually."

Ali had a look of realization as he nodded in understanding :"I see, I see. That's really easy to understand.

So, since that is the way to obtain power in this multiverse, you are telling me to bond with monster cards' spirits and obtain Ras?"

Red Eyes nodded deeply and happily as it smiled :"yes, boss! That's what I'm trying to tell you!

Since you are after power in every multiverse, I wanted to tell you the way to obtain power in this multiverse.

But I have to tell you, it's not as easy as it sounds. If you want to bond with a monster spirit, your own soul has to be strong enough to handle the energy. If not, you won't be able to bond with it and will in fact be harmed."

Ali nodded seriously before it smirked :"so since you aren't that strong, can I bond with you? You came out for this, didn't you?"

Red Eyes once again nodded frantically as it cried out :"yes, boss! I want to bond with you and make you stronger!

When a monster card bonds with someone, they also can have benefits and evolve, that's why I'm more than happy to bond with you!

But I have to tell you something, even though you can bond with as many monster spirits as you want since you have unlimited growth ability, you still have to choose a main Ra.

Basically, a monster card that will represent you as the leader of your army of monster cards. You can even summon your Ra in real world to help you physically!

Even though this is shameless of me, I wanted to ask you to make me your Ra. Even though I am like this, I can actually get stronger in the future along with you once I become your Ra!

<I will use Ra for the main bonded monster spirit>